Sociological and Historical Aspects of Migration Processes in the Russian Village of the 20th – early 21st centuries (a Case of the Tambov Region)

Sociological and Historical Aspects of Migration Processes in the Russian Village of the 20th – early 21st centuries (a Case of the Tambov Region)

Dyachkov V.L.

Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Prof. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russia.

Кanishchev V.V.

Dr. Sci. (History), Prof. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russia.

Okatov A.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Prof., Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russia.

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The study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 18-18-00187).

For citation:

Dyachkov V.L., Кanishchev V.V., Okatov A.V. Sociological and Historical Aspects of Migration Processes in the Russian Village of the 20th – early 21st centuries (a Case of the Tambov Region). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 6. P. 88-100


Using an interdisciplinary approach we analyze the historical sources and sociological surveys data to characterize micromigration processes in rural communities of a typical agrarian Tambov region. The authors investigate facts of irrevocable departure from the countryside as well as return migration, especially of young specialists in the Soviet era as varying manifestations of pendulum movements of both current villagers and their previously migrated relatives. More confirmation of the earlier observation about a significant role in the return to the homeland of the “call of the ancestors” was obtained. Particular attention is paid to the historical and socio-psychological factors of the migrations that took place. We made an attempt to establish the direction and subjective motives of the migration plans of the studied groups of the rural population, which in many ways, according to the authors, are dreams, partly illusory.

historical sociology; rural population; migrations; motives; Tambov region
Content No 6, 2022