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About the Authors
Articles in journal:
Andreenkova A.V.
Bulanova Ì.B.
Danilova E.N.
Deviatko I.F.
Zarubina N.N.
Ivanov D.V.
Ladyzhets N.S.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Sokolov M.M.
Tatarova G.G.
Titarenko L.G.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Shmerlina I.A.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Theoretical Sociology: Past, Present, Future (round table) (¹ 11 2024)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Relationships with Fathers as a Factor for Fatherhood Involvement among Young Fathers in Multi- Child Families (¹ 11 2024)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Dudin I.V.
Identity of Russians as a Consolidation Factor of Russian Society (¹ 11 2024)
Latov Yu.V.
Trends in Changing in Institutional Trust as Social Capital of Russian Society (¹ 11 2024)
Sushko P.E.
Dynamics of Russians’ Ideas about the Civilizational Vector of the Country’s Development (an empirical analysis) (¹ 11 2024)
Nazarbaeva E.A.
Khalina N.V.
Pishnyak A.I.
Persistent Poverty in Russia: a Qualitative Study (¹ 11 2024)
Petukhov R.V .
Institutional Changes and the Dynamics of Trust to Local Authorities in Contemporary Russia (¹ 11 2024)
Congratulations to O.V. Kryshtanovskaya (¹ 11 2024)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Trotsuk I.V.
Babich N.S.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Congratulations to G. G. Tatarova (¹ 11 2024)
Tatarova G.G.
Epikhina Yu.B.
“We Can Teach the Methodology only by Contradiction” (interview with G. G. Tatarova) (¹ 11 2024)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
F. E. Sheregi is 80! (¹ 11 2024)
Sheregi F.E.
Kliucharev G.A.
Applied Sociology: from Practice through Business to Theory (interview with F. E. Sheregi) (¹ 11 2024)
Nefedov S.À.
William Walling on the Situation of the Russian Peasantry in the Early 20th Century (¹ 11 2024)
Burko V.A.
Factory Sociology of the Perm Region (¹ 11 2024)
Meshcheryakova N.N.
Science & Hoax (¹ 11 2024)
Smirnov V.A.
Emotional State as a Factor of Young People Social Well-Being in New Russian Regions (¹ 11 2024)
Merenkov A.V.
Drovneva A.V.
Political Orientations of Today Schoolchildren (the Ñase of Senior Grade high School Students in the Sverdlovsk Region) (¹ 11 2024)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
Regulation of Ethnosocial Processes in the Regions of Russia (¹ 11 2024)
Rogovaya À.V.
Linguistic, Ethnocultural and Religious Processes in the Regions of Russia (¹ 11 2024)
Zhalsanova V.G.
Badaraev D.D.
Sociologists Meeting at Baikal (¹ 11 2024)
O. I. Karpukhin (¹ 11 2024)
Contents (¹ 11 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 11 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2024)
Dudina V.I.
Sociology Meets Epidemiology: Social Contagion Research in Search of Theoretical Basis (¹ 10 2024)
Latypov I.A.
Dautova T.E.
Sociological Concepts of Time in Life- Course Studies (¹ 10 2024)
Kryshtanovskaya O.V.
Lavrov I.A.
Vertical Mobility in Russian Politics (¹ 10 2024)
Shvetsova E.A.
Russian Billionaires on an International Background: Features and Dynamics of the Position (¹ 10 2024)
Pevnaya M.V.
Tarasova A.N.
Young People’s Propensity to Volunteer: a Typology Based on a Regional Study (¹ 10 2024)
Krupets Ya.N.
Epanova Yu.V.
Young Ñraft Entrepreneurs of Saint Petersburg about State Support Measures (¹ 10 2024)
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Role of Peer Review in Raising Quality of Scientific Sociological Knowledge (the case of Sociological Studies) (¹ 10 2024)
Karikh R.D.
The Implications of Open Science Development: Risks of Increasing Inequality in Global Scientific Communication (¹ 10 2024)
Isaev D.P.
Posukhova O.Yu.
“I Definitely Would Not Be Doing Science…”, or Features of the Status Transmission in Scientific Dynasties in Russia (¹ 10 2024)
Shevchenko I.O.
Beletskaya T.V.
Symbolic Capital of a Place as a Constellation of Social Meanings (the ñase of the Êaliningrad region) (¹ 10 2024)
Sorokin P.S.
Afanaseva I.A.
Agency Fields in the Sphere of Art: Actors, Environments of Manifestation, and Formation Factors (¹ 10 2024)
Êaterniy I.V.
Zakieva D.E.
Historical and Phenomenological Dimensions of Construction of Esoteric Reality in Taromance (¹ 10 2024)
Teslenko A.N.
Youth Policy and Work with Youth in Kazakhstan: Official Rhetoric and Everyday Practice (¹ 10 2024)
Maltseva A.P.
Gubina V.V.
Virtual Technologies in Everyday Life of Young People: Fan Fiction Analysis (¹ 10 2024)
Shirokalova G.S.
Ìansurov V.À.
Peculiarities of RSS-2024 Research Project “Family and Students” (¹ 10 2024)
Adiev A.Z.
Institutional, Historical, and Cultural Frameworks of Shaping the All- Russian Identity in the Northern Caucasus. Ed. by V. A. Avksentiev, M. M. Shulga. Rostov-on- Don: YuNC RAN, 2022. Reviewed by A. Z. Adiev (¹ 10 2024)
Zhiqiang Liu
Urban Development in Russia and China: Patterns of Modernization. Ed. by Ed. by M. K. Gorshkov, Li Peilin, P. M. Kozyreva, M. F. Chernysh. Moscow: Novyy Khronograf, 2023. Reviewed by Liu Zhiqiang (¹ 10 2024)
Contents (¹ 10 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 10 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2024)
Ìareeva S.V.
Monetary and Non- Monetary Inequalities in Modern Russian Society: Dynamics of the Recent Decade (¹ 9 2024)
Latova N.V.
Satisfaction of Russians with Different Aspects of Life: Ten- Year Trend Against the Background of Socio- Economic Crises (¹ 9 2024)
Okolskaya L.A.
Emotions of Russians in 2014–2024 (¹ 9 2024)
Popkov Yu.V.
Ànòhropologist Overturn and Challenges for Ethno- Sociology (Invitation to Discussion) (¹ 9 2024)
Ryzhova S.V.
Value Pillars of Russian’ Identity under Conditions of Foreign Challenges (¹ 9 2024)
Kuznetsov I.M.
Dynamics of Changing Profile of Russian Identity in 2021–2023 (the case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) (¹ 9 2024)
Tyurina I.O.
Kliucharev G.A.
The Results of the “5-100 Project”: Projection on the Employment of Graduates (¹ 9 2024)
Cherednichenko G.A.
Engineering Training in the Structure of Higher Education and Professional Choice of Youth (¹ 9 2024)
Xue Ranran
Lukin A.V.
Bocharova A.P.
Developing Stereotype “The Fighting People” of Russians (Discource and Content-Analysis of China Media and On-line “Weibo” Networks (¹ 9 2024)
Balabanova E.S.
Danilova K.I.
Abusive Supervision as a Social Phenomenon: Causes and Coping Strategies (¹ 9 2024)
Gorshkov M.K.
Barash R.E.
Historical Memories of Russians Today (history of the XX century Russia in the optics of families’ stories) (¹ 9 2024)
Chichinina E.A.
Tvardovskaya A.A.
Veraksa A.N.
Active and Passive Screen Time for Children Aged (¹ 9 2024)
Zhegusov Yu.I.
Maximov T.Kh.
Public Perception of Climate Change Impact on Living Conditions in a Cold Region (the case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) (¹ 9 2024)
Zyryanov V.V.
Doctor’s Dissertations in Sociology Successfully Defended in 2023 (¹ 9 2024)
Congratulations to O. V. Aksenova (¹ 9 2024)
Goliusova Yu.V.
Congratulations to Z. T. Golenkova (¹ 9 2024)
Congratulations to A.Yu. Chepurenko (¹ 9 2024)
Temnitskiy A.L.
How to Teach a Sociology Student Good Data Analiysis Using SPSS? (¹ 9 2024)
Books in brief (¹ 9 2024)
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2024)
Contents (¹ 9 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 9 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2024)
Àbramov R.N.
Ìansurov V.À.
Moskovskaya A.A.
Popova I.P.
Startseva N.N.
Yurchenko Î.V.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Sociology of Professions – Situation and Prospects (Round Table) (¹ 8 2024)
Smelova A.A.
Social Studies of Finance as a New Vector for Sociological Research of Modern Society (¹ 8 2024)
Andreeva Ju.V.
Lukyanova E.L.
Labor Biographies of Russian Workers: from Search to Survival (¹ 8 2024)
Mokin K.S.
Evolution of Migration Research: from the USSR to Modern Russia (¹ 8 2024)
Voronina N.S.
Dynamics of Russians’ Attitudes towards Immigrants: Results of the Analysis of European Social Survey Data for 2006–2021 (¹ 8 2024)
Gabaraeva M.R.
”Decolonization“ Discourse in Anti-Russian Telegram Channels Aimed at North Caucasus (A Content Analysis) (¹ 8 2024)
Vasileva O.V.
Patriotism as a Pragmatic and/or Affective Choice (on the materials of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) (¹ 8 2024)
Atanesyan A.V.
Political Sociology in Armenia: Stages of Institutionalization and Priorities (¹ 8 2024)
Danilov À.N.
Belarusian Authors on the Pages of the Journal “Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia” (¹ 8 2024)
S.A. Kravchenko is 75! (¹ 8 2024)
Kravchenko S.A.
Diagnosing the Synergically Complex Risks Through the Content of the Cultural Genotype (¹ 8 2024)
Berezina N.V.
Media Theory and the Future of the Church (¹ 8 2024)
Agafonova D.Yu.
Romashkina G.F.
Social Capital: Trust and Public Participation (case study of Tyumen Region) (¹ 8 2024)
Balakina G.F.
Natsak O.D.
Social Well- Being and Adaptation Practices of the Population of Tuva: Gender Differentiation (¹ 8 2024)
Lyalikova S.V
Nazarova I.B.
Population Social Dynamics and Human Potential (results of the conference) (¹ 8 2024)
Vasina O.V.
Current Issues of Sociology: International Experience (¹ 8 2024)
Yakovenko N.V.
Sadykova Kh.N.
About the Work of III the Demographic Forum (¹ 8 2024)
Tanatova D.K.
Khamatkhanova M.A.
Anniversary International Congress on Problems of Young Family (¹ 8 2024)
Roy O.M.
The Phenomenon of Resentment: Historical Allusion or Harsh Reality? (¹ 8 2024)
Contents (¹ 8 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 8 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2024)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Leafing Through the History of the Journal (¹ 7 2024)
Kliucharev G.A.
SOCIS is 50: Sociology in Search of New Ideas (¹ 7 2024)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Life World as a Basic Concept of the Sociology of Life (¹ 7 2024)
Ivanov D.V.
The Third Integrative Wave in Sociology’s Development. Part II. Theories and Methods for an Augmented Social Reality (¹ 7 2024)
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Task of Sociologists is to Bring Order into Chaos (interview with RAS corresponding member M.F. Chernysh) (¹ 7 2024)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Changes in the Problem and Subject Field of Labor Sociology Against the Backdrop of the Time Challenges (based on publications in the journal “Sociological Studies” over 50 years) (¹ 7 2024)
Titarenko L.G.
Karapetyan R.V.
Changing Values of Work (based on the materials from Russian and foreign publications) (¹ 7 2024)
Òrofimova I.N.
Politics in the Journal “Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya”: between Ideology and Episteme (¹ 7 2024)
Karlova E.N.
Developmental Trends of Military Sociology in Russia (based on the analysis of publications in Sociological Studies for 2014–2023) (¹ 7 2024)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Problems of Education on the Pages of the SOCIS Magazine (¹ 7 2024)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russians of the Near Abroad in the Focus of Russian Sociology: the Evolution of Research Approaches and Angles (1990s – 2020s) (¹ 7 2024)
Belova Yu.Yu.
Zadorin I.V.
Formation of New Health Care Practices: what Sociology [does not] See (¹ 7 2024)
Obraztsov I.V.
Polovnyov A.V.
In Search for a Balance: the Authorship Structure of the Journal “Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya” [Sociological Studies] (2014–2023) (¹ 7 2024)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
Why is Social Life Explicable, but Unpredictable, or How Does Freedom Give Rise to Determinism? (¹ 7 2024)
Ivanov V.N. is 90! (¹ 7 2024)
Information for authors (¹ 7 2024)
Contents (¹ 7 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 7 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2024)
Ivanov D.V.
The Third Integrative Wave in Sociology. Part I: the Relevance of a New Agenda (¹ 6 2024)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Changes in Global and Russian Theoretical Sociology (¹ 6 2024)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
The Formation of a New World Order: Challenges for Russian Social Science (¹ 6 2024)
Chernysh M.F.
Ideology vs Utopia: Old Contradictions and New Conflicts in Modern Societies (¹ 6 2024)
Martianov V.S.
Disenchanting the Western Mainstream (¹ 6 2024)
Popov E.V.
The Regional Dimension of Digital Skills Research (¹ 6 2024)
Savin S.D.
Crisis and Stabilization Dynamics of Mass Consciousness in Russian Society (¹ 6 2024)
Lebedeva-Nesevria N.A.
Sharypova S.Yu.
The (No)Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Everyday Self-Care: Consolidating the Effects (¹ 6 2024)
Belova Yu.Yu.
Alcoholism, Threat to Identity, and Migration Moods (based on materials of an expedition to the Pskov Region) (¹ 6 2024)
Pozdniakova M.E.
Bryuno V.V.
Larina T. I.
Gilinsky Ya.I. is 90 (¹ 6 2024)
Gilinsky Y.I.
Postmodern Deviantology: Problems and Prospects (¹ 6 2024)
Osipov G.V. is 95 (¹ 6 2024)
Shchelkin A.G.
Sociology: Postmodernism and Ontology (¹ 6 2024)
Spirkina A.K.
Sociological Theories of Everyday Life as a Tool for Researching Silence Practices (¹ 6 2024)
Maklashova E.G.
Popkov Yu.V.
Ethnosocial Processes in Siberia and the Far East (¹ 6 2024)
Istomina O.B.
Social Processes in Modern Russian Society (¹ 6 2024)
Kolosova E.A.
Intelligentsia and the Social Contract (¹ 6 2024)
Sukhanova M.A.
III Herzen Readings (¹ 6 2024)
Tanatova D.K.
Khayrullina N.G.
Sociological Readings in the RSSU on the Problems in Russia Family (¹ 6 2024)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
A New Page in the History of Russian Sociology (¹ 6 2024)
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2024)
Rybakovsky L.L. (¹ 6 2024)
Danilov À.N.
Rotman D.G. (¹ 6 2024)
Contents (¹ 6 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 6 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2024)
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Klimova S.G.
Kozina I.Ì.
Popov A.V.
Strebkov D.O.
Temnitskiy A.L.
Labor in a Changing World: Labor Transformations and the Focus of New Research (round table) (¹ 5 2024)
Kozyreva P. M.
Nizamova A.E.
Smirnov A.I.
Work Day Duration Dynamics in the Post-Soviet Era (¹ 5 2024)
Karavay A.V.
Well-Being Employment in Modern Russia: What Is That? (¹ 5 2024)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Labor Relations Differentiation in a Modern High-Tech Enterprise (à case study) (¹ 5 2024)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Subjective Well-Being: the Problem of Analyzing Population Qualitative Heterogeneity (part 2) (¹ 5 2024)
Velikiy P.P.
Farming is an (Un)Rooted Social Group: Problem Statement (¹ 5 2024)
Kiselev I.Yu.
Mikhailova E.V.
Smirnova A.G.
Associative Image of “Life in Retirement” as an Element of Social Conceptualization of the Pension Period by Russians in Working Age (¹ 5 2024)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Ufimceva E.I.
Practices of Religious Participation in the Context of Positive Ageing Project (¹ 5 2024)
Gurko T.A.
Trends and Social Reasons of Living Alone (¹ 5 2024)
Barsukova S.Yu.
Financial Rationality vs Traditions: on Wedding Costs of Medium Income Urban Families in Kazakhstan (¹ 5 2024)
Mitupova S.A.
Turner S.P.
À Life in Social Theory (Interview with Stephen Park Turner) (¹ 5 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
The Problem of Scientific Personnel Certification: Universal Rules and Diversity of Complexities (¹ 5 2024)
Karapetyan R.V.
Labor, Employment, Human Capital: New Challenges and Solutions (¹ 5 2024)
Ànisimov R.I.
Klimova S.G.
The Lifeworld of Labor Workers: Preferences and Institutional Possibilities (¹ 5 2024)
Noskova A.V.
Bikkinina D.D.
Exploring Population Heterogeneities (¹ 5 2024)
Rostovskaya T.K.
The Multigenerational Family as a Strategic Resource for Russia’s National Security (¹ 5 2024)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Šhubrt I., Pîdvoyski D.G. Ñîntemporary Sociological Theories: How not to Go Astray in Conceptual Labyrinths. Ìoscow: VTSIOM, 2024. Reviewed by N.V. Romanovskiy (¹ 5 2024)
Simonova O.A.
Efremenko D.V., Nikolaev V.G. Thinkers of the Windy City. Pragmatist Social Science in Chicago in the First Half of the 20th Century / Ed. By N.E. Pokrovsky. Moscow: INION RAN, 2024. Reviewed by O.A. Simonova (¹ 5 2024)
Contents (¹ 5 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 5 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2024)
Jin Junkai
Veselov Yu.V.
Skvortsov N.G.
Methodology of the Comparative Sociology of Trust (Case Study of Russia and China) (¹ 4 2024)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Subjective Well-Being: the Problem of Analyzing Population Qualitative Heterogeneity (Part 1) (¹ 4 2024)
Shmerlina I.A.
Sobornost as a Non-Sociological Category (¹ 4 2024)
Braslavskiy R.G.
Civilizational Turn and Metatheoretical Reconfiguration in Contemporary Sociology (¹ 4 2024)
Galindabaeva V.V.
Karbainov N.I.
«Economy of Adoption»: Street-Level Bureaucracy VS. Rural Community (¹ 4 2024)
Riazanova S.V.
Limits of Doctrinal Identification of a Religious Group – the Ñase of Two Religious Communities in the Kama Region (¹ 4 2024)
Antonov A.I.
Karpova V.M.
Variation of Reproductive Behavior Lines and Reproductive Cycle Types (¹ 4 2024)
Sinelnikov A.B.
The Relationship of Migration Behavior with Marital Status and the Number of Children in the Family (¹ 4 2024)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Russian-Speaking Migration to Latin America: New Trends (¹ 4 2024)
Levashov V.K.
Citizens of Russia on Hybrid Socio-Political Reality in the Country (¹ 4 2024)
Malinkin A.N.
Values: Can Science Study Them? On the History, Theory and Methodology of the Issue (¹ 4 2024)
Grigoreva E.A.
An Apology for Utopia: Come Back of Utopian Constructions to the Mainstream Sociological Theorizing (¹ 4 2024)
Zhampetova A.O.
Ataay F.
Alkan S.Ya.
Analysis on the Political Values and Preferences of the Student Youth in Kazakhstan (¹ 4 2024)
Lushnikova O.L
Employment in Personal Subsidiary Farm: Ethnic and Regional Features (the case of Khakassia) (¹ 4 2024)
Beliaeva L.À.
Sociocultural Evolution of Russia and its Regions (¹ 4 2024)
Osipova N.G.
Kanevsky P.S.
Classic University Under Modern Challenges (¹ 4 2024)
Rakhmanova Yu.V.
Sociology in the Scientific Works of N.I. Kareev: Coll. of scien. papers for the 170th anniversary of N.I. Kareev. Based on mat. from the conf. of Herzen University / Exec. ed. A.V. Vorontzov: scientif. ed. S.N. Malyavin; ed. G.A.I offe. St. Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, 2022. Reviewed by J.V. Rakhmanova (¹ 4 2024)
Voronov V.V.
Veselov Yu.V., Chernov G.I. St. Petersburg: Gastronomic Portrait. St. Petersburg: Renome, 2020. Reviewed by V.V. Voronov (¹ 4 2024)
Contents (¹ 4 2024)
Malinkin A.N.
N.A. Berdyaev: Strokes to the Portrait of a Social Philosopher (¹ 3 2024)
Kolomiets V. P.
Research Problem as a Key Aspect of Scientific Publications in a Sociological Journal (¹ 3 2024)
Zborovsky G.Å.
The Potential for the Development of Research and Pedagogical Stàff: a Sociological Perspective (¹ 3 2024)
Tsatsura E.A.
Osavolyuk A.A.
Prevalence of Homelessness in Russia: an Assessment Based on a Retrospective Survey (¹ 3 2024)
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Kononenko R.V.
Types of Capital in the Field of “Silver Volunteering” (¹ 3 2024)
Zotov A.A.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2024)
Contents (¹ 3 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 3 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2024)
Chepurenko A. Yu.
Chernysheva M.V.
The Market of Academic Texts in Russia (according to a qualitative survey) (¹ 3 2024)
Borshchevskiy G.A.
Empirical Study of Traditional Russian Values and Social Practices (¹ 3 2024)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Education and Professional Realization (¹ 3 2024)
Levchenko N.V.
Personnel Problems of Modern Higher Education (¹ 3 2024)
Grabelnykh T.I.
Sablina N.A.
