Empirical Study of Traditional Russian Values and Social Practices

Empirical Study of Traditional Russian Values and Social Practices

Borshchevskiy G.A.

Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Prof., Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia borshchevskiy-ga@ranepa.ru

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Borshchevskiy G.A. Empirical Study of Traditional Russian Values and Social Practices. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 3. P. 57-70


In recent years, Russia has seen a turn towards conservative values reflected in the presidential decree on year 2022 about the Fundamentals of state policy for the preservation and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. We assess the level of expression of some “traditional values” in Russian society. Data from federal statistical observation and departmental (including judicial) statistics were used, and secondary data from representative surveys of leading Russian sociological centers from the early 1990s to 2022, as well as individual results of international surveys (for example, World Values Survey). None indicator fully characterizes values, so the consistent dynamics of groups of indicators was assessed. The hypothesis that the values are indeed traditionales partially confirmed, that is, they recorded objectively and strengthen over time. The most positive trends noted in the implementation of the values of life, humanism and mercy. The situation is contradictory with the values of dignity, human rights and freedoms, high moral ideals, the priority of the spiritual over the material, and justice.

traditional values; spiritual and moral values; public opinion


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Content No 3, 2024