30 Years of Economic Reforms in Russia (reflections on the origins and results)

30 Years of Economic Reforms in Russia (reflections on the origins and results)

Grinberg R.S.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Prof., Scientific Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia grinberg@inecon.ru

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For citation:

Grinberg R.S. 30 Years of Economic Reforms in Russia (reflections on the origins and results). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 12. P. 132-138


The socio-economic situation in Russia is one of the most relevant topics in the public discourse not only of our country, but also of the world community as a whole, since Russia’s international importance is too great. Property relations – the basic relations of society – began to take shape in our country in 1992, when Russian reformers began to introduce an economic system based on the sale of natural resources (raw material model). Therefore, the reality in which our country lives today was created in the 1990s. The article presents the author’s reflections on the Russian reformation, inspired by the publication of R. Simonyan’s monograph dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the reforms. Analyzing the results of the reformation, primarily the social structure of society, the article focuses on the central concept of sociology – the activity of social actors, including goals, objectives, means and results. The conclusion is substantiated that in the context of the philosophical law on the increase of the subjective factor in the development of society, the analysis of the activities of Russian reformers becomes particularly relevant.

economic reforms; modernization potential of Russia; reformers’ activity in the 1990s.
Content No 12, 2022