New Vectors for the Development of Science and Higher Education in the XXI Century (¹ 3 2024)
Davydov D.A.
In Search of a New Middle Class: a Critical Look at the Concept of the Society of Singularities by Andreas Reckwitz (¹ 3 2024)
Lomonosova M.V.
Bulanova Ì.B.
Vladimir Bekhterev and Pitirim Sorokin – Scientific Alliance in the Name of Sociology (¹ 3 2024)
Yakovenko À.V.
Man and Society – Through the Prism of Artificial Intelligence (¹ 3 2024)
Obraztsov I.V.
Sociological Education in Russia (¹ 3 2024)
Goshin M.E.
Sorokin P.S.
Grigoryev D.S.
The Main Factors of Schoolchildren Agency: Empirical Analysis (¹ 3 2024)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Russian Scientists’ Motivation and Research Performance Issue (¹ 3 2024)
Kravchenko S.A.
The Contours of an Interdisciplinary Concept of the Synergistic Complexities (¹ 2 2024)
Danilova E.N.
Transformations of Western Sociology: Mainstream and Public Agenda (¹ 2 2024)
Kiselev I.Yu.
Mikhailova E.V.
Smirnova A.G.
Russians’ Attitudes Regarding Preparation for Retirement: Its Content and Formation Factors (¹ 2 2024)
Antipina O.N.
Krivitskaya A.D.
Trust as a Determinant of Subjective Well-Being in Russia (¹ 2 2024)
Zotova M.V.
Zinovyev A.S.
Subjective Well-Being and Standard of Living in the Kaliningrad Region (¹ 2 2024)
Semenov A.V.
Snarski Ya.A.
Tkacheva T. Yu.
Temporal and Cross-Regional Variance in Environmental Protest Activity of Russians (2007–2021) (¹ 2 2024)
Basaeva E.K.
Kamenetsky E.S.
Kagramanyan D.G.
Relationship of Protest Activity with the Social Tension Dynamics in the South-East Asian Countries (¹ 2 2024)
Noskova A.V.
Goloukhova D.V.
Kuzmina E.I.
Status Positions and Scientific Capital in Russian Science (¹ 2 2024)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Sociological Theory in the Ural Region: History and Modernity (¹ 2 2024)
Davydov D.A.
The Impossibility of Socialism: Part 2. The New Individualism (¹ 2 2024)
Li Menglong
Han Muyan
Abdyrahmanova Humay
The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Disscussions in China’s Internet Space (¹ 2 2024)
Kazberov P.N.
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Persons Convicted for Terrorist Crimes (¹ 2 2024)
Shchelkin A.G.
Change of Generations: Essence and Reality (Ontological Point of View) (¹ 2 2024)
Popkov Yu.V.
55 Years of Siberian Ethnosociology (¹ 2 2024)
Eflova M.Yu.
Maksimova O.A.
Congress of Socio-Political Researchers of the Turkic World (¹ 2 2024)
Rogovaya À.V.
Russia and the Asia-Pacific Countries: Interaction Problems (¹ 2 2024)
Peshkova V.M.
About the Future the Eurasian Migration System (¹ 2 2024)
Snegur M.R.
Sociology of Health and Sports: the Experience of Eurasia (¹ 2 2024)
Narbut N.P. is 75! (¹ 2 2024)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges? (¹ 2 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 2 2024)
Sokolov M.M.
Firsov B.M. (¹ 2 2024)
Contents (¹ 2 2024)
New books on social sciences (¹ 2 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2024)
Kliucharev G.A.
To our readers (¹ 1 2024)
Shmerlina I.A.
Artificial Sociality in the Light of Old and New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches (¹ 1 2024)
Go J.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Thinking Against Empire: Anticolonial Thought as Social Theory (¹ 1 2024)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Alòs i Font H.
On the Question of Fixing the National-Language Composition of the Population in the All-Russian Population Census 2020–2021 (¹ 1 2024)
Neustroeva A.B.
Barashkova A.S.
Intraregional Migration in Yakutia: Causes and Strategies of Population Behavior (¹ 1 2024)
Voronina N.S.
Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Attitudes of Russians: Research Results 1995–2023 (¹ 1 2024)
Vasileva O.V.
Social Well-Being and Ethnicity in the Context of Urbanization Processes among the Yakuts (¹ 1 2024)
Ànisimov R.I.
Dynamics of Employment in Russia (2018 – mid-2023) (¹ 1 2024)
Korshunov I.A.
Shirkova N.N.
Sorokin P.S.
Employers’ Request for Employee Independence: Analysis of Vacancies on Recruiting Sites (¹ 1 2024)
Popov D.S.
Strelnikova A.V.
Intergenerational Differences in Skills: Human Capital Shift in Contemporary Russia (¹ 1 2024)
Lukina A.A.
Maltseva V.A.
Rozenfeld N.Ya.
Subjective Social Mobility of University Graduates Through the Lenses of their Educational Trajectories (¹ 1 2024)
Davydov D.A.
The Impossibility of Socialism: Part 1. Class Kaleidoscope (¹ 1 2024)
Klupt M.A.
Dynamics of Ideals in Contemporary Russia: à System Analysis (¹ 1 2024)
Romanovskiy N.V.
XXV Kharchev Readings (¹ 1 2024)
Ivchenkova M.S.
Social Changes and Stability in the Subject Field of Sociology (¹ 1 2024)
Smirnova A.S.
Theory and Practice of the Digital Inequality Studies (¹ 1 2024)
Volkov Yu.G.
Youth of Russian Regions (¹ 1 2024)
Filonenko V.I.
Ìagranov À.S.
Concerning the Social Well-Being of Students in Modern Russia (¹ 1 2024)
Grigoreva E.A.
Actual Sociological Theory Problems (¹ 1 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 1 2024)
Doktorov B.
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N. (¹ 1 2024)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2024)
Contents (¹ 1 2024)
Best publications 2023 (¹ 1 2024)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2024)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Request for Global Dialogue (Notes From the XX World Sociological Association Congress) (¹ 12 2023)
Pleyers G.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Global Sociology as a Renewed Global Dialogue (¹ 12 2023)
Dezhina I.G.
Nefedova A.I.
The Impact of Sanctions on Highly Productive Russian Scientists (¹ 12 2023)
Popova I.P.
Scientific Schools in the Views of Scientists (¹ 12 2023)
Magun V.S.
The Evolution of Basic Human Values of the Russians, 2006–2021 (¹ 12 2023)
Sushko P.E.
Dynamics of Indicators of Subjective Social Well-being of Russians (2003–2023) (¹ 12 2023)
Gurko T.A.
Family Factors of Reproductive Behavior (¹ 12 2023)
Shvetsova A.V.
Scenarios of Young Mothers’ Re-Socialisation in Russia (¹ 12 2023)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Socio-Demographic Differentiation of Fertility in Russia (¹ 12 2023)
Savchenko I.A.
The Policewoman Image in the Perception of the Internal Affairs Ministry Universities‘ Cadets in Russia (¹ 12 2023)
Omel’chenko E.L.
Imaginary Horizons of the Future. Life Orientations and Migration Plans of the Youth of the North-West Region of Russia (¹ 12 2023)
Chernysheva N.S.
Andreeva A.S.
Kuziner E.N.
Rethinking Local Identities in the Russian North: Youth Seeking Purity (¹ 12 2023)
Levashov V.K. is 75 (¹ 12 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Russian Sociologists on the 20th ISA Congress: Reflexing a Discussion (¹ 12 2023)
Dudina V.I.
How Health Activism is Changing Society (¹ 12 2023)
Popov A.V.
Discussing Mechanisms of Social Protection at the ISA Congress (¹ 12 2023)
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2023)
2023 index (¹ 12 2023)
Contents (¹ 12 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 12 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2023)
Titarenko L.G.
National Sociological Heritage: Clarifying Evaluative Optics (¹ 11 2023)
Zarubina N.N.
Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness (¹ 11 2023)
Gloveli G.D.
A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the ”Klass für Sich“ Problem (¹ 11 2023)
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Khodykin A.V
Russians’ Perception of the Conflict with Ukraine: Testing the “Spiral of Silence” Hypothesis (¹ 11 2023)
Popov E.V.
Features of Digital Literacy Measurement in Russia (¹ 11 2023)
Congratulations to N.E. Tikhonova (¹ 11 2023)
Ìareeva S.V.
Tikhonova’s School (from the Experience of Included Observation) (¹ 11 2023)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Savings Activity of Russians: Dynamics and Factors (¹ 11 2023)
Dobryakova M.S.
Yurchenko Î.V.
Agency and Autonomy as a Learning Outcome: Distinguishing the Notions (¹ 11 2023)
Gavriliuk Ò.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Pogodaeva T.V.
Typological Groups of First-Year Students by Educational Strategies in Conditions of Individual Learning Trajectories (¹ 11 2023)
Låvichåvà V.F.
Dimans S.L.
Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology (¹ 11 2023)
Levashov V.K.
Grebnyak O.V.
Russian Citizens on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Social Optimism (¹ 11 2023)
Poghosyan G.A.
Poghosyan R.M.
Socio-Cultural Identification of Modern Armenians (¹ 11 2023)
Poluekhtova I.A.
Media Consumption by Different Age Groups (¹ 11 2023)
Sizova I.L.
Outlook for Reproducing Scholarly and Teaching Personnel in Universities of Russia (¹ 11 2023)
Shirokalova G.S.
Savchenko I.A.
Urban Research in the Focus of Socio-Humanitarian Analytics (¹ 11 2023)
Lyalikova S.V
Nazarova I.B.
Population Social Dynamics and Human Potential (¹ 11 2023)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Historical Consciousness of Russians – a Book and its Problematic Field (¹ 11 2023)
Doktorov B.
Not a Renewal, but a Second Birth (¹ 11 2023)
Fatenkov A.N.
Modern Capitalism from the Perspective of Critical Theory of Society (¹ 11 2023)
Buzgalin A.V. (¹ 11 2023)
Buzgalin A.V.
After the “End of History”: Progressive Alternatives to the Refeudalization and “Techno-Socialism” (¹ 11 2023)
Kondrashov P.N. (¹ 11 2023)
Contents (¹ 11 2023)
Ignatyev V.I.
The Perspective of Postsocial Transit: Metamorphosis of Actions and Structures (¹ 10 2023)
Êaterniy I.V.
Development of the Theory of Crisis in Sociology: Evolving Ideas and Modernity (¹ 10 2023)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability (¹ 10 2023)
Lisitsyn P.P.
Stepanov A.M.
Orlova N.A.
Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories (¹ 10 2023)
Loginova L.V.
Shcheblanova V.V.
Migration of the Population in the Border Region: Status and Trends (the Case of the Saratov Region) (¹ 10 2023)
Byuraeva Yu.G.
Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges (¹ 10 2023)
Belopashentseva P.V.
Official and Subjective Poverty in Russia: the Impact of 2020–2021 Events (¹ 10 2023)
Kolennikova N.D.
Images of ”Russia of the Future“ in the Representations of Its Citizens (¹ 10 2023)
Lyalikova S.V
Nazarova I.B.
Karpova V.M.
Features of Elderly People Perception in Russian Society (¹ 10 2023)
Braslavskiy R.G.
Êozlovskiy V.V.
Civilizational Turn in the Contemporary Sociology: the Contribution of S.N. Eisenstadt (¹ 10 2023)
Lebedintseva L.A.
Deriugin P.P.
Liu Juan
Professor S.M. Shirokogoroff: Russian Origins of Chinese Sociology (¹ 10 2023)
Klimenko L.V.
Vereshchagina A.V.
Women’s Activity in the Public Sphere: Dynamics of Ethnogender Attitudes in the South of Russia (¹ 10 2023)
Balakina G.F.
Kharunova M.M.-B.
Todzha Tuvans in Contemporary Situation (¹ 10 2023)
Trufanov A.Yu.
Samsonov A.I.
Lubyanoy M.S.
Russian Region in the Conditions of Crisis (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region) (¹ 10 2023)
Badaraev D.D.
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Cross-Border Area of the East of Russia in the Modernization Processes (¹ 10 2023)
Grabelnykh T.I.
Sablina N.A.
Zyryanov V.V.
Development of Expert Institutions in a Changing World (¹ 10 2023)
Titarenko L.G.
On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization (¹ 10 2023)
Nosenko-Stein E.E.
Vladimir Ze’ev Khanin. From Russia to Israel – and Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora. Potsdam: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022. Reviewed by E.E. Nosenko-Stein (¹ 10 2023)
Sizova I.L.
Tukumtsev B.G. Selected works: Collection of Articles. Ed. by V. Yu. Bocharov. Samara: Samarskii un-t, 2023. Reviewed by I.L. Sizova (¹ 10 2023)
Contents (¹ 10 2023)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Theoretical Understanding of Social Reality: the 25th Anniversary of Kharchev Readings (¹ 9 2023)
Deviatko I.F.
AI Value Alignment and Sociology of Morality (¹ 9 2023)
Mersiyanova I.V
Briukhno A.S.
Russian Citizens’ Social Mood, its Structure and Influence on Helping Behaviour (¹ 9 2023)
Kolesnik N.V.
Economic Elite of Crimea after 2014 (¹ 9 2023)
Cherednichenko G.A.
Changes in Youth After-school Trajectories: Social Differentiation (¹ 9 2023)
Didkovskaya Ya.V.
Trynov D.V.
Chistyakov P.A.
Students’ Professional Strategies in the Context of the Image of the Social Future (¹ 9 2023)
Zyryanov V.V.
Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012–2022 in Russia: Topics, Trends, Issues (¹ 9 2023)
Zyryanov V.V.
Doctor’s Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012–2022 (¹ 9 2023)
Zborovsky G.E. is 85 (¹ 9 2023)
Doktorov B.
“Throughout My Life in Sociology, I Carried an Interest and Love For It” (interview with G.E. Zborovsky) (¹ 9 2023)
Antonov A.I.
Sinelnikov A.B. is 70 (¹ 9 2023)
Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova (¹ 9 2023)
Davydov D.A.
Techno(Crato)Socialism: a Critical Look at the Ideas of B. King and R. Petty (¹ 9 2023)
Kliucharev G.A.
Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution (¹ 9 2023)
Latov Yu.V.
Is “Technosocialism” Socialism? (¹ 9 2023)
Mukomel V.I.
Shchegolkova E.Yu.
Drobizheva Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions (¹ 9 2023)
Eflova M.Yu.
Maksimova O.A.
VI Kazan Sociological Readings (¹ 9 2023)
Kolomiets V. P.
Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations (¹ 9 2023)
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2023)
Krasin Yu.A. (¹ 9 2023)
Danilov À.N.
Shavel S.A. (¹ 9 2023)
Contents (¹ 9 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 9 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2023)
Cherednichenko G.A.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity (¹ 8 2023)
Konstantinovskiy D.L.
The Window Opened by Shubkin: Youth in Education and the Labor Market (¹ 8 2023)
Astafyev Ya.U.
Vladimir Shubkin as Researcher of Catastrophic Consciousness (¹ 8 2023)
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Guruleva M.N.
Motivation Trap on Russian Labour Market (¹ 8 2023)
Popov A.V.
Soloveva T.S.
Employment Prospects for the Population of Russia Along the Center-Periphery Axis (the Case of Vologda Region) (¹ 8 2023)
Lebedev S.D.
Blagoevich M.
Shapovalova L.V.
Revitalization of Religion: Toward an Understanding of the Perspectives of the Modern Religious Situation (¹ 8 2023)
Burova Y.Y.
Jamanbalaeva Sh.E.
Religious Situation in Modern Kazakhstan (à sociological reconstruction) (¹ 8 2023)
Dorofeeva Z.Y.
Kozyreva P. M.
Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives (¹ 8 2023)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
“Unwanted” Children? Values of Parenting, Rights of Fathers and Mothers in Sociocultural Attitudes of the Russians (¹ 8 2023)
Guo Lijun
Xu Jiaqi
Chen Peijun
Russian Media Reacts and Assesses the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (¹ 8 2023)
Shmerlina I.A.
“Social Form” in the Context of S.L. Frank’s Social Philosophy (¹ 8 2023)
Golovin N.A.
World Outlook and General Scientific Prerequisites of the Logico-Meaningful Method of Pitirim Sorokin’s “Dynamics”: a Reconstruction (¹ 8 2023)
Mond D.L.
Trust as a Private Good in the Context of Social Capita (¹ 8 2023)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Reproducing Intellectual Labor Specialists: Institutional Imbalances and Gaps (¹ 8 2023)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Humans in the Information Society: Continuation of the Discourse (¹ 8 2023)
Istomina O.B.
Social Processes in Modern Russian Society (¹ 8 2023)
Neklyudova N.P.
Pyshmintseva O.A.
About the XIV Ural Demographic Forum (¹ 8 2023)
Congratulations to V.V. Gavrilyuk (¹ 8 2023)
Congratulations to I.V. Zuravleva (¹ 8 2023)
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Dobrynina M.I.
Osinsky I.I. is 90! (¹ 8 2023)
Vershinina I.A.
Touraine A. (¹ 8 2023)
Contents (¹ 8 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 8 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2023)
Turner S.P.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Progress in sociology? (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky) (¹ 7 2023)
Endryushko A.A
Marriage Choice of Immigrants in Russia: Main Characteristics and Relationship with Integration (¹ 7 2023)
Argunova E.V
Dynamics of Reproductive Attitudes of Adult Fertile Women in St. Petersburg (2011–2021) (¹ 7 2023)
Smoleva E.O.
Socio-psychological state of the Vologda region population in crisis periods: socio-structural characteristics (¹ 7 2023)
Plutov L.E.
Rusakova M.M.
Guzeva D.V.
Digitalization of Psychological Help: Factors and Trends (the case of St. Petersburg) (¹ 7 2023)
Savinskaya O.B.
Development Vectors of Interviewing Children: Inclusion, Trust, Agency (¹ 7 2023)
Besschetnova O.V.
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
The Social Role Mastering of the Patient during Childhood (¹ 7 2023)
Spirkina A.K.
”Silence Game” as a Form of Social Interaction (¹ 7 2023)
Nartova N.A.
Individual and Generational Futures in the Urban Youth Narratives in St. Petersburg (¹ 7 2023)
Andreeva A.S.
Three Dimensions of Adulthood: Freedom, Responsibility, and Care (¹ 7 2023)
Riazanova S.V.
Mitrofanova A.V.
Corrective Labor Colony ‘Perm-36’ in the Memory of Neighbouring Villages Residents (¹ 7 2023)
Ren Ran
“Fighting Nation” – National Image of Russia in China (¹ 7 2023)
Vassalatiy Zh.V.
Verkhoturova S.V.
Losev S.G.
Legal Consciousness of Youth Students (on the example of the Tyumen city) (¹ 7 2023)
Sekicki-Pavlenko O.O.
Russians’ Assessment of Demographic Policy Measures in the Field of Fertility (¹ 7 2023)
Karapetyan R.V.
Tarando E.E.
From the Labor Market to the Employment Market: a New Reality (¹ 7 2023)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Klimova S.G.
Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Employeesin Modern Conditions (¹ 7 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Universal Basic Income as a Tool to Combat Inequality in Modern Russia (¹ 7 2023)
Pronina E.I.
Education and Labor Market (¹ 7 2023)
Tanatova D.K.
Khayrullina N.G.
XXVIII Sociological Readings in RSSU (¹ 7 2023)
Razumov A.A.
Living Standards and Quality of Life of Population in Russia: the New Turns of Scientific Research (¹ 7 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 7 2023)
A.E. Krukhmalev (¹ 7 2023)
Contents (¹ 7 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 7 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2023)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Social Contract as a Noumenon: The Experience of Sociological Understanding (¹ 6 2023)
Ivanov D.V.
Asochakov Yu.V.
Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society (¹ 6 2023)
Ìareeva S.V.
Karavay A.V.
Slobodenyk E.D.
Perceptions of Inequality as a Factor of Investments in Human Capital (an empirical analysis) (¹ 6 2023)
Salmina A.A.
Differentiation in Russians’ Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics (¹ 6 2023)
Almakaeva A.M.
Nastina E.A.
Basic Human Values and Practics of Social Participation in Russia (¹ 6 2023)
Ivanova E.Yu.
Wives of Diplomats: Career Opportunities in a Situation of Professional Family Interaction (¹ 6 2023)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Sociological Monitoring of the External Policy Orientations of Ukrainian Society in the 2000–2020s (¹ 6 2023)
Kurganskaya V.D.
Dunaev V.Yu.
Sagikyzy A.
Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society (¹ 6 2023)
Mokin K.S.
Baryshnaya N.A.
Territorial Identity: Structure, Boundaries, Reproduction (¹ 6 2023)
Atanesyan A.V.
“Relocated Russians” in Armenian Youth Perceptions (¹ 6 2023)
Eflova M.Yu.
Maksimova O.A.
Ozerova K.A.
Value Orientations and Practices of Social Activity of Nonresident Students in Kazan and St. Petersburg (¹ 6 2023)
Simonyan R.Kh.
On the Regional Consciousness of the Russian-Chinese Border Region Students (¹ 6 2023)
Danilov À.N.
Applied Sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belorusian Soviet Socialist Republic (¹ 6 2023)
Li Jianhui
Generational Specifics of Values Socialization Among Russian and Chinese Youth (¹ 6 2023)
Adiev A.Z.
Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev (¹ 6 2023)
Istomina O.B.
Osinsky I.I., Tenzin B.M.-Kh. The Intelligentsia of Tuva at the Turn of the 21st Century. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2023. Reviewed by O.B. Istomina (¹ 6 2023)
Mikhaylova O.R.
The Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis in Social Sciences: textbook / Ed. by E.V. Polukhina. Moscow: ID VSHE, 2023. 383 p. Reviewed by O.R. Mikhaylova (¹ 6 2023)
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2023)
Latov Yu.V.
R.M. Nureev (¹ 6 2023)
Contents (¹ 6 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 6 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2023)
Gofman A.Â.
Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II (¹ 5 2023)
Titarenko L.G.
Russian Sociology in Search of Responces for Theoretical Challenges (¹ 5 2023)
Myagkov A.Yu.
How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquå) (¹ 5 2023)
Yashina M.N.
Zharikova A.V.
Communication with Teenagers in Interviews on Sensitive Topics (¹ 5 2023)
Pasovets Yu.M.
Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology (¹ 5 2023)
Farukshin M.Kh.
Functional Features of Languages in Ethnofederations: a Comparative Analysis (¹ 5 2023)
Barsukova S.Yu.
Attitude of Students from Central Asia (Studying in Moscow) to the Traditional Wedding (¹ 5 2023)
Ustyzhanin V.V.
Zinkina Ju.V.
Korotayev A.V.
Dangerous Youth: why Do Political Uprisings Take an Unarmed Form? (¹ 5 2023)
Reutov Å.V.
Reutova M.N.
Shavyrina I.V.
Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia) (¹ 5 2023)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Specifics of Students’ Consciousness in the Borderlands of Russia and Ukraine (Case of Belgorod and Kharkiv Universities) (¹ 5 2023)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Sociology in Search for Identity (inteview with N.V. Romanovskiy) (¹ 5 2023)
Buzgalin A.V.
After the «End of History»: Conservative Neoliberalism and Refeodalization? (¹ 5 2023)
Chirkova A.V.
A Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization (¹ 5 2023)
Akimov A.M.
About Some Social Characteristics of Chronic Stress of Shift Workers in the Arctic Conditions (¹ 5 2023)
Frolova E.V.
Rogach O.V
Social Well-Being of Russians in the Spring of 2022 (¹ 5 2023)
Obraztsov I.V.
War in the Subject Field of Modern Foreign Sociology (¹ 5 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 5 2023)
Contents (¹ 5 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 5 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2023)
Gofman A.Â.
Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I. (¹ 4 2023)
Turner S.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Epistemic Justice for the Dead (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky) (¹ 4 2023)
Myagkov A.Yu.
Nonrandomized Techniques for Sensitive Surveys: Comparative Analyses (¹ 4 2023)
Smirnov A.V.
Russian Sociology in the Context of Society Digitalization: Results of a Corpus Analysis of Scientific Texts (¹ 4 2023)
Shustov A.V.
Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia (¹ 4 2023)
Osadchaya G.I.
Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow Agglomeration: Assessment of Migration Experience (¹ 4 2023)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Social Acceptability of Objective and Subjective Reasons for Divorce in Modern Russia (¹ 4 2023)
Kliucharev G.A.
Tyurina I.O.
Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts (¹ 4 2023)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
Work-Related Learning Practices of University Graduates: Scope and Determinants (¹ 4 2023)
Àbramov R.N.
Russian science fiction in the Genre of Alternative History as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness: Sociological Approaches (¹ 4 2023)
Latov Yu.V.
Paradoxes of the Russian Popadanets` Science Fiction (¹ 4 2023)
Li Qin
Babich N.S.
Attitudes Towards Russia and the USA in the Public Opinion of Modern China (¹ 4 2023)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like Among His/Her Constructs? (¹ 4 2023)
Valiakhmetov R.M.
Bocharov V.Yu.
The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia (¹ 4 2023)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
XVI Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University (¹ 4 2023)
Rostovskaya T.K.
Men in Modern Russian Society (¹ 4 2023)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
What Sociologists Talked at the XXIII Ural Sociological Readings (¹ 4 2023)
Êaterniy I.V.
Realism and “Formal” Sociology: a New Reassembly of the Social (reflecting on a book of I.A. Shmerlina) (¹ 4 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2023)
K.I. Isaev (¹ 4 2023)
Contents (¹ 4 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 4 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 4 2023)
Zborovsky G.Å.
L.N. Kogan and Russian Sociology (to the 100th Anniversary of His Birth) (¹ 3 2023)
Vishnevsky Yu. R.
What Would an Interview about the Sociology of Culture with the Teacher Look Like (¹ 3 2023)
Pavlov B.S.
On the History of Empirical Research of Young Workers in the Urals (¹ 3 2023)
Li Qin
Babich N.S.
Reability of Public Opinion Polls in China (¹ 3 2023)
Pupysheva I.N.
Zakharova O.V.
Kuznetsova N.V.
Varieties of the Discourse about Collection and Processing of Recyclable Materials: Between Pursuit of Gain and Saving the World (¹ 3 2023)
Ilyin V.I.
“Human Resources” as a Category of Qualitative Sociology (¹ 3 2023)
Kondrashov P.N.
Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect (¹ 3 2023)
Îstrovskaya Å.À.
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Vasilieva S.V.
Mediated Orthodoxy: Mission in China (¹ 3 2023)
Andreenkova A.V.
Medvedeva A.A.
Structure and Content of Information Campaign on Television During First Wave of Pandemic of COVID‑19 in Russia (¹ 3 2023)
Delanty G.
Romanovskiy N.V.
G. Sociology (translated by N.V. Romanovsky) (¹ 3 2023)
Sorokin P.S.
The Problem of “Agency” Through the Prism of a New Reality: Conditions and Perspectives (¹ 3 2023)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like among His Constructs? (Part 1) (¹ 3 2023)
Danilov À.N.
Congratulations to L.G. Titarenko! (¹ 3 2023)
Yu.R. Vishnevsky is 85! (¹ 3 2023)
Lushnikova O.L
Labor Behavior of Population from Remote Countryside of Khakassia (¹ 3 2023)
Romanovich N.À.
Youth and Marriage: a Transformation of Values (¹ 3 2023)
Simakova A.V.
Pakhomov S.I.
Gurtov V.A.
Fellow Degree: Motives for Thesis Defence and Professional Occupation (¹ 3 2023)
Asochakov Yu.V.
Sociology in the Post-Global World: Problems and Prospects (¹ 3 2023)
Beliaeva L.À.
Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities (¹ 3 2023)
Grabelnykh T.I.
Sablina N.A.
Zyryanov V.V.
Threats as a Social Phenomenon in the XXI Century (¹ 3 2023)
Istomina O.B.
Osinsky I.I. Intelligentsia of Tuva. XX Century. Formation, Development, Activity. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2022. Reviewed by O.B. Istomina (¹ 3 2023)
Ambarova P.A.
Titarenko L.G. Sociology of Public Opinion. Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. Reviewed by P.A. Ambarova (¹ 3 2023)
Govorova A.D.
Manshin R.V.
Pismennaya E.E.
Books in brief (¹ 3 2023)
Govorova A.D.
Popova I.P.
Zotov A.A.
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2023)
Seidumanov S.T.
Shaukenova Z.Ê.
A.N. Nysanbaev (¹ 3 2023)
Contents (¹ 3 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 3 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2023)
Chirikova A.E.
Ledyaev V.G.
Small Russian Town: Practices of Interaction between Municipal Autyorities and Business (¹ 2 2023)
Balabanova E.S.
Portnyagina A.A.
Favoritism in Russian Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences (¹ 2 2023)
Ìaykova E.Yu.
Simonova E.V.
Relationship of Trust in Local Self-Government and Participation in Self-Governing Practices (by example of the Tver Region) (¹ 2 2023)
Novokreshchenov A.V.
Local Government Reform: Processes, Problems, Paradoxes (¹ 2 2023)
Kravchenko S.A.
Geopolitical Challenges and Russian Sociology (¹ 2 2023)
Danilov À.N.
The Programming Role of Culture in the Theory of Social Evolution (¹ 2 2023)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Language Landscape of a Russian City: Socio-Humanitarian Approaches to its Study (¹ 2 2023)
Kisilenko A.V.
Shapovalova I.S.
Designing the Course of Life or How Do Youth See Their Future? (¹ 2 2023)
Shashkova Y.Y.
Aseev S.Y.
Migratory Emotions and Political Attitudes of Siberian and Far Eastern Students: Correlational Problem (¹ 2 2023)
Manuilskaya K.M.
Solodovnikova O.B.
Malkova E.E.
Subjective Well-Being of Russians: the Risks of Preretirement Age (¹ 2 2023)
Êienko Ò.S.
Older People and the Pandemic: Social Exclusion, Heterogeneity of the Groups of Seniors and Intersectionality of age Inequalities (¹ 2 2023)
Davydov D.A.
Marxism Captived to Intersectionality (¹ 2 2023)
Dadaeva T.M.
Shumkova N.V
Factors of Students Involvement in Destructive Practices in Real and Digital Spase (¹ 2 2023)
Tyurikov A.G.
Gryzenkova J.V
Kunizheva D.A.
Financial Culture of Student Youth as a Predictor of Economic Behavior (¹ 2 2023)
Adamyants T.Z.
Social Communication in Modern Russian Society (¹ 2 2023)
Skobelina N.A.
The Vector of an Interdisciplinary Platform of Social Work in Modern Russia (¹ 2 2023)
Skvortsov N.G.
The Journal is a Platform for Discussing New Ideas, Approaches, Data (¹ 2 2023)
Identity Problems in Modern Kyrgyzstan (¹ 2 2023)
Romanovsky N.V. is 85! (¹ 2 2023)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Does Precarity of Employment Affect all Spheres of Life? (¹ 2 2023)
Àbramov R.N.
Strebkov D.O., Shevchuk A.V. What do We Know about Freelancers? Sociology of Free Employment. Moscow: VSHE, 2022. Reviewed by R.N. Abramov (¹ 2 2023)
Shirokalova G.S.
Kozyrkov V.P., Pridatchenko M.V., Shalyutina N.V. Sociology of Culture in a Digital Society: a textbook. Ed. by V.P. Kozyrkov. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2021. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova (¹ 2 2023)
S. Clarke (¹ 2 2023)
Contents (¹ 2 2023)
New books on social sciences (¹ 2 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2023)
Kliucharev G.A.
Editorial: to our readers (¹ 1 2023)
Beliaeva L.À.
Nikolai Lapin: Researcher and Science Promoter (¹ 1 2023)
Shmerlina I.A.
The Russian Subjective School as an Alternative Mode of Social Reflection (¹ 1 2023)
Denisenko M.B.
Mukomel V.I.
Foreign Workers in Russia: Employers’ Opinions (¹ 1 2023)
Grigorichev K.V.
The Features of Population Reproduction in the Suburbanized Zone (the Case of the Irkutsk Agglomeration) (¹ 1 2023)
Poghosyan G.A.
Osadchaya G.I.
Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Integration vs Repatriation (¹ 1 2023)
Barkhatova L.A.
From Virtual to Digital Research: Methodological Promises and Limitations of Approaches (¹ 1 2023)
Doroshenko S.V.
Sanaeva O.V.
The Influence of the Population’s Lending on the Level of Suicide in the Russia Regions (¹ 1 2023)
Belova Yu.Yu.
Sober Lifeway: Motives, Roles and Practices (¹ 1 2023)
Ileuova G.T.
Simakova O.A.
Social Sentiment and Protest Moods of Kazakhstani People on the Eve of the January 2022 Rallies (¹ 1 2023)
Àbdiraiymova G.S.
Verevkin A.V
Lifanova T.Y.
Evaluation of Social Well-Being of Kazakhstan’s Students (¹ 1 2023)
Golovin N.A.
P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald: Collaboration in the Journal “Sociologus”: Toward the Publication of Business Correspondence and Journal Reviews (¹ 1 2023)
Golovin N.A.
Selected Business Correspondence of Sociologists P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald (1928–1954) (¹ 1 2023)
Sorokin P.A.
Some of the New Works in the Field of “Philosophical” and “Empirical-Inductive” Sociology: Consolidated Review (¹ 1 2023)
Sorokin P.A.
Otmar Spann. Crisis in Political Economy (Supplemented Report): a Review (¹ 1 2023)
Sorokin P.A.
Theodor Geiger. Images of Comradeship. Knowledge and Influence: a Review (¹ 1 2023)
Sorokin P.A.
Issues of General and Social Psychoneurology / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Labor and the Nervous System / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Conditioned Reflexes / Ed. G.V. Vollbort: A Consolidated Review (¹ 1 2023)
Sorokin P.A.
A Handbook for Sociology (Ed. by A. Fierkandt et al.): a Review (¹ 1 2023)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The New Social Reality (On the XXIV A. Kharchev' Readings) (¹ 1 2023)
Afanasyev A.V.
To the 100th Anniversary of Academician V.G. Afanasyev (¹ 1 2023)
Kolennikova N.D.
Russian Society in the Period of Global Turbulence: Key Challenges and Opportunities (¹ 1 2023)
Smirnova A.S.
About the Problems of Digital Inequality During the Pandemic (¹ 1 2023)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Sivoplyasova S.Yu.*
XI Valentey Readings in Demography (¹ 1 2023)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Tartygasheva G.V.
What is Really Going on in the Field of Culture? (¹ 1 2023)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 1 2023)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2023)
Contents (¹ 1 2023)
Best publications 2022 (¹ 1 2023)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2023)
Chernysh M.F.
The Cultural Turn and the Crisis of Problematization in Modern Sociology (¹ 12 2022)
Radaev V.V.
Platform Expansion as a Challenge to the Sociology (¹ 12 2022)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
The Evolution of Russian People’s Social Wellbeing During the Post-Soviet Era: from Collapse to Contrasting Stability (1994–2021) (¹ 12 2022)
Moskovskaya A.A.
Popova I.P.
Social Entrepreneurship in Russia: Lessons from Selective Empirical Studies (2008–2021) (¹ 12 2022)
Kolennikova N.D.
Slobodenyk E.D.
Impact of the Coronacrisis on the Situation of Different Population Stratà (¹ 12 2022)
Kryshtanovskaya O.V.
Lavrov I.A.
Political Parties in Search of the Youth (¹ 12 2022)
Nedyak I.L.
Pavlova T.V.
Patrushev S.V.
The Miners‘ and Metallurgical Workers Union of Russia: Political, Legal, and Civic Aspects of the Activity (¹ 12 2022)
Atanesyan A.V.
Mkrtichyan A.E.
Armenia between Russia and the West: Foreign Political Priorities in Public Opinion (¹ 12 2022)
Êozlova L.À.
On the Methodology of Historiographies in the History of Sociology (¹ 12 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
Bukharin‘s Sociology Thinking (¹ 12 2022)
Nioradze G.V
On Issue of the Relationship of Sharing Economy and Precarization (¹ 12 2022)
Grinberg R.S.
30 Years of Economic Reforms in Russia (reflections on the origins and results) (¹ 12 2022)
Levashov V.K.
Novozhenina O.P.
Hybrid Socio-Political Reality: Essence, Citizen Opinions, and Trends (¹ 12 2022)
Demidenko S.Yu.
To the Problem of Activating the Human Potential of NEET-youth (¹ 12 2022)
A.L. Andreev is 75! (¹ 12 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2022)
2022 index (¹ 12 2022)
Êaterniy I.V.
B. Latour (¹ 12 2022)
Contents (¹ 12 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 12 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2022)
Dudina V.I.
Conceptualizing Social Agency in Unstable Society: Between Micro and Macro Levels (¹ 11 2022)
Klupt M.A.
Demographic Development in Light of the 21st Century Crises: a Theoretical Analysis (¹ 11 2022)
Sushko P.E.
Russians’ Ideas about Possible Ways of Russia’s Development: Prevalence and Specificity (¹ 11 2022)
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Khodykin A.V
Reflection of the Cultural Power of the Geopolitical Narrative in the Collective Perceptions of Russians about the Military Operation in Ukraine (¹ 11 2022)
Borshchevskiy G.A.
”Direct Line with Vladimir Putin“ in the Mirror of Sociology and Axiology (¹ 11 2022)
Farakhutdinov Sh. F.
Khayrullina N.G.
All-Russian Population Census 2020–2021: Censusists’ Point of View (¹ 11 2022)
Savchenko T.N.
Samoylenko E.S.
Social Comparison as a Factor of Subjective Well-Being (¹ 11 2022)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Resource Potential of Precarious Employees in Russia (¹ 11 2022)
Ànisimov R.I.
Working Hours and Social Guarantees of the Precariat (a Comparative Analysis) (¹ 11 2022)
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
The Life World of a Helping Profession in the Pandemic: Rethinking of Symbolic Boundaries (¹ 11 2022)
Obraztsov I.V.
The ”Indestructible and Legendary“ Army at the End of the Soviet Era (¹ 11 2022)
Chernysheva N.S.
Zhang Yuxin
Approaches to the Studying Youth Migration in Russia: Reviewing Discussions (¹ 11 2022)
Nazarova I.B.
Social Enterprises: Demand for Support (¹ 11 2022)
Belova Yu.Yu.
Korotkov P.A.
Fadeeva I.M.
Risk Factors for Drug Addiction (the Case of Mordovia Republic) (¹ 11 2022)
Galkin K.A.
Health-Saving Strategies of Older People after the Pandemic (the Case of Villages in Republic of Karelia) (¹ 11 2022)
Bogdanov V.S.
Governance in a Digital Society (based on the materials of the round table) (¹ 11 2022)
Adelfinsky A.S.
About the Crisis of the Social Order in Sport (¹ 11 2022)
Petrova E.V.
Aktamov I.G.
The World of Central Asia in a New Geopolitical Reality (¹ 11 2022)
Beliaeva L.À.
Chances and Risks as Criteria for Social Stratification of Modern Russian Society (¹ 11 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 11 2022)
Doktorov B.
S.N. Ikonnikova (¹ 11 2022)
Contents (¹ 11 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 11 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2022)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Unipolarity, Multipolarity and Bipolar Coalitions. XXI Century (¹ 10 2022)
Zaitcev A.V
“Colonial Democracy” in A.A. Zinovyev’s Sociology (¹ 10 2022)
Volkov Yu.G.
Social Justice as a Value: in Search of a New Theoretical Optics (¹ 10 2022)
Òrofimova I.N.
Russians’ Ideas about the Future of the Country: is there a Consensus? (¹ 10 2022)
Andreyev A.L.
Andreev I.A.
Slobodenyk E.D.
Russians' Ideas about the Future of Russia (¹ 10 2022)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Evolution of Ideas of the Social Structure of Russian Society (¹ 10 2022)
Karavay A.V.
Factors of Access to Social Network Resources in Modern Russia (¹ 10 2022)
Ustyzhanin V.V.
Sumernikov E.A.
Grinin L.Ye.
Korotayev A.V.
Urbanization and Revolutions: a Quantitative Analysis (¹ 10 2022)
Basaeva E.K.
Kamenetsky E.S.
Khosayeva Z.Kh.
Forecast of Socio-Political Instability (the Case of the Arab Spring) (¹ 10 2022)
Gurko T.A.
Dynamics of Indicators of Development and Well-Being of Adolescents in Various Types of Families (¹ 10 2022)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Mal’kov N.R.
Paternity of Young Convicted Fathers Going through Imprisonment (¹ 10 2022)
Kaziev S.Sh.
Starchenko R.A.
Mogunova M.V.
Mixed Marriages between Kazakhs and Russians of Northern Kazakhstan (¹ 10 2022)
Fadeeva Å.V.
Treatment Practices in Public Perception: Based on Russian Nationwide Surveying (¹ 10 2022)
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Orekh E.A.
Glukhova M.E.
Digital Technologies in the Healthcare Practices of St. Petersburg Residents (¹ 10 2022)
Konstantinovsky D.L. is 85! (¹ 10 2022)
Semenov E.V. is 70! (¹ 10 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
The Fate of a Scientist and the Fate of Science at the Turn of Epoch (about the book by L.G. Ionin “The Drama of Max Weber's Life”) (¹ 10 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 10 2022)
Myasnikov A.G.
On the Historical Correctness of the Institutional-Matrix Approach by S.G. Kirdina-Chandler (¹ 10 2022)
Information (¹ 10 2022)
Contents (¹ 10 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 10 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2022)
Davydov A.P.
Society as a Mediation Subject of Social Development (Re: Methodology of Inter-Subject Dialogue) (¹ 9 2022)
Fetisov V.Ya.
Contours and Strokes to a Portrait of Sociology (¹ 9 2022)
Kravchenko S.A.
The Ambivalences of Digitalization: the Demand of its National-Cultural Model for Sustainable Development (¹ 9 2022)
Mersiyanova I.V
Ivanova N.V.
Briukhno A.S.
Did the Digital Competences of Russian NGOs Change under Pandemic Conditions? (¹ 9 2022)
Rogozin D.M.
Measurement and Representation Bias in Responses on Educational Level in Public Opinion Research (¹ 9 2022)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Resource Mobilization of the Research and Pedagogical Community: Russian Practices and Regional Dimension (¹ 9 2022)
Shevchenko P.V.
Changing Status Characteristics of Moscow School Teacher (¹ 9 2022)
Khushkadamova K.O.
Berezina A.V.
Political Representation of Women in Tajikistan and Iran (¹ 9 2022)
Allakhverdyan A.G.
Female Face of Sociological Science (basing on the Rosstat statistics) (¹ 9 2022)
Buzgalin A.V.
Kolganov A.I.
Capitalism, Post-Capitalism and the Creative Revolution (critical reflections on the article by D.A. Davydov) (¹ 9 2022)
Yakovleva N.G.
What Sprouts of Post-Capitalism are Capable of Ensuring Progress of Human Potential and Technological Modernization? (¹ 9 2022)
Chen Hong
Barashkova O.V.
Post-Capitalism or Socialism? (¹ 9 2022)
Litvintsev D.B.
Mozheykina L.B.
Osmuk L.A.
Social Reclusion and Social Seclusion as Forms of Social Withdrawal: to the Problem Statement (¹ 9 2022)
Chepurenko A. Yu.
Russian Small Business in the First Half of 2022: between Scylla and Charybdis (¹ 9 2022)
Voskresenskii F.A.
Voskresenskaia E.A.
Victimization of Contemporary Russians (¹ 9 2022)
Karapetyan R.V.
Tarando E.E.
Social Challenges and Labor Regulation Models: Shaping a Sustainable Future (¹ 9 2022)
Farakhutdinov Sh. F.
Efimova G.Z.
Society in Search of Balance (about the XXII Grushin conference) (¹ 9 2022)
Latov Yu.V.
Human Capital in the Conditions of New Challenges (a section at the XII Grushin conference) (¹ 9 2022)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Forward to the Past? (about A.V. Shipilov's book) (¹ 9 2022)
Isaev K.I. is 85! (¹ 9 2022)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Mironov B.N. is 80! (¹ 9 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2022)
Zborovsky G.Å.
G.P. Orlov (¹ 9 2022)
Contents (¹ 9 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 9 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
Max Scheler about Russia, its Historical Mission and the Russian Idea (¹ 8 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
About National Ideas of the Great Nations (¹ 8 2022)
Lisitsyn P.P.
Stepanov A.M.
New Laws of Migration by E. Ravenstein (¹ 8 2022)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russians in the Central Asia Countries: Post-Soviet Geodemographic Trends (¹ 8 2022)
Avdashkin A.A.
Central Asian and Chinese Migrants in Public Opinion: Ural and Siberian Cases (¹ 8 2022)
Van Na
Leontyeva E.O.
The Women`s Role in the Adaptive Process of Chinese Migrants Families in Russia (¹ 8 2022)
Andreeva Ju.V.
Lukyanova E.L.
Attitudes Toward Coronavirus Protection Measures in Enterprises (on the Example of the Ulyanovsk Region) (¹ 8 2022)
Gurbanova N.E.
Impact of the Covid-2019 Pandemic on the Border Territories Population Employment (¹ 8 2022)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Eurasian Integration: the Role of Russia’s Spatial Potential (¹ 8 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Spatial Potential of Russia – Another Reason Not to Change Anything? (¹ 8 2022)
Latov Yu.V.
Concepts and Empirics of Transit Use of the Russian Space (¹ 8 2022)
Mansurov V.A is 85! (¹ 8 2022)
Ìansurov V.À.
Popova I.P.
“Sociologists are Rooted for the whole Society in their Country...” (interview with V.A. Mansurov) (¹ 8 2022)
Bazarov B.V.
Zhalsanova V.G.
Badaraev D.D.
Sociological Studies on the Pulse of the Development of the Transboundary Region (¹ 8 2022)
Davydov D.A.
Class Domination in the Era of Post-Capitalism. Part 2. Distribution of attention (¹ 8 2022)
Ignatov A.V.
Popov P.L.
Cherenev A.A.
Electoral Predisposition of Eastern Siberia Residents (¹ 8 2022)
Milovanova M.Yu.
Some Characteristics of Employment in Rural Areas (¹ 8 2022)
Eflova M.Yu.
Maksimova O.A.
V Kazan Sociological Readings (¹ 8 2022)
Osadchaya G.I.
Kireev E.Yu.
Eurasian Societies in the Focus of Young Sociologists (¹ 8 2022)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Humans. Society. Sîciîlîgy (reflecting on a monograph by I.V. Katerny) (¹ 8 2022)
Kanarsh G.Yu.
Lapin N.I. The Complexity of the Formation of a New Russia. Anthroposociocultural Approach. Moscow: Ves` Mir, 2021. Reviewed by G.Yu. Kanarsh (¹ 8 2022)
Adiev A.Z.
Abdulagatov Z.M. Family and School in Solving the Problems of Preventing Religious Extremism and Terrorism (the case of the Republic of Dagestan). Makhachkala: IIAE DFITs RAN, 2021. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev (¹ 8 2022)
Contents (¹ 8 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 8 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2022)
Kislenko I.Y.
On Colonial Episteme and Decolonial Sociology (Discussing the Canonization of W.E.B. Du Bois) (¹ 7 2022)
Turner S.P.
De-Intellectualizing American Sociology. A History, of Sorts (¹ 7 2022)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
The Demand for the “Typological Turn” in Empirical Sociology (¹ 7 2022)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Changing Approaches to the Studying of Labor Relations in Russian Sociology (¹ 7 2022)
Krasova E.V.
Labor Intellectualization as a Social Phenomenon of Modern Capitalism (¹ 7 2022)
Shevchenko I.O.
Shevchenko P.V.
From Employment Precarization to Life Precarization? (¹ 7 2022)
Avksentyev V.A.
Aksyumov B.V.
“Identities Portfolio” of the Youth of the Southern Russia After 12 Years (¹ 7 2022)
Neustroeva A.B.
Samsonova I.V.
Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North (Based on the Materials of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) (¹ 7 2022)
Babich N.S.
Batykov I.V.
Consumer Society: Case of Modeling Relationships Between Consumerism and Religiousness (¹ 7 2022)
Îstrovskaya Å.À.
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Russian Digital Buddhism: Strategies of Buddhist Communities in New Media (¹ 7 2022)
Lee Moon-Young
The Korean Conflict and the Nuclear Problem in Public Opinion Research (¹ 7 2022)
Nam Hye Hyun
Fedorova K.S.
The Language Ideology of Russia and South Korea (Attitudes to the Languages of Migrants in Public Discourse) (¹ 7 2022)
Davydov D.A.
Class Domination in the Era of Post-Capitalism: Part 1. The Ethos of the Personaliat (¹ 7 2022)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
Studies of Ethnosocial Processes in Russian Regions (¹ 7 2022)
Neklyudova N.P.
Pyshmintseva O.A.
About the XIII Ural Demographic Forum (¹ 7 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 7 2022)
Nagornyy V.G. (¹ 7 2022)
Information for author (¹ 7 2022)
Contents (¹ 7 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 7 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2022)
Vasiliev A.A.
Anichkin E.S.
Pechatnova Yu.V.
Lobbying as a Form of Public Dialogue (¹ 7 2022)
Kravchenko E.I.
Erving Goffman’s Trite Metaphors (¹ 6 2022)
Sokolov M.M.
E. Goffman as We Remember (¹ 6 2022)
Andreenkova A.V.
Belief in the Just World in European Culture (¹ 6 2022)
Tsyganov A.A.
Pension Expectations and Strategies of Russian Residents (¹ 6 2022)
Êaliningràd Oblast’ Image in Migrants’ Narratives (¹ 6 2022)
Mitina E.A.
Yarosh O.B.
Reutova E.V.
The Relevance Of Modern Municipal Heraldy of the Cities of the Republic of Crimea (¹ 6 2022)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Professions: Socio-Technological Dimension (a Methodological Analysis) (¹ 6 2022)
Lushnikova O.L
Ethnic Features of Farming, or Who Has More Livestock? (¹ 6 2022)
Dyachkov V.L.
Êanishchev V.V.
Okatov A.V.
Sociological and Historical Aspects of Migration Processes in the Russian Village of the 20th – early 21st centuries (a Case of the Tambov Region) (¹ 6 2022)
Obraztsov I.V.
Polovnyov A.V.
Involvement of School Children in Additional Education and Foreign Language Training Activites (¹ 6 2022)
Radaev V.V.
Crisis in the Modern University Teaching: What went wrong? (¹ 6 2022)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
Spirkina A.K.
In the Quiet…, Between People…: Silence as a Subject of Sociological Study (¹ 6 2022)
Litvinova Ò.N.
Tsetsenbileg Ts.
Zhelezniakov A.S.
Prospects for Russian-Mongolian Cooperation in the Eyes of the Citizens of the Two Countries (¹ 6 2022)
Chevtaeva N.G.
Patrimonialism in Official Relations of Russian Officials: on the Materials of Pre-revolutionary Empirical Studies (¹ 6 2022)
Lomonosova M.V.
Bogomiagkova E.S.
A.O. Boronoev is 85! (¹ 6 2022)
G.A. Kliucharev is 65! (¹ 6 2022)
Kliucharev G.A.
About University Autonomy in Institutional Execution (¹ 6 2022)
Sorokin P.S.
Hanafi S., Yi C.C. (eds) Sociologies in Dialogue. SAGE: SAGE Studies in International Sociology, 2020. Reviewed by P.S. Sorokin (¹ 6 2022)
Lenkov R.V.
Society of the Future: Spiritual Experience of the Conceptual Search for Russia and China / Ed. by M.Yu. Zakharov, I.E. Starovoitova. Moscow: GUU, 2022. Reviewed by R.V. Len’kov (¹ 6 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 6 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2022)
L.Ia. Rubina (¹ 6 2022)
Contents (¹ 6 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 6 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2022)
Latypov I.A.
Action and Unintended Consequences: Counterfinality as a Complex Sociological Problem (¹ 5 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
Theoretical Heritage of Sociology Classics for the Analysis of Modern Society (The Case of L. Mumford Conception) (¹ 5 2022)
Klupt M.A.
Anxities of the 21st Century: Mechanisms of Influence on Fertility (¹ 5 2022)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Separation of Generations in Families as a Factor for Reducing Birth Rate (¹ 5 2022)
Dobrolyubova E.I.
Yuzhakov V.N.
Pokida A.N.
Trust of Private Businesses in State Regulatory Enforcement Authorities (¹ 5 2022)
Frolova E.V.
Rogach O.V
Vasilieva E.Yu.
Housing Dysfunctions for Orphans as a Factor of their Social Exclusion (¹ 5 2022)
Parfenova O.A.
Petukhova I.S.
COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Older People in Urban and Rural Contexts (¹ 5 2022)
Nechayev D.N.
Liubkina O.R.
The Role of Agrarian Elites in the Central Russia Deindustrialization (¹ 5 2022)
Vinogradsky V.G.
Vinogradskaya Î.Ya.
Farming: a Generation Change (¹ 5 2022)
Pevnaya M.V.
Shuklina E.A.
Cernicova-Buca M.
Students’ Participation in the Socio-Cultural Development of the City: Socio-Cultural Agency Issues (International Research Perspectives) (¹ 5 2022)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Students of the Russia and Kazakhstan Border Regions on the Problems of Good Neighborliness in the Conditions of Rapprochement Between Europe and Asia (¹ 5 2022)
Korochkina V.A.
On Israeli Assessment of Achievements and Challenges in Higher Education System (¹ 5 2022)
Zhang Jie
Tian Xiaoyu
Lo Shuai
Transformation of PRC Major Cities under COVID-19 Impact (¹ 5 2022)
Popov Å.À.
Active Old Age of Women in Russian Nursing Homes (¹ 5 2022)
Semionova Å.À.
Tishchenko A.S.
Tokareva G.S.
Distance Learning for Schoolchildren: Readiness for Challenges (¹ 5 2022)
Fayzullin F.S. is 80 (¹ 5 2022)
Efendiev A.G. is 75 (¹ 5 2022)
Ìansurov V.À.
Ivanova E.Yu.
The 6th All-Russian Sociological Congress (¹ 5 2022)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Society in Russia: Contradictions of State Youth Policy (¹ 5 2022)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 13th Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University (¹ 5 2022)
Kuznetsov I.S.
Education as a social elevator (¹ 5 2022)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Rostovskaya T.K.
Scientific Council “Demographic and Migration Problems” of the Department of Social Sciences of RAS (¹ 5 2022)
Deviatko I.F.
Genov N. The Paradigm of Social Interaction. (Routledge Advances in Sociology). London and New York: Routledge, 2022. Reviewed by I.F. Deviatko) (¹ 5 2022)
Klimova S.G.
Precarious Employment: Origins, Criteria, Features / Ed. by Zh.T. Toshchenko. Moscow: Ves’ Mir, 2021. Reviewed by S.G. Klimova (¹ 5 2022)
Books in brief (¹ 5 2022)
Contents (¹ 5 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 5 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2022)
Titarenko L.G.
Theoretical Sociology in Modern Russia: Global and National Perspectives (¹ 4 2022)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Knowledge and Power: Social Science and the Social World (¹ 4 2022)
Ryzhova S.V.
Emotional Component of the All-Russian Identity: Positive and Negative Contexsts (¹ 4 2022)
Romashkina G.F.
Davydenko V.A.
Andrianova E.V.
Mutual Influence of the Components of Human, Social and Psychological Capital: the Case of the Tyumen Region (¹ 4 2022)
Makarentseva A.O.
Korzhuk S.V.
The Capabilities of Professional Foster Families for the Further Orphanhood Deinstitutionalization in Russia (¹ 4 2022)
Yanak A.L.
Conceptualizing Non-Modal Parenting (¹ 4 2022)
Rozhko A.A.
Gagauz O.E.
Moldovan Families with Children During COVID-19 Pandemic: Material Situation and Adaptive Strategies (¹ 4 2022)
Gilinsky Y.I.
Postmodern Criminology about Crime and Punishment (¹ 4 2022)
Alikperov H.D.
Causes of Crime: a Critical Analysis (¹ 4 2022)
Zhegusov Yu.I.
Koryakina Z.I.
Social Factors of Youth Crime Decline in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (¹ 4 2022)
Vershinina I.A.
Liadova A.V.
Digital Health: Deborah Lupton’s Concept “Thinking with Care” (¹ 4 2022)
Ignatyev V.I.
Object of Sociology in the Metamorphosis of Hybrid Society Morphogenesis (¹ 4 2022)
Elchaninov M.S
The Era of Global Bifurcation: Planetary Problems and Historical Alternatives (¹ 4 2022)
Andreyev A.L.
Reformer before the Court of History: the Image of Peter the Great in the Collective Memory of Russians (¹ 4 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
Li Zhongyuan
Rakova K.V.
Innovations and Risks for the Scientific Community in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (¹ 4 2022)
Reshetnikov A.V.
Prisyazhnaya N.V
Education during the Pandemic: Vectors of Digital Transformation (¹ 4 2022)
Grabelnykh T.I.
Sablina N.A.
Zyryanov V.V.
Global and Regional Impacts on Modern Societies: New Social Transformations (¹ 4 2022)
Noskova A.V.
Bikkinina D.D.
The Causes and Consequences of Depopulation: Notes from a Demographic Conference (¹ 4 2022)
Tolstova Yu.N. (¹ 4 2022)
Mironov B.N.
Travin D.Ya. Why has Russia Lagged Behind? St. Petersburg: EU v SPb., 2021. Reviewed by B.N. Mironov (¹ 4 2022)
Belyaev A.M.
Soeters J. Sociology and Military Studies Classical and Current Foundations / Transl. from Eng. by V.V. Belousova. Moscow: VCIOM, 2021. (Electronic edition). Reviewed by A.M. Belyaev (¹ 4 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2022)
Markin V.V (¹ 4 2022)
Contents (¹ 4 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 4 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 4 2022)
Maslovskii M.V.
Contemporary Civilizational Analysis in Historical Sociology: Problems and Prospects (¹ 3 2022)
Volkov Yu.G.
Social and Cultural Traumas of the Contemporary Russian Society (¹ 3 2022)
Nefedov S.À.
Rozov N.S.
Trubitsyn D.V.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Russia: From the Past to the Future (round table on the book by B. N. Mironov) (¹ 3 2022)
Mironov B.N.
Facts are Sacred, Opinions are Free (¹ 3 2022)
Romanovskiy N.V.
About the Meanings of Discussing B. Mironov’s Book (¹ 3 2022)
Burko V.A.
Vasserman Y.M.
Modernization Syndrome and Trust: Interrelation in the Aspect of Intergenerational Characteristics (¹ 3 2022)
Sarovic R.
Ceranic G.
Zivkovic P.
Krivokapic N.
Trust in Social Institutions as an Indicator of Socio-Political Changes in Montenegro (¹ 3 2022)
Balatsyuk E.S.
Gladchenko E.A.
Professional Identity of Craft Teachers in the Field of Informal Education in St. Petersburg (¹ 3 2022)
Ìansurov V.À.
Semenova A.V.
The Image of the Modern Russian Engineer: a Content Analysis of Academic Publications (¹ 3 2022)
Balchindorzhieva O.B.
Zolkhoeva M.V.
Digital Culture vs Cultural Originality? (from the experience of preserving Chinese cultural identity) (¹ 3 2022)
Matlin M.G.
Memorization of Places of Death in Road Accidents in the Focus of Public Opinion (¹ 3 2022)
Danilov À.N.
Shkurova A.V.
Transformation of Religiousness in the Republic of Belarus: Stages and Features of Development (¹ 3 2022)
Sitnikov A.V.
Romanov M.V.
Faskhudinov R.R.
National and Religious Identities: Experience of Interconnection Analysis (on the Example of Research in the Republic of Tatarstan) (¹ 3 2022)
Martianov V.S.
COVID‑19 and Redesign of the Late Modern Society (¹ 3 2022)
Skvortsov N.G.
Asochakov Yu.V.
Sociologist: Education and Professional Trajectories (¹ 3 2022)
Ryazantsev S.V.
New Migration Reality in the Era of COVID‑19 (¹ 3 2022)
Grudina T.N.
Socio-Demographic Dynamics of the Population and Sustainable Development (¹ 3 2022)
Fedorov A.F.
Soeters J. Sociology and Military Studies Classical and Current Foundations. Moscow: VCIOM, 2021. (Electronic edition). Reviewed by A.F. Fedorov (¹ 3 2022)
Šulc I.
Šubrt J. The Sociology of Time: A Critical Overview. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer, 2021. Reviewed by I. Šulñ (¹ 3 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 3 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2022)
Contents (¹ 3 2022)
New books on social sciences (¹ 3 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2022)
Ivanov D.V.
Grumbling ‘oldies’, Whining ‘youngsters’, and Progress of Sociology (¹ 2 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Capitalism and the Weberiana in Russia: Revisiting the Possibilities of Verstehende Sociology. Part 2. An Apology for Capitalism (¹ 2 2022)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Towards a Theory of Educational Policy (¹ 2 2022)
Popov D.S.
Shestakova D.A.
Higher Education for Adults in Russia: Barriers and Models (¹ 2 2022)
Kryshtanovskaya O.V.
Lavrov I.A.
Young Parliamentarians in Russia (¹ 2 2022)
Petrunina D.S.
“Transitional Generation”: Generational Identity of Russian Millennials (¹ 2 2022)
Berezutskiy Y.V.
Youth of the Khabarovsk Territory: “Point of Growth” or “Point of No Return”? (¹ 2 2022)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Youth Policy in The Republic of Tatarstan in Doctrinal Documents and Public Opinion (¹ 2 2022)
Yadova M.A.
Life Trajectories of the Youth in the 21-st Century: Risks and Opportunities (¹ 2 2022)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Fatherhood in Modern Russia: Meanings, Values, Practices and Intergenerational Translation (¹ 2 2022)
Abramov A.P.
Liu Ze
Modern and Traditional Family Values of Intergeneration Interaction in Russia and China (¹ 2 2022)
Vereshchagina A.V.
Zagirova E.M.
Polygamy in Dagestan in Public Opinion Optics (¹ 2 2022)
Zyryanov V.V.
Social Statistics in Sociological Education (¹ 2 2022)
Chen Hong
Gan Xiaojuan
The Reasons of the USSR Collapse: Views of Chinese Social Scholars (¹ 2 2022)
Blinova T.V.
Vyalshina A.A.
Attitude of Students to the COVID‑19 Pandemic and the Anti-Epidemic Restrictions (¹ 2 2022)
Ànayban Z.V.
Balakina G.F.
Social Expectations and Value Orientations of Students in Tuva (¹ 2 2022)
Petukhov R.V .
Latov Yu.V.
What is Hidden Behind the “Request for Change”? (¹ 2 2022)
Grigoreva E.A.
Digital Inequalities: Causes, Forms, Consequences (¹ 2 2022)
Kravchenko S.A.
Rakova K.V.
Lapin N. I. Complexity of the Formation of a New Russia. Anthroposociocultural approach. Moscow: Ves’ Mir, 2021. Reviewed by S.A. Kravchenko, K.V. Rakova (¹ 2 2022)
Kravets I.A.
Stewart J. Richard Titmuss: A Commitment to Welfare. Bristol: Policy Press, 2020. Reviewed by I. A. Kravets (¹ 2 2022)
Rubtcova M.V.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Leont’eva T.V., Shchetinina A. V. Dictionary of Actual Vocabulary of Unity and Enemy in the Russian Language of the Early 21-st Century. Yekaterinburg: Azhur, 2021. Reviewed by Ì.V. Rubtsova, N.A. Martianova (¹ 2 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 2 2022)
Contents (¹ 2 2022)
Kliucharev G.A.
Editorial: to our readers (¹ 1 2022)
Kliucharev G.A.
Ontological Problematics in Sociological Interpretation: To the Question Statement (¹ 1 2022)
Bessonova O.E.
Ideology in Social Development of Russia: New View (¹ 1 2022)
Nikolaev V.G.
Sociological Theory in Russia: At the Crossroads of Fragmentation and Pluralism (¹ 1 2022)
Ambarova P.A.
Social Fragmentation of Communities in Modern Russia: In Search of a Sociological Theory (¹ 1 2022)
Babich N.S.
Yuryeva V.I.
Technique for Cognitive Dissonance Measurement in Surveys (¹ 1 2022)
Mukomel V.I.
Central Asian Migrants at the Russian Labor Market: Before the Pandemic (¹ 1 2022)
Avdashkin A.A.
Migrants’ Clusters in Russian City (the Case of Chelyabinsk) (¹ 1 2022)
Golovin N.A.
Between Minnesota and Harvard: Comments on Three German Journal Articles by P.A. Sorokin in 1928 and 1930 (¹ 1 2022)
Sorokin P.A.
Golovin N.A.
Experiments in Sociology. On the Degree of Expression of Some Features of Solidarity (Altruism) in Deed and in Word in Relation to Social Distance (¹ 1 2022)
Sorokin P.A.
Golovin N.A.
Productivity and Work Incedentives (Experimental Research on 3–4 and 13–14 Year Old Children) (¹ 1 2022)
Sorokin P.A.
Golovin N.A.
Sociology as a Special Science (¹ 1 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Capitalism and the Weberiana in Russia: Revisiting the Possibilities of Understanding Sociology. Part 1. A Critique of the Weberiana (¹ 1 2022)
Demyanenko A.N.
Klitsenko M.V.
Khabarovsk Protest: A Sociological Analysis (¹ 1 2022)
Waing Xiao
Li Zihan
Vaccination Against Disinformation (¹ 1 2022)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Theoretical Sociology in Russia: State, Problems, Prospects (The 23th Kharchev Readings) (¹ 1 2022)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Time Linkage in Social Care Studies (¹ 1 2022)
Kolosova E.A.
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Intelligence in a New Reality (¹ 1 2022)
Popova S.M.
About Migration Processes in APR Countries (¹ 1 2022)
Doktorov B.
Discussing an Open Question (¹ 1 2022)
OBRAZTSOV I.V. is 60 (¹ 1 2022)
SHCHERBINA V.V. is 75 (¹ 1 2022)
To the 100th Anniversary of Z.I. Faynburg's Birth (1922–1990) (¹ 1 2022)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 1 2022)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2022)
Lapin N.I. (¹ 1 2022)
Contents (¹ 1 2022)
Best publications 2021 (¹ 1 2022)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2022)
Damie V.V.
Degtyarev A.Ya.
Inozemtzev V.L.
Kononov I.F
Lapin N.I.
Levashov V.K.
Makarenko V.P.
Oleinik A.N.
Òrofimova I.N.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Latov Yu.V.
The End of the Soviet Era: Estimates from a 30-Year Distance (Round Table) (¹ 12 2021)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
False Theoretical Synthesis – the Brake of Real Practice (Methodological Notes on the Dissolution of the USSR) (¹ 12 2021)
Momdzhyan K.Kh.
Was the Soviet Society a Socialist One? (¹ 12 2021)
Kolganov A.I.
The Soviet System and the Union of Soviet Republics: The Synchronicity of the Decay is not Incidental (¹ 12 2021)
Buzgalin A.V.
Social Forces of Victories and Defeats of Socialism in the 20th Century (¹ 12 2021)
Latov Yu.V.
Final False Start (about the Catastrophic Revolution of 1991) (¹ 12 2021)
Davydov D.A.
The Value Foundations of Post-Capitalism: from the “Mode of Possession” to the Individualism of Self-Actualizing Personalities? (¹ 12 2021)
Shipilov A.V.
Dividuals are not Individuals. Personality Before and After Modernity (¹ 12 2021)
Popova I.P.
Formation of a Career Start in Sciences: The Influence of Family and Social Context (¹ 12 2021)
Vojtovič S.
Tupa M.
Srovnalikova P.
Labor Emigration Trends and Factors of Doctors and Nurses (the Case of Slovakia) (¹ 12 2021)
Nefedova T.G.
Baskin L.M.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Evolution of Socio-Economic Space in the Local Rural Areas in the Remote Northern Russian (Case of the Manturovsky District of the Kostroma Region) (¹ 12 2021)
Beliaeva L.À.
Shabunova A.A.
Kogay E.A.
Socio-Cultural Evolution of Post-Soviet Russia: A Review Research Results (¹ 12 2021)
Barashkova O.V.
Zotova E.S.
Why the USSR did not Become: Lessons for Socialism of the Future (¹ 12 2021)
Khayrullina N.G.
Troshkina I.N.
Peoples and Cultures of Sayano-Altai and Adjoining Territories (¹ 12 2021)
Fishman L.G.
Davydov D.A. Post-capitalism and the Birth of the Personaliat. Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2021. Reviewed by L.G. Fishman (¹ 12 2021)
Sokolov D.V.
Kravchenko S.A. Sociology of Digitalization: A Textbook for Universities. Moscow: Yurait, 2021. Reviewed by D.V. Sokolov (¹ 12 2021)
Ubaydullaeva R.T.
Auto-Reflection of the “Largest Geopolitical Tragedy of the 20th Century” (¹ 12 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2021)
2021 index (¹ 12 2021)
Contents (¹ 12 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 12 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2021)
Dudina V.I.
“Reassembling Sociology”: Digital Turn and Searching for New Theoretical Optics (¹ 11 2021)
Sorokin P.S.
Sociological Theory: Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Sociology (¹ 11 2021)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
The Public and Private Life World of the Precariat: Main Features and Landmarks (¹ 11 2021)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
Overqualification of Russian Employees: Scale, Determinants, Consequences (¹ 11 2021)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Interaction of Generations in Modern Russia: An Evolving Rapprochement (¹ 11 2021)
Lytkina T.S.
Yaroshenko S.S.
On the Intersection of Gender and Class: How Single Mothers Organize their Everyday Life in Post-socialist Russia (¹ 11 2021)
Nefedyeva E.I.
Sedykh O.G.
Taraban O.V.
Experts on Entrepreneurship as an Alternative Form of Employment for Disabled People (¹ 11 2021)
Doktorov B.
Zborovsky G.Å.
Generational Approach to Modern Russian Sociology: All-Russian and Regional Aspects (¹ 11 2021)
Safonova M.A.
Sokolov M.M.
The Structure of Russian Sociological Field – 2020 (¹ 11 2021)
Ionin L.G.
Protestant Ethics and Max Weber Today (¹ 11 2021)
Danilov À.N.
On the History of the Formation of Sociology in the Republic of Belarus (¹ 11 2021)
Lebedintseva L.A.
Deriugin P.P.
Veselova L.S.
Sociology in Singapore, 1960–1990s: Sociologist's “Double Mandate” (¹ 11 2021)
Fadeeva Å.V.
National Medication Security: Pandemic Lessons (¹ 11 2021)
Choi W.I.
Perception of Economic Relations between South Korea and Russia (Results of a Regression Analysis) (¹ 11 2021)
Galkin K.A.
Employment of Older People and Active Agåing Policies in Europe and Russia (¹ 11 2021)
Volkov Yu.G.
About the 14th Russian School of a Young Sociologist (¹ 11 2021)
Rybakova M.V.
Komilova Z.A.
Transformation of Social Labor Relations in the Era of Digitalization (¹ 11 2021)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Human in the Information Society (¹ 11 2021)
Beschasnaya A.A.
Pokrovskaia N.N.
Collective Image of the Cities of the Future (¹ 11 2021)
Andreenkova A.V.
About the Results of the J. Harkness' Student Paper Competition (¹ 11 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 11 2021)
Ryvkina R.V. (¹ 11 2021)
Contents (¹ 11 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 11 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2021)
Deviatko I.F.
Sociological Theory: Old Problems, New Challenges (¹ 10 2021)
Kravchenko S.A.
The Demand of the “Rigidity Turn” for The Sustainable Development: Contours of the Concept (¹ 10 2021)
Zubok Yu.A.
Chuprov V.I.
Lyubutov A.S.
Sorokin O.V.
Self-Regulation of Life of the Youth: Structural-Taxonomic Modeling (¹ 10 2021)
Tatarova G.G.
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Subjective Well-Being at Work: Research Practices of Sociological Measurement (¹ 10 2021)
Låvichåvà V.F.
Institutional and Informal Lobbying Practices: the Problem of Separation and Interpretation (¹ 10 2021)
Volchik V.V.
Discourses on Social Barriers to Developing Russian (Contra)Innovation System: Reality or Narrative? (¹ 10 2021)
Medvedeva N.V.
Frolova E.V.
Rogach O.V
Territorial Public Self-government and Local Government: Interaction and Prospects for Partnership (¹ 10 2021)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Demographic Transition and Family-Demographic Policy (¹ 10 2021)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Ivakhnova I.D.
Concept and Structure of Widowhood as a Social Phenomenon (¹ 10 2021)
Poghosyan G.A.
Armenian Family: Between Tradition and Modernity (¹ 10 2021)
Poliakov S.I.
Wrestler's Masculinity in Dagestan as a Local Hegemony (¹ 10 2021)
Pushkareva G.V.
Kuznetsov I.I.
Batovrina E.V.
Specifics of Russian Students Inclusion into the Social Solidarity Relationships (¹ 10 2021)
Byuraeva Yu.G.
The Republic of Buryatia Universities' Graduates: Professional and Life Plans (¹ 10 2021)
Tikhanov A.V.
Merzllyakov A.A.
Pochestnev A.A.
The Latent Group Formation Phenomen in Regions with Different Sociocultural Modernization Levels (¹ 10 2021)
Dzutsev K.V.
Dibirova A.P.
Kornienko N.V.
Social Justice of Privatization: Differentiation of Opinions in the North Caucasus Republics (¹ 10 2021)
Soyan Sh.Ch.
Mongush O.N.
Self-Assessment of the Financial Situation of the Tuva Youth (¹ 10 2021)
Velikiy P.P.
Limitations and Challenges in the Life of Novice Farmers: An Insider's Look (¹ 10 2021)
Obraztsov I.V.
Aksyonov V.B. (2020) Rumors, Images, Emotions. Mass Sentiment of Russians During the War and Revolution (1914-1918). Moscow: New Literary Review. Rev. by I.V. Obraztsov (¹ 10 2021)
Shmelev B.A.
Simonyan R.H. Latvia: History of the First Republic. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2020. Rev. by B.A. Shmelev (¹ 10 2021)
Tikhonov A.V. (¹ 10 2021)
Volkov Yu.G. is 75! (¹ 10 2021)
Contents (¹ 10 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 10 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2021)
Gofman A.Â.
Zalunin V.I.
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Êozlovskiy V.V.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Ovsiannikov A.A.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Titarenko L.G.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Shcherbina V.V.
Theoretical Sociology Abroad and in Russia Today: A ‘Round Table’ (¹ 9 2021)
Adamyants T.Z.
Social Meanings as a Subject of Sociological Analysis (¹ 9 2021)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russians in the South Caucasus: Factors of Dynamics in the Post-Soviet Period and Geodemographic Prospects (¹ 9 2021)
Sakevich V.I.
Denisov B.P.
Nikitina S.Yu.
Pregnancy Terminations in Russia According to Official Statisticsl (¹ 9 2021)
Ibragimova Z.F.
Frants M.V.
Dynamic Analysis of Achievement and Opportunity Inequality in Russian School Education (¹ 9 2021)
Zinkina Ju.V.
Shulgin S.G.
Novikov K.E.
Korotayev A.V.
Universal Impact of Formal Education on Value Attitudes in Cross-Regional Perspective (¹ 9 2021)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Matveev V.V.
Ìatveeva N.À.
Vorontsova T.I.
School Administrators: Agents and Victims of Paper Pressure (¹ 9 2021)
Malešević S.
The End of Warfare? A Sociological Analysis of Recent Approaches to War Studies (¹ 9 2021)
Shmerlina I.A.
Lappo-Danilevsky and Methodological Issues of Studying History of Russian Social Thought (¹ 9 2021)
Kononov I.F
Nikolay Bukharin's Marxist Sociology Project (¹ 9 2021)
BalatskyY E.V.
Ekimova N.A.
World-Class University Market: Rethinking Geopolitical and National Stereotypes (¹ 9 2021)
Smirnov R.G.
Institutional Factors of Social Mobility of Graduate Students (¹ 9 2021)
Aliyarov E.K.
Zhanguzhekova D.Zh.
Nurov M.M.
Occultism in Consciousness of the Kazakhstan City Dwellers (¹ 9 2021)
Osinsky I.I.
Population of Siberia and the Far East: Problems of Saving and Development (¹ 9 2021)
Wang Qi
Ruban L.S.
The 18th Russian-Chinese Expert Forum (¹ 9 2021)
Markin V.V.
Kharchenko K.V.
Sociology of Regional Governance vs Sociology in Regional Governance (¹ 9 2021)
Karasev D.Yu.
J. Arnason’s Civilizational and Relational Analysis and Global Dimension of Soviet Modernity (¹ 9 2021)
Meshcheryakova N.N.
Jemielniak D. Thick Big Data: Doing Digital Social Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Reviewed by N.N. Meshcheryakova (¹ 9 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Vanke A.V., Polukhina E.V., Strelnikova A.V. How to Collect Data in a Qualitative Field Research. Moscow: VShE, 2020. Reviewed by S.Yu. Demidenko (¹ 9 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2021)
Antonov A.I. is 85! (¹ 9 2021)
Zubok Yu.A.
V.I. Chuprov (¹ 9 2021)
A.O. Lapshin (¹ 9 2021)
Contents (¹ 9 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 9 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2021)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Was the Geopolitical Catastrophe of the USSR Man-Made? (¹ 8 2021)
Semenov E.V.
A Long Echo of 1991: Social Meaning of Country's Disaster (¹ 8 2021)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Transformations of the Social Structure of Russian Society in Late 1980s – Late 2010s (¹ 8 2021)
Mironov B.N.
Formation of National Elites as a Factor of the USSR Disintegration (¹ 8 2021)
Drobizheva L.M.
1990s’ Experience and Cultural Diversity Management (¹ 8 2021)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Íow the Soviet Union Could be Preserved (Baltic Angle) (¹ 8 2021)
Yakovenko À.V.
USSR as a Mirror of an Unrealized Humanistic Perspective (¹ 8 2021)
Andreyev A.L.
Andreev I.A.
Russia-2021: Experiencing the Present and Looking into the Future (¹ 8 2021)
Kuznetsov I.M.
Foundations of Russians' Value Consolidation: Traditionalism and Renewal (¹ 8 2021)
Shabanova M.A.
Separate Waste Collection as Russians' Voluntary Practice: the Dynamics, Factors and Potential (¹ 8 2021)
Jiang Haibin
Veselova L.S.
Lebedintseva L.A.
Phenomenon of Chinese Labor: Difficulties in Finding Jobs for Chinese Graduates and “Acute Shortage of Labor” (¹ 8 2021)
Popov Å.À.
Profession of Sociologist: Applicants' Ideals and Students' Consensus (¹ 8 2021)
Piketty T.
Capital and Ideology: a Global Perspective on Inequality Regimes (¹ 8 2021)
Bariev M.M.
Maksimova O.A.
Youth in the Global Agenda (about the International Congress in Kazan) (¹ 8 2021)
Vinokurova U.A.
Pronina E.I.
Personality. Scientist. Teacher (in Memory of L.M. Drobizheva) (¹ 8 2021)
Neklyudova N.P.
Sekicki-Pavlenko O.O.
About the Results of the 12th Ural Demographic Forum (¹ 8 2021)
Buzgalin A.V.
Kolganov A.I.
A Great Reset or a Half-Truth Dump: Will the Post-Pandemic World Become More Just? (¹ 8 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 8 2021)
Novokreshchenov A.V.
Once Again about the Nomenclature Method of Working with Leading Personnel (¹ 8 2021)
Contents (¹ 8 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 8 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2021)
Chernysh M.F.
Modernization Re-Visited: Searching for a New Conceptual Scheme (¹ 7 2021)
Walby S.
Developing the concept of society: Institutional domains, regimes of inequalities and complex systems in a global era (¹ 7 2021)
Kaz M.S.
The “World of Labour” of Working Retirees: Dilemmas and Meanings (¹ 7 2021)
Kiselev I.Yu.
Ovchinnikova N.V.
Smirnova A.G.
Min You
Pre-Pensioners’ Employment Trajectories Under Conditions of Rising Retirement Age (¹ 7 2021)
Klimova S.G.
Klimov I.A.
Experience of Russian Companies in Transition to Remote Work in the Pandemic Situation (¹ 7 2021)
Karavay A.V.
Assessing the Relationship Between Russians’ Health Status and their Employment in the Late 2010s (¹ 7 2021)
Bubnova I.A.
Gorokhova D.V.
The Past in the Present: USSR Phenomenon in Modern Media and in the Consciousness of Russian Students (¹ 7 2021)
Polyanina A.K.
Grudzinskiy A.O.
Expert Assessments of Media Industry Products: Information Safety for Children (¹ 7 2021)
Barsukova S.Yu.
Zvyagintsev A.V.
Laptieva L.S.
The Experiences of Youth Participation in Election Campaigns and its Impact on the Civic Position (¹ 7 2021)
Smorgunov L.V.
Ignatjeva O.A.
Civic Participation on Digital Platforms (¹ 7 2021)
Feldman M.A.
Directors of the 1930th Heavy Industry Enterprises: Dynamics in a Socio-Professional Group (¹ 7 2021)
Ivchenkov S.G.
Nikiforov Ya.A.
Sitnikova S.V.
Social Memory of Russians about the Great Patriotic War (The Ñase of the Saratov Region) (¹ 7 2021)
Baynova M.S.
Eroshkin S.U.
Sulyagina J.O.
Problems of the Housing Renovation in Moscow (¹ 7 2021)
Abdurakhmanova E.M.
Alexandrova E.A.
Zvyagintsev R.S.
Kersha Yu.D.
Distrust to Vaññination Through the Prism of Parenthood (¹ 7 2021)
Karapetyan R.V.
Tarando E.E.
Labor Transformation in (De)Globalizing Society (¹ 7 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Work in a Changing World (¹ 7 2021)
Sinyutin M.V.
Gonashvili A.S.
Labor and the Chronic Uncertainty of the Anthropocene (¹ 7 2021)
Kravchenko S.A.
F.I. Sharkov is 70 (¹ 7 2021)
Magomedov A.K.
Wittenberg E.Ya. Social Responsibility of the Authorities. Moscow: RGGU, 2020. 687 p. Reviewed by A.K. Magomedov (¹ 7 2021)
Levashov V.K.
Ivanov V.N. The Year Crowning the Twentieth Anniversary. Sociological Expertise. Moscow: “U Nikitskih vorot”, 2021. 204 p. Reviewed by V.K. Levashov (¹ 7 2021)
Information for authors (¹ 7 2021)
Contents (¹ 7 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 7 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2021)
Davydov D.A.
Post-Capitalism and Class Transformation in Modern Society: from a Liberator Class to a New Antagonism? (¹ 6 2021)
Go J.
Three Tensions in the Theory of Racial Capitalism (¹ 6 2021)
Guba K.S.
Big Data in Studies of Science: New Research Field (¹ 6 2021)
Dezhina I.G.
Kliucharev G.A.
International Collaborations of the University Science: Incentives and Obstacles (¹ 6 2021)
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Popova E.E.
The Effect of “Compassion Fatigue” in Practices of Media Consumption (on the Case of the Attitude to the COVID-19 Problematization) (¹ 6 2021)
Veselov Yu.V.
Skvortsov N.G.
Trust in the Age of Digital Transformations: a Sociological Study (¹ 6 2021)
Nazarov M.M.
Television in Convergent Media Environment: Audience Trends (¹ 6 2021)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Doktorov B.Z. is 80! (¹ 6 2021)
Doktorov B.
“This Project Was a Lifesaver for Me” (¹ 6 2021)
Kolomiets V.P. is 70! (¹ 6 2021)
Kolomiets V. P.
Industrial Transformation of Television (¹ 6 2021)
Matulionis A.
Personal Pages of the Professional Path of a Sociologist (for the 75th Anniversary of À.Matulionis) (¹ 6 2021)
Khagurov A.A. is 85! (¹ 6 2021)
Zotov A.A.
Jacques Novikow’s Organicism: Social Evolution as an Adaptation Proccess and Criticism of Socialism (¹ 6 2021)
Fedotova L.N.
Anniversary Page in the History of Public Opinion Research in the USSR (¹ 6 2021)
Mahlert B.
Addressing Parsons in Sociological Textbooks: Past Conflicts, Contemporary Readers and Their Future Gains (¹ 6 2021)
Sikevich Z.V.
Fedorova A.A.
Boundaries of Russian Patriotism (Case of Non-Reactive Classic Research) (¹ 6 2021)
Hedges Ñ.
Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism (¹ 6 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
How Do Mechanisms of Self-Regulation of Life Activity Operate in the Cultural Space of Young People? (¹ 6 2021)
Popova E.S.
United not by Education: Diversity, Discussion, Community (¹ 6 2021)
Vershinina I.A.
Liadova A.V.
Health and Health Care in Europe: between Inequalities and New Opportunities (¹ 6 2021)
Semenova V.V.
Anatoly Georgievich Kharchev: Reconstructing his Biographical Course (¹ 5 2021)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
The Field of our Cooperation was “Socis” (¹ 5 2021)
Sheregi F.E.
A.G. Kharchev as Editor-In-Chief (¹ 5 2021)
Antonov A.I.
At the Origins of the Second Birth (or Rebirth) of the Sociology of the Family (¹ 5 2021)
Gurko T.A.
Heritage Impossible to Refuse... (¹ 5 2021)
Aristova N.G.
He Didn't Try to be Good and He Didn't Allow Himself to be Bad (¹ 5 2021)
Demidov A.M.
Remembering A.G. Kharchev (¹ 5 2021)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Intergeneration Analysis in A.G. Kharchev's Oeuvre (¹ 5 2021)
Klupt M.A.
Family and Fertility Issues in Value Conflicts During the 2010s (¹ 5 2021)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Shishkina E.V.
Yashina M.N.
“There Will Be No Help…”: Newborn Abandonment and Baby Hatching (¹ 5 2021)
Gurko T.A.
Evolution and Transformation of the Marriage Institution: Analyzing Empirical Indicators (¹ 5 2021)
Goshin M.E.
Pinskaya M.A.
Grigoryev D.S.
Forms of Parental Participation in Education in Different Types of Schools (¹ 5 2021)
Avdashkin A.A.
Chinese Migrants in Post-Soviet Russia: Purpose of Entering and Attitude of Host Society (¹ 5 2021)
Kulkova I.A.
The Influence of Retirement-Age Increase on Women’s Reproductive Intentions (¹ 5 2021)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
N.I. Lapin is 90! (¹ 5 2021)
Lapin N.I.
Basic Interaction of People and their Civil-Social Culture as a Subject of Study (¹ 5 2021)
A.V. Zhavoronkov is 80! (¹ 5 2021)
Kononov I.F
Nikolay Bukharin: Sociology and Theory of Socialism (¹ 5 2021)
Pavlov A.V.
Post-Marxism in Sociology. Part II (¹ 5 2021)
Groshev I.V.
Gendered Characteristics of Xenophobia (Review of Foreign Studies) (¹ 5 2021)
Filonenko V.I.
Ìagranov À.S.
The Image of the Great Patriotic War in the Views of Modern Russian Students (¹ 5 2021)
Martynenko T.S.
Khomyakova K.L.
Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Future (¹ 5 2021)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 12th Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University (¹ 5 2021)
Prokazina N.V.
The Man of the Future: Social Behavior, Identity, Attitudes of Young People in the New Reality (¹ 5 2021)
Kravchenko S.A.
The Integral Study of the Society: the Diagnosis, Curing, Paradigm of the Future (¹ 5 2021)
Shirokalova G.S.
Arkhipova A., Kirzyuk A. Dangerous Soviet Things: Urban Legends and Fears in the USSR. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2020. 536 p. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova (¹ 5 2021)
Lamajaa Ch.K.-o.
Socio-Stratification Processes in The Republic of Tyva / Z.T. Golenkova et al.; ed. by Z.T. Golenkova, Yu.V. Goliusova, P.E. Sushko; FNISTC RAS. M.; Kyzyl: FNISTC RAS, 2020. 128 p. Reviewed by Ch.K. Lamazhaa (¹ 5 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 5 2021)
Smirnov P.I.
About Scientific Correctness (¹ 5 2021)
Contents (¹ 5 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 5 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2021)
Zarubina N.N.
Updating the Methodological Heritage of M. Weber in Search for Answers to the Challenges of Modern Sociology (¹ 4 2021)
Êozlova L.À.
“Transition from History to Sociology” in N.I. Kareev’s Conception and Historical Sociology (¹ 4 2021)
Zakharova O.V.
Payusova T.I.
Akhmedova I.D.
Suvorova L.G.
Green Practices: Approaches to Investigation (¹ 4 2021)
Latova N.V.
Situation in the Country and its Prospects Through the Prism of Public Opinion during the Pandemic (¹ 4 2021)
Lezhnina Yu.P.
Russians' Views on the Necessary Social Policy: Between Mid 2000s and the Corona Crisis of 2020 (¹ 4 2021)
Temnitskiy A.L.
Traditions and Innovations in Labor Culture of Russian Workers (¹ 4 2021)
Pavlov A.V.
Post-Marxism in Sociology. Part I (¹ 4 2021)
Golovin N.A.
Pitirim Sorokin, Max Weber and Weberians: Òracing a Òheoretical Discussion in German Sociology (¹ 4 2021)
Obraztsov I.V.
A Sampling Survey of the Terek Cossack Troops Stanitsa Mode of Life (1875–1880). Part II (¹ 4 2021)
Che Yuling
On Spatial Fixes and Urban Disease from the Perspective of Modern Marxism (¹ 4 2021)
Vyalykh N.À.
And Yet It Does Exist! The 50th Anniversary of P. Bourideu’s Report “Public Opinion Does Not Exist” (¹ 4 2021)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
L.M. Drobizheva (¹ 4 2021)
L.S. Rzhanitsyna (¹ 4 2021)
Rzhanitsyna L.S.
Improving the Situation of Children in Divorced Families – a Way to Reduce Poverty (¹ 4 2021)
Adiev A.Z.
All-Russian Identity in Dagestan (2016–2019 Surveys Data) (¹ 4 2021)
Karimov A.G.
Young Scientists on Problems and Status (Surveys in the Ufa Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010–2020) (¹ 4 2021)
Noskova A.V.
Demographic Aspects of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Consequences (¹ 4 2021)
Okladnikova E.A.
Tsyplakova O.G.
Social Landscape of the World Picture of Modern Eurasia (¹ 4 2021)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
About Issues of Ethno-Social Development of the Russia’s Regions (¹ 4 2021)
Vorontsov A.V.
Ioffe G.A.
Sociological Discourse of Kareev: According to the Materials of the Conference (¹ 4 2021)
Rybakovsky L.L. is 90! (¹ 4 2021)
Molevich E.F. is 90! (¹ 4 2021)
Vorontsov A.V. is 80! (¹ 4 2021)
Safronov E.E.
Transformation of Capitalism in the 21st Century: “Surveillance Capitalism” Concept by Shoshana Zuboff (¹ 4 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2021)
Contents (¹ 4 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 4 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 4 2021)
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Demand for the Eras (¹ 3 2021)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Educational Failure of Russian Students: a Sociological Interpretation of the Problem (¹ 3 2021)
Deviatko I.F.
Êaterniy I.V.
Kirilina T. Yu.
Perov V.Yu.
Semenov E.V.
Sokolov D.M.
Chernysh M.F.
Morality, Ethics: What Happens in Theory and Social Practice? (Round Table Discussion) (¹ 3 2021)
Sokolov M.M.
Academic Recognition in Russian Sociology: a Study Using Reputation Surveys (¹ 3 2021)
Shcherbina V.V.
Is the Existence of Management Sociology Justified as a Special Sociological Regulatory Theory? (¹ 3 2021)
Dyatlov A.V.
Kovalev V.V.
Transformation of the City Management Institute in the Municipal Administration of the Russian South (¹ 3 2021)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Sociology as a Variety of Life Experience (Interview with N.E. Pokrovsky) (¹ 3 2021)
Kostina S.N.
Zaitseva E.V.
Large Families Models in Modern Russian Society: the Results of Narrative Interviews (¹ 3 2021)
Gagauz O.E.
Chisinau Youth on the Path from Romantic Relationships to Marriage (¹ 3 2021)
Êorytnikova N.V.
Paradata as Indicators of Online Survey Data Quality: Classification Experience (¹ 3 2021)
Obraztsov I.V.
A Sampling Survey of the Terek Cossack Troops Stanitsa Mode of Life (1875–1880). (Part I) (¹ 3 2021)
Malenkov V.V.
Active Citizenship: Concept and its Empirical Projections (Based on the Results of Tyumen Youth Survey) (¹ 3 2021)
Pozdniakova M.E.
Bryuno V.V.
Specifics of Business-women's Consumption of Alcohol (¹ 3 2021)
Denisova O.A.
Denisov A.P.
Drobyshev V.V.
Perception of the Educational Process by Medical University Students (¹ 3 2021)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Sociology and Social Sciences: New Contexts of Interaction (¹ 3 2021)
Khayrullina N.G.
About the First Russian-Iranian Sociological Forum in Moscow (¹ 3 2021)
Gonashvili A.S.
Sun Chia-Ting
Conceptualizing Integrity of Sports: Multiple Practices and Approaches (¹ 3 2021)
Adelfinsky A.S.
About Sociology of Sports Researches in Russia and France (¹ 3 2021)
Kondrashov P.N.
From the Market Society to the Rental Societ (¹ 3 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 3 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2021)
N.I. Driakhlov (¹ 3 2021)
Contents (¹ 3 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 3 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2021)
Gorshkov M.K.
To the Issue of Sociology of Collective Spiritual Phenomena (Theoretical and Methodological Aspect) (¹ 2 2021)
Gofman A.Â.
“Inter”, “Multi”, “Trans” and “Post”: Sociology, Disciplinarity and Postmodernism (¹ 2 2021)
Braslavskiy R.G.
The Strong Program in Cultural Sociology: Balancing Between Culturalism and Scientism (¹ 2 2021)
Maslovskaya E.V.
Legal Interpreters in the Investigation of Criminal Cases: Types of Professional Behavior and Social Practices (¹ 2 2021)
Sitkovsky A.L.
Latov Yu.V.
Paradoxes of the Russian Police Assessment in the Public Opinion Polls (¹ 2 2021)
Ushkin S.G.
Koval E.A.
The Subjects of Norm-creating in the Representations of Law Students (¹ 2 2021)
Soeters J.
Sociology and Military Studies: Broadening the Perspective by Using the Classics (¹ 2 2021)
Karlova E.N.
The Reproduction of Social Structure of the Russian Armed Forces in Military Professional Education (¹ 2 2021)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Ìodes of Temporality in the Narratives about the Accessibility of the Urban Environment (¹ 2 2021)
Êienko Ò.S.
Savina E.A.
Chronicles of Quarantine and Surveillance in a Russian Residential Home for the Elderly and Disabled (¹ 2 2021)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russian Literature of the Soviet Period – Socio-Dynamics of the Writers' Community (¹ 2 2021)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
Russian Society and Linguistic Considerations (¹ 2 2021)
Zubanova L.B.
Zyhovskaya N.L.
Shub M.L.
Actual Trends of Memory: the Problem Field of “Memory Studies” (¹ 2 2021)
Badaraev D.D.
Dyrkheeva G.A.
Antonova N.S.
The Language Situation among Buryat Schoolchildren of Russia, Mongolia and China (¹ 2 2021)
Vasilieva I.N.
On Social Communication of Internal Affairs Bodies with Citizens (Based on the Expert Survey Results) (¹ 2 2021)
Manshin R.V.
International Migration during the COVID-19 Pandemic (¹ 2 2021)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Rostovskaya T.K.
About the 2nd All-Russian Demographic Forum with International Participation (¹ 2 2021)
Savchenko I.A.
Is the “Twilight of Memory” Inevitable? (¹ 2 2021)
E.M. Babosov is 90! (¹ 2 2021)
V.V. Petukhov (¹ 2 2021)
Contents (¹ 2 2021)
New books on social sciences (¹ 2 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2021)
Kliucharev G.A.
Editorial: to our readers (¹ 1 2021)
Šubrt I.
Reflections on Modern Russian Sociology and its Prospects (¹ 1 2021)
Efendiev A.G.
Social Development in the Modern Era. À Theoretical and Sociological Study of New Reality (¹ 1 2021)
Shmerlina I.A.
To the Origins of Russian Social Worldview: the Theme of “Grace” (¹ 1 2021)
Ìareeva S.V.
Middle-Class Perceptions of Inequality Compared to Other Russians: Consensus or Disagreement? (¹ 1 2021)
Ivanov D.V.
New Approach to Assessment of Social Development (¹ 1 2021)
Vavilina N.D.
Parshukova G.B.
Romannikov O.D.
Civil Society as an Agent of Social Influence (the Case of the Novosibirsk Oblast) (¹ 1 2021)
Asochakov Yu.V.
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Ivanov D.V.
New Dimension of Social Development: Activities and Creativity in the Internet Communications (¹ 1 2021)
Artamonova Ju.D.
Volodenkov S.V.
Transformation of the Internet as a Space of Public and Political Communications: from Globalization to Glocalization (¹ 1 2021)
Kicherova M.N.
Efimova G.Z.
Semenov M.Yu.
Resource Potential of Non-Formal Education in the Human Capital Development (the Case of the Tyumen Oblast) (¹ 1 2021)
Gigin V.F.
Grishchenko J.M.
Students of the Digital Age: Life Meanings in the Realities of Belarusian Society (¹ 1 2021)
Butkaliuk V.A.
Social Consequences of the Transformations in the Work Sphere in the Context of the Economic Globalization (¹ 1 2021)
Yang Chunlei
Tang Zhengxiang
Zhao Tiantian
University Cultures in Britain, America, China, and Russia (¹ 1 2021)
Kolosova E.A.
Intelligences: Variety of Styles and Ways of Life (¹ 1 2021)
Akulich M.M.
Semenov M.Yu.
Sociology in the Tyumen Region – 2020 (¹ 1 2021)
Prisyazhnaya N.V
Pavlov S.V.
Sociohumanitarian Knowledge and Digitalization of Medical Education and Healthcare (¹ 1 2021)
Dyachenko A.N.
Sociological Forum in Crimea (¹ 1 2021)
Bezrukova O.N.
On Transformation of the Role and Meanings of Fatherhood in Russia Today (¹ 1 2021)
Latov Yu.V.
Kanarsh G.Yu. Justice, Democracy, Capitalism: Ways of Russia's Modernization in the 21st Century. Moscow: LENAND, 2020. 304 p. Reviewed by Yu.V. Latov (¹ 1 2021)
Chen Hong
Jiang Bo
Economy of PRC in the Light of 19th National Congress of the CPC / Ed. by À.V. Îstrovskiy. Moscow: IDV RÀN, 2019. Reviewed by Chen Hong, Jiang Bo (¹ 1 2021)
Books in brief (¹ 1 2021)
Congratulations to P.M. Kozyreva (¹ 1 2021)
R.A. Ubaidullaeva (¹ 1 2021)
E.G. Andryushchenko (¹ 1 2021)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2021)
Contents (¹ 1 2021)
Best publications 2020 (¹ 1 2021)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2021)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 1 2021)
Shabanova M.A.
New Consumer Practices in the Context of Civil Society Digitalization: Data of an Empirical Research in Russia (Paper 2) (¹ 12 2020)
Popova I.P.
Career Studies: Resources of Interdisciplinarity in a Sociological Perspective (¹ 12 2020)
Gorshkov M.K. is 70! (¹ 12 2020)
Volkov Yu.G.
Sociology for Society (¹ 12 2020)
Mikeshina L.A. is 90! (¹ 12 2020)
Mikeshina L.A.
The Problem of Values in Modern Sociology: an Epistemological Analysis (¹ 12 2020)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Makshanchikova A.Yu.
Nikishin E.A.
Reverse Migration in Pandemic Crisis: Russia's Out-of-Town Spaces as an Adaptation Resource (¹ 12 2020)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Rostovskaya T.K.
Pletneva Yu.E.
Ochirova G.N.
To Leave or to Stay? Migration Attitudes of the Participants of “Global Education” Program (¹ 12 2020)
Gayazov A.S.
Akhmetova G.F.
Utyasheva I.B.
Shamsutdinova N.K.
SocioTerritorial Features of Natural and Migration Movement of the Region's Population in the Republic of Bashkortostan (¹ 12 2020)
Kraevsky A.A.
Timoshina E.V.
Jus Non Scriptum: on Efficacy of Legal Customs and Their Application by Russian Courts (¹ 12 2020)
Smirnov A.M.
Self-Defense of the Rights and Freedoms of Personality in the Sphere of Criminal Law Relations (¹ 12 2020)
Gurko T.A.
Relationship Between Parents and Adult Children: Concepts for Analysis (¹ 12 2020)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
“She is no Mother at All”: Images of Ex-Wives in the Discourse of Young Divorced Fathers (¹ 12 2020)
Titarenko L.G.
Shirokanova A.A.
Students' Employment Entry Strategies in the Belarus Regulated Labour Market (¹ 12 2020)
Latov Yu.V.
“Spiritual Atmosphere” 2020: Experience of Analysis of the Socialemotional Self-sense of Russians (¹ 12 2020)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Problems of the Caucasus Modernization (¹ 12 2020)
Sushko P.E.
Damba-Khuurak A.P.
Human Potential of the Central Asian Region: Prospect of Development (¹ 12 2020)
Sadykova Kh.N.
Youth and Society (¹ 12 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 12 2020)
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2020)
2020 index (¹ 12 2020)
Danilov À.N.
G.P. Davidyuk (¹ 12 2020)
A.V. Lubskiy (¹ 12 2020)
Contents (¹ 12 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 12 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2020)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Sociology and Interdisciplinary Research: Skipping Pages of a Journal Section (¹ 11 2020)
Shabanova M.A.
New Consumer Practices in the Context of Civil Society Digitalization: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects (Paper 1) (¹ 11 2020)
Popov D.S.
Human Capital in Russia: Measurement Accuracy and Limitations of the Method (¹ 11 2020)
Babich N.S.
Batykov I.V.
Respondents’ Self-Learning in Surveys as a Factor of Forbid/Allow Asymmetry in Public Opinion Research (¹ 11 2020)
Zelinsky S.E.
Post Assessment of the Reliability of Social Survey Data and Formation of Trust to Pollsters (¹ 11 2020)
Kranzeeva E.A
Golovatsky E.V.
Orlova A.V.
Burmakina A.L.
Meanings of Life in the Estimates and Expectations of the Inhabitants of à Region (Focus Groups in the Kemerovo Region) (¹ 11 2020)
Fadeeva Å.V.
Will E-Health Make Medicine More Accessibile? (¹ 11 2020)
Magomedov A.K.
Tokunaga M.
Origins and Backgrounds of Indigenous Resistance in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (¹ 11 2020)
Endryushko A.A
Integration of Migrants from Azerbaijan and Other Post-Soviet Countries: a Comparative Analysis (¹ 11 2020)
Àbramov R.N.
Public Relations: Professional Associations and Their Impact on the PR-Sphere (¹ 11 2020)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Klimova S.V.
Social Work Benefits and Risks through Evaluations of Social Workers (¹ 11 2020)
Okhotsky E.V
“Nationalization of Elites”: an Irreversible Process? (¹ 11 2020)
Holavin A.O.
Social Inaction at Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemics (¹ 11 2020)
Latov Yu.V.
Discourse on the “Nationalization of Elite” as an Object of Sociological Analysis (¹ 11 2020)
Polikhina N.A.
Trostyanskaya I.B.
Adaptation Issues of Foreign Students in Russia (¹ 11 2020)
Voevodin I.V.
Peshkovskaya A.G.
Galkin S.A.
Belokrylov I.I.
Social Adaptation and Mental Health of Migrant Students in Siberia (¹ 11 2020)
Shchukina N.P.
Savenkov A.N., Zhukov V.I. Sociology of Legal Deviations and Social Addictions. Moscow: IGP RAN, 2019. 408 p. Reviewed by N.P. Shchukina (¹ 11 2020)
Kuznecova M.A.
Šubrt J. Antinomies, Dilemmas and Discussions in Modern Sociological Thought: Summons of Social Theory: monograph. Moscow: RUDN, 2018. 280 p. Reviewed by M.A. Kuznecova (¹ 11 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 11 2020)
G.F. Shafranov-Kutsev (¹ 11 2020)
S.S. Frolov (¹ 11 2020)
Contents (¹ 11 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 11 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2020)
Deviatko I.F.
The Concept of Value in Sociological Theory: the Influence and (Underestimated) Possibilities of its Interpretation from the Standpoint of Gestalt Psychology (¹ 10 2020)
Aksenova O.V
Practical Sociology: Difficulties of Conceptualization and Spontaneous Interdisciplinarity (¹ 10 2020)
Nefedova T.G.
Starikova A.V
Migrations as a Way of Population Adaptation to Polarization of Space at the Center of Russia (¹ 10 2020)
Latova N.V.
Migration Attitudes and Preferences of Russian Workers in the Context of the Human Capital Concept (¹ 10 2020)
Byuraeva Yu.G.
Youth Migration in the Republic of Buryatia: Trends and Causes (¹ 10 2020)
Lushnikova O.L
Rural Population of Republic of Khakassia (¹ 10 2020)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Russian Professionals: Specifics of Jobs and of Human Potential (¹ 10 2020)
Bobkov V.N.
Chernykh E.A.
Zolotov S.A.
Pavlova V.V.
Unconditional Basic Income: Criterial Bases, Transitional Forms and Experimental Implementations (¹ 10 2020)
Akhmadullin I.R.
Prospects for the Work-to-Rule Strikes in Russia (¹ 10 2020)
Obraztsov I.V.
War as an Object of Sociological Analysis (¹ 10 2020)
Noskova A.V.
Toropova A.A.
Greek Sociology: History of Formation and Modern Research (¹ 10 2020)
Jin Junkai
Deriugin P.P.
Veselova L.S.
Lebedintseva L.A.
Development of Sociology in Hongkong: Challenges and Prospects (¹ 10 2020)
Diveeva K.A.
Extremist Attitudes among the Krasnoyarsk Students (¹ 10 2020)
Bodrunov S.D.
Global Crises of the 21st Century Expose Contradictions of the Modern Socio-Economic Model (¹ 10 2020)
Dobrinskaya D.E.
Martynenko T.S.
Is Digital Equality Possible? (“The Digital Divide” by J. van Dijk) (¹ 10 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 10 2020)
Zhabskiy M.I. is 80! (¹ 10 2020)
Petukhov V.V. is 70! (¹ 10 2020)
Danilov À.N.
Shavel S.A. is 80! (¹ 10 2020)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Letter to editors (¹ 10 2020)
Basheva O.A.
O.N. Yanitsky (¹ 10 2020)
Contents (¹ 10 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 10 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2020)
Baehr W.P.
The Arrest of Sociology (¹ 9 2020)
Volkov Yu.G.
Society of Trauma in Search of Healing (Invitation to the Discussion) (¹ 9 2020)
Shirokalova G.S.
Historical Memory of the Young People: Village vs City (¹ 9 2020)
Bogdanov S.V.
Gudova J.S.
Ostapyuk V.G.
Soviet Women under the German Occupation: Facets of Social Adaptation (¹ 9 2020)
Musiychuk M.V
Musiychuk S.V.
Visual Fixation of the Epoch. About the Kukryniks' Caricatures (1941–1945) (¹ 9 2020)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Loneliness: Age Features (¹ 9 2020)
Galkin K.A.
Modes of Self-Care and Care of the Elderly People Living Separetly in Peripheral Settlements (¹ 9 2020)
Smirnov V.A.
Effectiveness of Grant Support for Russian Socially-Oriented Non-Profit Organizations (the Case of the Presidential Grants Foundation) (¹ 9 2020)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
General and Specific Criteria for Precarious Employment: Empirical Analysis (¹ 9 2020)
Popov A.V.
Soloveva T.S.
Employment Precarization: an Analysis of Academic Discourse on the Essence and Ways of Measuring (¹ 9 2020)
Efendiev A.G.
Gogoleva A.S.
Balabanova E.S.
On the Computerization Impact on Social Job Content of Specialists (¹ 9 2020)
Lee Moon-Young
Comparative Study on National Image and Mutual Understanding between South Korea and Russia (¹ 9 2020)
Isaev L.M.
Korotayev A.V.
Bobarykina D.A.
Image of Russia in Afghanistan 30 Years after the Soviet Union Collapse (¹ 9 2020)
Krivokapic N.
Authoritarian Values Persistence in the Transition to a New Social System (the Case of Montenegro) (¹ 9 2020)
Kliucharev G.A.
Polivanova K.N. et al. Education Outside the School. How Parents Design their Children's Learning Environment. Moscow: VShE, 2020. 384 p. Reviewed ây G.A. Kliucharev (¹ 9 2020)
Meshcheryakova N.N.
DiAngelo R.J. White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism. Boston: Beacon Press, 2018. 192 p. Reviewed by N.N. Meshcheryakova (¹ 9 2020)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N. – Congratulations (¹ 9 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 9 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2020)
Fetisov E.N. (¹ 9 2020)
Contents (¹ 9 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 9 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2020)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Precarious Employment Is a Phenomenon of the Modern Economy (¹ 8 2020)
Sokolov M.M.
Are International Stratification Scales Misrepresenting Russian Social Structure? (¹ 8 2020)
Kuzmina M.A.
Mesoanalysis as an Interdisciplinary Methodology in Social and Humanitarian Research (¹ 8 2020)
Drobizheva L.M.
All-Russian National Identity: Searching for Definition and Distribution Dynamics (¹ 8 2020)
Ryzhova S.V.
All-Russian National Identity on the Orthodox-Islamic Frontier (¹ 8 2020)
Liu Juan
About Language Policy in Latvia (¹ 8 2020)
Bykov A.V.
Nastina E.A.
Link of the Value Attitudes with Career Achievements (Based on a Survey of Youth) (¹ 8 2020)
Krekhovets E.V.
Shpilev D.A.
Student and Graduate Adaptation in the Labor Market: the Role of Informal Social Ties (¹ 8 2020)
Surkova I.Yu.
Shcheblanova V.V.
Loginova L.V.
Youths Civic Activism in the Saratov Region: Socio-Political Inclusion and Participation Potential (¹ 8 2020)
Šubrt I.
Immanuel Wallerstein. Looking Back at the Œvres of a Sociologist of Global Import (¹ 8 2020)
Golovin N.A.
Sorokin and German Sociology: Sociobibliographic Research Opportunities (¹ 8 2020)
Ìalinov À.Â.
Dolgova E.A.
Sociology and Jurisprudence (Based on Nikolay I. Kareev's Manuscript “The General Methodology of the Humanities”) (¹ 8 2020)
Theoretical Humanities (manuscript). The General Metodology of the Humanities. Chapter 6 (fragments) (¹ 8 2020)
Shipilov A.V.
Homecoming. Notes from Self-Isolation (¹ 8 2020)
Buzgalin A.V.
Kolganov A.I.
Market and Property: Socio-Economic Lessons of the Pandemia (¹ 8 2020)
Eflova M.Yu.
Khayrullina N.G.
Maksimova O.A.
On the Congress of Sociologists of the Turkish World in Kazan (¹ 8 2020)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Quality of Life of People with Disabilities in Central Asia: Policy and Practice (¹ 8 2020)
Pronina E.I.
What Happens to Motivation for Education (round table “Russian Education Today”) (¹ 8 2020)
Zadorozhnyuk I.E.
Sociological Support of Youth Policy: Book as a Tool (¹ 8 2020)
Lukov V.A. (¹ 8 2020)
Knyazev V.N. is 75 (¹ 8 2020)
Contents (¹ 8 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 8 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2020)
Kasavin I.T.
Science as a Political Agent (¹ 7 2020)
Danilov À.N.
Belov A.A.
Scholkova T.V.
The State of Scientific Sphere of the Republic of Belarus: Statistical Data Analysis (¹ 7 2020)
Sorokin P.S.
Froumin I.D.
“Structure/Agency” Problem in the 21st Century: Changing Social Reality and Research Implications (¹ 7 2020)
Ignatyev V.I.
Social Locality in the Age of Information and Network Glocalization (¹ 7 2020)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Methodological Issues on the Pages of the Journal “Sociological Studies” (2000–2018) (¹ 7 2020)
Popova I.P.
Sociology of Professions as a Project (Based on the Materials of the Journal Section) (¹ 7 2020)
Dobrolyubova E.I.
Yuzhakov V.N.
Pokida A.N.
Zybunovskaya N.V.
How Citizens Evaluate Safety from State-Controlled Risks and Why (¹ 7 2020)
Kochetkov V.V
The Role of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Forming Russia’s Image (¹ 7 2020)
Okolskaya L.A.
Individually and Socially Oriented Parental Values in Russian Regions (¹ 7 2020)
Pavlyutkin I.V.
Goleva M.A.
How do Families with Many Children Emerge? Typology of Parents’ Transitions (¹ 7 2020)
Dmitrieva E.V.
Frolov S.A.
Sociology of Health: from Theory to Practice (the Case of 'SMS for Mama' Communicative Program Realization) (¹ 7 2020)
Orlova I.B.
Actor-Network Theory and Social Practice (¹ 7 2020)
Reshetnikov A.V.
Prisyazhnaya N.V
Pavlov S.V.
Vyatkina N.Yu.
Perception of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Moscow Residents (¹ 7 2020)
Sleptsov A.N.
Potravnaya E.V.
Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Life of Arctic Regions in Population Estimates (¹ 7 2020)
Sinyutin M.V.
Ivan E.
Tewari S.
Jin Junkai
Students' Attitude to Doping Practices in Russia, China, USA and India (¹ 7 2020)
Filonenko V.I.
Shtompel L.A.
Shtompel O.M.
Visual Environment of South Russian Cities in the Assessments of Citizens (¹ 7 2020)
Burmykina O.N.
Developing the Ideas of S.I. Golod (¹ 7 2020)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 11th B. Grushin Readings in Lomonosov Moscow State University (¹ 7 2020)
Seidumanov S.T.
Shaukenova Z.Ê.
Journal «Aleumettanu-SOCIOLOGY» is 10! (¹ 7 2020)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Comprehending Russia and the World: Concerning a Failed Sociological Study (about “Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist`s View”, the book by P. I. Smirmov) (¹ 7 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 7 2020)
Contents (¹ 7 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 7 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2020)
Zarubina N.N.
The Theory of Rationalization of Max Weber as a Methodology for Understanding Modern Sociocultural Processes (¹ 6 2020)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Culture Does Matter? À Critique of the Russian Weberiana in the Modernization Issue (¹ 6 2020)
Saks Ì.
Neo-Weberianism and the Professions (¹ 6 2020)
Schwinn T.
Max Weber on the Role of Protestantism in the Formation of Civil Political Culture in the United States (¹ 6 2020)
Kanarsh G.Yu.
«No Need to Slay Chicken that Lays Golden Eggs»: Social State and Its Transformations at the Beginning of the 21st Century (¹ 6 2020)
Reutov Å.V.
Reutova M.N.
Shavyrina I.V.
Life Success and Chances for Its Achievement in the Representations of the Russian Province Inhabitants (¹ 6 2020)
Diomin A.N.
Financial Self-Control: Links with Credit Behavior and Individual’s Social Characteristics (¹ 6 2020)
Veraksa A.N.
Bukhalenkova D.A.
Chichinina E.A.
Almazova O.V.
Digital Devices Use by Pre-School Children Today (¹ 6 2020)
Feldman M.A.
Cadres Promotions in 1917–1941: Ambivalence of Upward Mobility (¹ 6 2020)
Borisov A.V.
Vazhenina I.V.
English «Bobby» Versus Russian Policeman (English Police in the 19th – Early 20th Century Russian Public Opinion) (¹ 6 2020)
Tisova D.S.
Ethnic Language Uses under Conditions of Lingua Franca Domination (the Case of Makhachkala) (¹ 6 2020)
Khodykin A.V
Socio-Professional Characteristics of Russian and Foreign Cosmonauts/Astronauts (¹ 6 2020)
Voevodina E.V
Educational Risks in the Process of Training Students with Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System Disorders (¹ 6 2020)
Soyan Sh.Ch.
Employment Conditions in the Republic of Tuva in Popular Assessments (¹ 6 2020)
Yanitzky O.N.
Technoscience: Natural, Social, and Technological Effects (¹ 6 2020)
Popov A.V.
From Precarious Employment to the Precariat (¹ 6 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 6 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2020)
Information for authors (¹ 6 2020)
Contents (¹ 6 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 6 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2020)
Zhavoronkov A.V.
Levashov V.K.
Obraztsov I.V.
Rostovtseva L.I.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Òrofimova I.N.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Memory Would Not Subside (Round Table) (¹ 5 2020)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
What Happens to the Historical Memory of the Great Patriotic War? (¹ 5 2020)
Malinkin A.N.
Historical Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Epistemologic and Genealogic Aspects (¹ 5 2020)
Stepanova E.E.
Baranovsky M.V.
Survey Techniques in the Great Patriotic War (¹ 5 2020)
Ivanov D.V.
Augmented Modernity: Effects of Post-globalization and Post-virtualization (¹ 5 2020)
Shcherbina V.V.
Sociology of Management as a Special Socio-regulative Theory: Genesis, Status, Outlook (¹ 5 2020)
Groshev I.V.
Krasnoslobodtsev A.A.
Digitalization and Creativity of Russian Regions (¹ 5 2020)
Levashov V.K.
Grebnyak O.V.
Digital Culture of the Russian Society and the State (¹ 5 2020)
Kononov I.F
Sociology in the USSR (Late 1920–1980s): Changing Conventions and Exegesis of Lenin's Theoretical Legacy (¹ 5 2020)
Kremnyov E.V.
Governance Concepts in Chinese Marxist Sociology of the Early 20th Century: Tradition and Revolution (¹ 5 2020)
Zotov A.A.
Social Features in Leon Petrazhitsky's Psychological Theory of Law (¹ 5 2020)
Golovic R.
The 'Sobornost': from the History of Russian Religious Social Thought (¹ 5 2020)
Obraztsov I.V.
The Making of Professional Psychological Selection in the 1920s' Red Army (¹ 5 2020)
Sokolov N.P
Speransky A.D.
Experiences of an Indicative Psychotechnical Testing of New Recruits [in WPRA] (¹ 5 2020)
Zhabskiy M.I.
Russian Cinema – National Specifics of Upward Movement (¹ 5 2020)
Karapetyan R.V.
Menshikova G.A.
On the 4th Saint Petersburg International Labour Forum (¹ 5 2020)
Dulina N.V.
Ikingrin E.N.
Ìansurov V.À.
Youth of Russia about the Great Patriotic War (¹ 5 2020)
Andreyev A.L.
Gesheva E.G.
Four Steps Back: Returning... to the Future? (about the book of Z. Bauman’s “Retrotopia”) (¹ 5 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 5 2020)
A.S. Kapto (¹ 5 2020)
Contents (¹ 5 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 5 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2020)
Buzgalin A.V.
Kolganov A.I.
Lenin about Sociàl Creativity, Classes, Revolution, and Reforms (¹ 4 2020)
Chernysh M.F.
Lenin’s Notion of Class as a Case of Political Conceptualization (¹ 4 2020)
Kononov I.F
Lenin’s Social Philosophic Håritage and Destiny of Sociology in the USSR (in the 1920s) (¹ 4 2020)
Vodolazov G.G.
Lenin’s Heritage: ‘Water of Life’ and ‘Water of Death’ (¹ 4 2020)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Simonova O.A.
Matveeva E.V.
Sociology and Society in the Twenty-First Century: Crises and Images of the Future (a Round Table Discussion) (¹ 4 2020)
Kravchenko S.A.
Sociological Theories of Trauma: Discourse in Contemporary Theoretical Sociology (¹ 4 2020)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Russian Citizens’ Health Self-assessment Dynamics: Relevant Trends of the Post-Soviet Era (¹ 4 2020)
Smirnova T.V
Smirnov R.G.
Institutional Elderly Care: Obstacles to Acceptance (the Case of Private Boarding Houses) (¹ 4 2020)
Fadeeva Å.V.
Access to Free Medical Assistance in Russia: State and Problems (¹ 4 2020)
Andreeva Ju.V.
Lukyanova E.L.
Contexts of the Formation of Professional Competences with Working Youth: Factory, Shift Work, “Garage” (¹ 4 2020)
Shafranov-Êutsev G.F.
Cherkashov E.M.
Youth Orientation towards Competition and Entrepreneurship (¹ 4 2020)
Kolesnikova E.M.
Kudenko I.À.
Interest for STEM Professions at School: Problems of Career Guidance (¹ 4 2020)
Simonyan R.H. is 85! (¹ 4 2020)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Social Responsibility of Soviet Political Elites in Historical Retrospect (¹ 4 2020)
Mastikova N.S.
Attutudes toward Migrants in Russia: the Role of Religiosity Level and Belonging to Denomination (¹ 4 2020)
Kylgyday A.Ch.
Oydup T.M
Professional Orientation of School Graduates in the Tuva Republic (¹ 4 2020)
Danilova E.N.
Future of Sociological Knowledge and Challenges of Social Tranformations (V.A. Yadov Memorial Conference) (¹ 4 2020)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Man and His Work (about the Section on Labor Sociology) (¹ 4 2020)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Sociology and Social Work: Current Educational and Scientific Research Practices (¹ 4 2020)
Bogdan I.V.
Gurylina M.V.
Chistyakova D.P.
Sociology in Healthcare Management: a Dialogue is Needed (¹ 4 2020)
Vershinina I.A.
Kurbanov A.R.
Liadova A.V.
Domingos Cordeiro V., Neri H. Sociology in Brazil: A Brief Institutional and Intellectual History. Basingstoke: Springer International Publishing, 2019. Rev. by I.A. Vershinina, A.R. Kurbanov, A.V. Liadova (¹ 4 2020)
Tikhanov A.V.
Lapin N.I. (ed.) Theory and Practice of Innovation: Textbook for Universities / N.I. Lapin, V.V. Karacharovsky. 2nd ed. Moscow: Yurayt, 2019. Rev. by A.V. Tikhonov (¹ 4 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2020)
Karimova A.B. (¹ 4 2020)
Khaliy I.A. (¹ 4 2020)
Contents (¹ 4 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 4 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 4 2020)
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
Kolosova E.A.
Gubanova A.Yu.
The Eventfulness of Childhood: the Question of Empirical Evidence of the Generations Theory (¹ 3 2020)
Kravchenko S.A.
Development of the Subject of Sociology: from Monodisciplinarity to Inter- and Post-Disciplinarity (¹ 3 2020)
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Shkaratan O.I.
When Not Every Good is Good: Two Dimensions of Social Choice (¹ 3 2020)
Klupt M.A.
Influence of Family Policy and Normative Beliefs about Family on Fertility: a Comparative Analysis (¹ 3 2020)
Kliucharev G.A.
On the Training of Engineers for High-Tech Industries (Employers’ View) (¹ 3 2020)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Ìatveeva N.À.
Boyadjieva P.A.
Vorontsov Ya.A.
Russian Education in Paper Abyss: a Sociological Study (¹ 3 2020)
Seliverstova N.À.
Simulation of Educational Practices in the System of Higher Education (¹ 3 2020)
Chvorostov A.
Waechter N.
National and Regional Balances of Qualifications and Occupations in the EHEA Countries (¹ 3 2020)
Petrova E.V.
Biltrikova A.V.
Dashibalova I.N.
Impact of Ethnicity on Upward Mobility in Buryatia (¹ 3 2020)
Zhegusov Yu.I.
Koryakina Z.I.
Bessonova O.G.
Ethnic Aspects of Alcoholization Process in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Models of Consumption (¹ 3 2020)
Karmaeva N.N.
Khavenson T.E.
Ilieva-Trichkova P.
Higher Educaton and Socio-Professional Status: Mitigation of Gender Inequalities in Russia (¹ 3 2020)
Myagkov A.Yu.
Bogus Pipeline: Valid Procedure or a “Ghostly Dream”? (Discussions in Social Sciences) (¹ 3 2020)
Yalovitsyna S.E.
Impact of “War Experience” on Migrants’ Social Adaptation (Based on Biographic Interviews) (¹ 3 2020)
Sitnikova S.V.
Representations about the Loneliness of Participants in the Internet Forum: Cognitive Aspect (¹ 3 2020)
Pronina T.S.
Aleynikov V.A.
Realities of an Ortodox Parish – Sociological Essay (¹ 3 2020)
Skvortsov N.G.
Bezrukova O.N.
Shilkina N.E.
The 21st Century Youth: an Image of the Future (¹ 3 2020)
Epanova Yu.V.
Youth Today: Multiplicity and Difference (¹ 3 2020)
Sadykova Kh.N.
Konev V.V.
Conference in BashGU (¹ 3 2020)
Kononov I.F
Continuing to Study, Continuing to Teach (Round Table on the 90th Anniversary of V.A. Yadov and I.Ya. Kovaleva) (¹ 3 2020)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Yanitskiy O.N. Transition Period: Study Goals, Theory and Practice. Moscow: Political encyclopedia, 2019. Rev. by N.V. Romanovskiy (¹ 3 2020)
Khukhuni G.T.
Shultz V.L., Lyubimova T.M. Language as a Construct of Reality and Hyperreality. Moscow: Nauka, 2019. Rev. by G.T. Khukhuni; (¹ 3 2020)
Zasypkin V.P.
Pavlov B.S. Sociological Research at the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS (a Half-century Perspective on 1968–2018 Research). Yekaterinburg: IE UrO RAN, 2018. Rev. by V.P. Zasypkin (¹ 3 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 3 2020)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2020)
Magaril S.A. (¹ 3 2020)
Contents (¹ 3 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 3 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2020)
Rezaev À.V.
Starikov V.S.
Tregubova N.D.
Socioligy in the Age of ‘Artificial Sociality’: Search of New Bases (¹ 2 2020)
Grebenshchikova E.G.
Direct-to-Consumer Genomics and Genetization of Society: Rethinking Identity, Social Relations and Responsibility (¹ 2 2020)
Lapin N.I.
Ilyin V.À.
Morev M.V.
Extremal Inequalities and Social State (part 2) (¹ 2 2020)
Anikin V.A.
Social Classes of the New Russia: Unequal and Different (¹ 2 2020)
Glukhova A.V.
Sidenko O.A.
Sosunov D.V.
Shcheglova D.V.
Searching for the Desirable Future: Internal Political Agenda for Russia (¹ 2 2020)
Atanesyan A.V.
Posukhova O.Yu.
Post-protest Attitudes in the Armenian Society (¹ 2 2020)
Gurko T.A.
The Concept of Ambivalence in the Study of Family Relations (¹ 2 2020)
Chernova Zh.V.
Shpakovskaya L.L.
Garifulina E.Sh.
Motives and Practices of Foster Parents (an Analysis of Narratives) (¹ 2 2020)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Sivoplyasova S.Yu.*
‘Russian Wives’: at the International Marriage Market (¹ 2 2020)
Sergeev D.V.
Sociologization of Humanitarian Studies: Searching for Children Picturebook Definition (¹ 2 2020)
Ivanov D.I.
“The Duty” of the Soviet Man: a Reconstruction of the Concept (on the Material of Kinotext) (¹ 2 2020)
Rozov N.S.
Nomological Explanation in Historical Sociology (the Case of Genesis and Flowering of Italian Humanism) (¹ 2 2020)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russian Literature – Sociodynamic Analysis of the Writers’ Community (19th – Early 20th Century) (¹ 2 2020)
Bearman P.S.
Âig Data and Historical Social Science (¹ 2 2020)
Kondrashov P.N.
Post-capitalism as a Social Inter/trans-formation (¹ 2 2020)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Employment, Career, Youth Mobility: Institutional and Personal Factors (¹ 2 2020)
Vorob’yeva V.A.
Chibiskova P.M.
Discussion on the Middle Class at HSE (¹ 2 2020)
Êîvàlåvà À.I.
Lukov V.A.
Dimans S., Levicheva V. People and Norms: Institutions vs Informal Practices. Moscow: Klyuch-S, 2018. Reviewed by A.I. Kovaleva, V.A. Lukov (¹ 2 2020)
Maltseva D.V.
Donati P. Relational Theory of Society: Social Life from a Perspective of Critical Realism. Moscow: Moscow Publishing PSTGU, 2019. Reviewed by D.V. Maltseva (¹ 2 2020)
P.P. Velikiy is 85! (¹ 2 2020)
V.I. Staroverov is 80! (¹ 2 2020)
Shanin T. (¹ 2 2020)
Contents (¹ 2 2020)
New books on social sciences (¹ 2 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2020)
Lapin N.I.
Ilyin V.À.
Morev M.V.
Extremal Inequalities and the Social State (part 1) (¹ 1 2020)
Andreenkova A.V.
A Comparative Analysis of Popular Attitudes toward the Idea of Universal Basic Income in Russia vs Europe (¹ 1 2020)
Shatkin M.A.
Yakovlev L.S.
Transformation of Ownership and Authority in Sharing Economy (¹ 1 2020)
Nedyak I.L.
Pavlova T.V.
Patrushev S.V.
Philippova L.E.
Political Field and Zone of Power: Ideal Type Varieties and an Empirical Verification (¹ 1 2020)
Ukhanova Ju.V.
Labour Union Organizations as a Subject of Civic Participation: Vologda Oblast Case Study (¹ 1 2020)
Ushkin S.G.
Moral Transgression and the Meanings Making in Online Discussions (¹ 1 2020)
Tikhanov A.V.
Bogdanov V.S.
From «Smart Regulation» to «Smart Management»: Social Issue of Feedback Digitalization (¹ 1 2020)
Maslovskaya E.V.
Expert Knowledge Circulation in the Judicial Field: Encounters of Epistemic Cultures and Practices of Translation (¹ 1 2020)
Pokida A.N.
Zybunovskaya N.V.
Legal Values of the Russian Population: Priorities and Contradictions (¹ 1 2020)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Zh.T. Toshchenko is 85 (¹ 1 2020)
Doktorov B.
A Man Who Has Done a Lot and Is Doing a Lot (Zh.T. Toshchenko is 85) (¹ 1 2020)
Boronoev A.O.
Golovin N.A.
Ivanov D.V.
Actualizing Sociological Theory (25th Anniversary of the “Problems of Theoretical Sociology” Series) (¹ 1 2020)
Popov Å.À.
Zamjatina O.N.
Voronina S.A.
Urban Issues in the Sociologists’ Dissertations (¹ 1 2020)
Novokreshchenov A.V.
Nomenclature as Personnel Technology and a Mechanism of State Administration (regarding Yu.A. Nisnevich’s article) (¹ 1 2020)
Sadykova G.F.
Cetin S.
Atas H.
Interrelationship of Global Social Responsibility and Social Loafing (the Case of Public Servants of Turkey) (¹ 1 2020)
Kutovaya S.V.
Elderly People's Activity in Socioeconomic Sphere (¹ 1 2020)
Lutskaya E.E.
Tumakova S.Yu.
“May be I am Just Starting to Live”: Ufa Pensioners about their Post-labour Life (¹ 1 2020)
Zyryanov V.V.
Ladyzhets N.S.
Temnova L.V.
Sociological Education in Russia: Results of 30 Years (¹ 1 2020)
Filipova A.G.
On the Participation of Children in Resolving Issues Affecting their Interests (¹ 1 2020)
Sinyutin M.V.
Kolesnik N.V.
Shopulatov A.N.
About Sociology of Sports in Uzbekistan and Russia (¹ 1 2020)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Paramonova S.P. Sociology of Favoritism. Perm: PNIPU, 2018. 406 p. Reviewed by A.V. Vorontsov, E.A. Okladnikova (¹ 1 2020)
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Ostrovskaya E.A. Sociology of Religion: an Introduction. St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2018. 320 p. Reviewed by T.B. Badmatsyrenov) (¹ 1 2020)
Books in brief (¹ 1 2020)
E.I. Kukushkina (¹ 1 2020)
Ànisimov R.I.
On Updating the Data in the Article (¹ 1 2020)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2020)
Contents (¹ 1 2020)
Best publications 2019 (¹ 1 2020)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2020)
Petukhov V.V.
Civic Participation in Russia Today: Interaction of Social and Political Practices (¹ 12 2019)
Latov Yu.V.
Ideological Vectors and Scalars of Action for Proponents of Change (¹ 12 2019)
Semenov A.V.
The Roots of the Grass: Patterns of Grassroots Urban Mobilization in Russia (¹ 12 2019)
Nartova N.A.
Citizenship as Understood by St. Petersburg Young People and their Parents (¹ 12 2019)
Velikiy P.P.
Owners of Private Farmsteads: Differentiation, Problems, Outlook (¹ 12 2019)
Makshanchikova A.Yu.
Nikishin E.A.
Popov D.S.
Extra-urban Localities: Hybridization of 'Rural' and 'Urban' in the Process of Migration of Citizens to the Countryside (¹ 12 2019)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Demidova Ju.A.
Phenomenology of the «Lifeworld» of Urbanites in the Extraurban Space in the Near North: the House and Domestication (¹ 12 2019)
Chen Hong
Forty Years of Economic Reforms in China: Social Results (¹ 12 2019)
Salmina A.A.
Did Russians' Welfare Attitudes Change? An Analysis of the Dynamics and Comparison with Other Countries (¹ 12 2019)
Yakovleva N.G.
Social Effect of Financialization of Education (¹ 12 2019)
Timoshina E.V.
Sociology as a «Strong Science»: Leon Petrazhitsky’s Unfinished Project (¹ 12 2019)
Jin Junkai
Deriugin P.P.
Veselova L.S.
Lebedintseva L.A.
History and the Current State of Sociology in Taiwan (¹ 12 2019)
Òrofimova I.N.
Social Change, Concepts and Policy: on the 14th European Sociological Association Conference (¹ 12 2019)
Romanovskiy N.V.
About XXI Kharchev’s Readings (¹ 12 2019)
Gavrilina Å.À.
Kazakova À.À.
Current Research in TA/RRI, Sociology of Technology and Engineering in Russia: an Overview (¹ 12 2019)
Sharonova S.A.
Khayrullina N.G.
Culture and Education: Social Transformation and Multicultural Communication (¹ 12 2019)
Ignatyev V.I.
Melnikov M.V. Privatization of Public Space: Social and Managerial Aspects. Novosibirsk: NGTU, 2019. 256 p. Revieved by V.I. Ignatyev (¹ 12 2019)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Doktorov B.Z. Foster City Is My America. Sociographic Essays. Moscow: TsSPiM, 2019. 164 p. Reviewed by G.E. Zborovsky, P.A. Ambarova (¹ 12 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 12 2019)
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2019)
2019 index (¹ 12 2019)
S.I. Grigoriev (¹ 12 2019)
Contents (¹ 12 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 12 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2019)
Gorshkov M.K.
Social Outcomes of the Post-soviet Transformations (¹ 11 2019)
Danilova E.N.
Institutional Innovations in the Social Sphere: Methodological Assumptions for Research (¹ 11 2019)
Shcherbina V.V.
Change in Basic Characteristics of Sociology as a Science (Causes, Results, Outlook) (¹ 11 2019)
Shields P.M.
Rangarajan N.
Casula M.
It is a Working Hypothesis: Searching for Truth in a Post-Truth World (part 2) (¹ 11 2019)
Kolennikova N.D.
Status Consistency of the Employed Population in Morden Russia (¹ 11 2019)
Latova N.V.
Leisure Practices of Russian Employees as a Factor of Their Human Potential Formation (¹ 11 2019)
Zhabskiy M.I.
Tarasov K.A.
Russian Sociology of Cinema in the Context of Society Development (¹ 11 2019)
Thakahov V. Kh.
Unreality of ‘Screen’ Reality: Constructing of Ethnic Sameness in Today’s Russian Cinema (¹ 11 2019)
Orlova N.K.
Video Games as They Are Represented in Russian Animated Series for Children (¹ 11 2019)
Kolycheva V.A.
The Art of Art Assessing (Results of a Survey in the Saint Petersburg Artistic Community) (¹ 11 2019)
Dezhina I.G.
Medovnikov D.S.
Rozmirovich S.D.
State Support of Small Innovative Companies by the Fund for Assistance to Innovations (¹ 11 2019)
Pantin V.I.
Russian Society at the Beginning of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries: Problems and Risks (¹ 11 2019)
Bubnova I.A.
Kazachenko O.V.
Tokareva E.A.
Specifics of State Awards as a Means of Value System Formation (¹ 11 2019)
Sakevich V.I.
Denisov B.P.
The Latest Trends in Reproductive Health and the Problem of Abortion in Russia (¹ 11 2019)
Shchelkin A.G.
Legalization of Same-sex Marriages: Social-civilizational Consequences (¹ 11 2019)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
On Problems of Caucasus Modernization (¹ 11 2019)
Grudina T.N.
Neklyudova N.P.
10th Ural Demographic Forum (¹ 11 2019)
Tatarova G.G. – Congratulations! (¹ 11 2019)
Doktorov B.
Sheregi F.E. is 75 (¹ 11 2019)
Danilov À.N.
Rotman D.G. is 75! (¹ 11 2019)
Osinsky I.I.
How Are the Intelligentsia? Sociological Essays: collective monograph / Ed. by Zh.T. Toshchenko. Moscow, 2018. 360 p. Reviewed by I.I. Osinsky (¹ 11 2019)
Mukomel V.I.
OECD/EU Settling In 2018: Indicators of Immigrant Integration. Paris/European Union, Brussels: OECD Publishing, 2018. 306 p. Reviewed by V.I. Mukomel (¹ 11 2019)
Contents (¹ 11 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 11 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2019)
Braslavskiy R.G.
Disciplinary Institutionalization and Reconfiguration of Sociological Theory (¹ 10 2019)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kruglova M.S.
«Society», «State», and Institutional Matrixes: a Case in Interdisciplinary Meso-analysis (¹ 10 2019)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
Class Warfare in France: Neo-Marxist Interpretation of Social Protests (¹ 10 2019)
Shields P.M.
Rangarajan N.
Casula M.
It is a Working Hypothesis: Searching for Truth in a Post-Truth World (part I) (¹ 10 2019)
Kravchenko S.A.
Digital Risks, Metamorphoses and Centrifugal Trends among the Young People (¹ 10 2019)
Zarubina N.N.
Russians’ Everyday Perceptions of Money and Finance in Laughter Discourse through Different Years (¹ 10 2019)
Noskova A.V.
Proskurina A.S.
Rankings in Universities: an Empirical MGIMO Case (¹ 10 2019)
Ananyev B.I.
May 1968 Events: Some Effects Half a Century Later (¹ 10 2019)
Ìartynov Ì.Yu.
Socially Oriented Non-profit Organizations – Acquiring Legitimacy? (¹ 10 2019)
Mersiyanova I.V
Ivanova N.V.
Malakhov D.I.
The Relationship between Volunteerism and Charitable Giving: Intergenerational Context (¹ 10 2019)
Chuprov V.I.
Russian School of the Sociology of Youth: a View on 50 Years of History (¹ 10 2019)
Arif E.M.
Cultural Repertoires of Consumption in Youth Veg-Community (a St. Petersburg Case) (¹ 10 2019)
Baranowska A.
Military Sociology in Poland: Features of Formation and Development (¹ 10 2019)
Baranovsky M.V.
Trust in Military Organization (a Sociological Survey) (¹ 10 2019)
Shults E.E.
Shmuel Eisenstadt’s Sociology of Revolution (¹ 10 2019)
Shmerlina I.A.
The Case of Russian Phytosociology (¹ 10 2019)
Yastrebov G.A.
Social Mobility in a Society of Growing Complexity: Objective and Subjective Aspects. Resp. eds: V.V. Semenova, M.F. Chernysh, P.E. Sushko. Moscow: FNISTs RAN, 2019. Reviewed by G.A. Yastrebov (¹ 10 2019)
Shirokalova G.S.
The Other Side of the Moon, or What We Do Not Know about Disability: Theory, Representations, Practices: coll. articles / Resp. eds: A.S. Kurlenkova, E.E. Nosenko-Stein. Moscow, 2018. 420 p. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova (¹ 10 2019)
Tikhonov A.V. is 80! (¹ 10 2019)
Contents (¹ 10 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 10 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2019)
Colombo E.
Towards the Global Social Sciences? Some Preliminary Reflections (¹ 9 2019)
Mikeshina L.A.
Epistemology and Russian Sociology: Interaction in the Development (¹ 9 2019)
Yaroshenko S.S.
On Possibilities of Applying the Underclass Theory in Russia (¹ 9 2019)
Isaeva V.B.
Deprivation Theory as a Tool to Study Non-traditional Religiousity (¹ 9 2019)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
The Precariat Phenomenon: Theoretical and Methodological Premises of its Study (¹ 9 2019)
Ànisimov R.I.
Precarious Employment in Russia: Specifying Major Indicators (¹ 9 2019)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Secondary Employment in the Context of Precarization on the Russian Labor Market (¹ 9 2019)
Shevchenko I.O.
Shevchenko P.V.
Gender Features of Precarity (¹ 9 2019)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Dangerous Class? Debate is not Closed (Reflecting on the Problem) (¹ 9 2019)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Kozhevnikova N.I.
International Migration of Population of Russia: Exchange of Population with the Post-USSR Countries (¹ 9 2019)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Modern Migration Policy of Russia: Challenges and Approaches to Improvement (¹ 9 2019)
Topilin A.V.
Self-preservation of Ethnos: Revisiting the Migration Functions (¹ 9 2019)
Mukharyamova L.M.
Saveleva Zh.V.
Availability and Fairness of Health Protection for Elderly People (in Popular and Experts Assessments) (¹ 9 2019)
Gallyamov R.R.
Kuznetsova Yu.A.
The Quality of Medical Care in a Russian Region: a Comparative Analysis of «Subjective» Indicators (¹ 9 2019)
Golenkova Z.T. – Congratulations (¹ 9 2019)
Semenov Yu.I. Is 90! (¹ 9 2019)
Sadykova Kh.N.
Family in the Modern World (¹ 9 2019)
Vasina O.V.
Ezhov S.P.
Moskalchuk E.I.
Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Contemporary Ethnic Problems (¹ 9 2019)
Socio-Cultural Monitoring of Urban Inter-Ethnic Community: Methodology, Methods, Practice. Monograph. Ed. by Yu. Popkov. Novosibirsk: NGTU, 2018. 347 p. Reviewed by L.B. Chetyrova (¹ 9 2019)
Markin V.V.
Lubskiy A.V. Methodology of Regional Studies: tutorial. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2019. 223 p. Reviewed by V.V. Markin) (¹ 9 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 9 2019)
Romanovskiy N.V.
I.M. Wallerstein (¹ 9 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2019)
Contents (¹ 9 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 9 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2019)
Hanafi S.
Global Sociology – Toward New Directions (¹ 8 2019)
Yanitzky O.N.
Globalization and Hybridization: Towards a New Social Order (¹ 8 2019)
Konstantinova L.V.
Integration Potential of Society: à Conceptualization (¹ 8 2019)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
«Life-cycle Stage» as a Determinant of Personal Subjective Wellbeing (¹ 8 2019)
Silverman D.
What Counts as Qualitative Research? Some Cautionary Comments (¹ 8 2019)
Varshavsky A.E.
Excessive Income Inequality – Problems and Threats for Russia (¹ 8 2019)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Social Well-being Dynamics among the Disabled: Concerns and Hopes (¹ 8 2019)
Rostovtseva L.I.
Gel’fond M.L.
Miroshina E.Yu.
Patriotic Education in Experts and Senior Pupils' Eyes (¹ 8 2019)
Nisnevich Yu.A.
Judicial System of Post-Soviet Russia: Social Context (¹ 8 2019)
Lomonosova M.V.
Rediscovering the Lost: on Nikolai Kareev’s Little Known Essay (¹ 8 2019)
William Godwin and His «Political Justice» (¹ 8 2019)
Golovin N.A.
Ferdinand Tönnies and Karl Marx: about the Beginning of Marxism Academic Study (¹ 8 2019)
Tverdykova E.D.
Consumer Demand Studies in the USSR in Late 1960s (¹ 8 2019)
Popkova N.V.
Sociology of Philosophy: Development Difficulties (¹ 8 2019)
Biriukov A.A.
The City of Quartz on the Planet of Slums: Mike Davis's Radical Urban Studies (¹ 8 2019)
Dzutsev K.V.
Kornienko N.V.
Teaching the Fundamentals of Religion in General Education School (the Case of the Republics of the North Caucasus (¹ 8 2019)
Kraynov G.N.
On the State of the Trade-union Movement in Russia (¹ 8 2019)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Kolesnik N.V.
Social Aspects of Production Modernization in Russia (¹ 8 2019)
Filonenko V.I.
Ìagranov À.S.
Êienko Ò.S.
Healthy Lifestyle as a Social Value and Civic Duty of Students (¹ 8 2019)
Kliucharev G.A.
Learn and Live (¹ 8 2019)
Kravchenko S.A. is 70 (¹ 8 2019)
The Universe of Ovsey I. Shkaratan (¹ 8 2019)
Contents (¹ 8 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 8 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2019)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Demidenko S.Yu.
«The Journal Lives, Like All Russian People, Anticipating Serious Changes in the Life of the Country...» (interview with Zh.T. Toshchenko) (¹ 7 2019)
Kliucharev G.A.
Demidenko S.Yu.
«In Our Universities, Sociologists Are not Taught to Theorize» (interview with G.A. Kliucharev) (¹ 7 2019)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Russian Theoretical Sociology Today: On the Pages of Sociological Studies (¹ 7 2019)
Tepavčević M.
Academic Discourse of the Sociological Studies in the Texts by Its Former Head Editor (¹ 7 2019)
Nysanbayev A.N.
Burova Y.Y.
Sailaubekkyzy A.
Special Aspects of Kazakhstanis’ Identity in the Context of Multicultural Society (¹ 7 2019)
Galindabaeva V.V.
Karbainov N.I.
Memory and Oblivion in the Metis Rural Community (¹ 7 2019)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
Job Search Strategies of University Graduates: Prevalence and Effectiveness (¹ 7 2019)
Cherednichenko G.A.
Employment and the Situation of SVO’ Graduates on the Labor Market (¹ 7 2019)
Nazarova I.B.
Zelenskaya M.P.
Marriage, Family, Students’ Social Attitudes and Representations (¹ 7 2019)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
’Eager Dads’ and ’Dads against Their Will’, or Why Russian Dads are Reluctant to Go on Parental Leave (¹ 7 2019)
Gurko T.A.
Tarchenko V.S.
Dynamics of Students' Marital Attitudes and Plans (¹ 7 2019)
Dorofeeva Z.Y.
Characteristics of Large Families’ Life Practices (¹ 7 2019)
Oleinik A.N.
Radical Contester: Sociology of Russian Scholarship through the Prism of a Deviant Case (¹ 7 2019)
Sergeev V.S.
Metatheorizing as a Means to Overcome the Sociological Lag (¹ 7 2019)
Yakovenko À.V.
Sociologist in the Context of Armed Conflict in Donbass (¹ 7 2019)
Kononov I.F
Donbass: Laboratory of the Modern War and à Place of Social Disaster (¹ 7 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Concerning the Evaluation of the Scholar’s Work Effectiveness (¹ 7 2019)
Vinokurova À.V.
Àrdalyanova À.Yu.
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Seminar in the Far Eastern Federal University (¹ 7 2019)
Obraztsov I.V.
Russian Military Sociology Today (¹ 7 2019)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
V.N. Ivanov is 85! (¹ 7 2019)
Contents (¹ 7 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 7 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 7 2019)
Society of Trauma: between Evolution and Revolution (à round table discussion) (¹ 6 2019)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Cross-border Regional Studies in the Context of Meso-systems Theory (¹ 6 2019)
Golovin N.A.
Jurgen Habermas on the Powers of Social Communication: the 90th Anniversary of the German Sociologist (¹ 6 2019)
Ivanov D.V.
Jurgen Habermas’ Post-marxism and Dialectics of Social Development (¹ 6 2019)
Temnitskiy A.L.
The Sociocultural Phenomenon of Self-dependence in Russian Citizens' Work in an International Comparison (¹ 6 2019)
Shabanova M.A.
Citizens’ Socio-economic Practices às à Resource to Alleviate the Waste Issue in Russia (¹ 6 2019)
Golbraich V.B.
Ecoconflicts in Russia and Digital Networks Participation (¹ 6 2019)
Nefedov S.À.
«Challenges» and «Responses» in Russian History: the First Half of the 19th Century (¹ 6 2019)
Trubitsyn D.V.
«Agreement-based» Russia and «Serf» Russia: Sociologizing a Historical Conception (¹ 6 2019)
Bogdanov S.V.
Ostapyuk V.G.
Gudova J.S.
Aseev A.A.
Maslov V.A.
Everyday Occupation Routine of the Kursk Region (Reflected in Collaborators’ Print Media and the NKVD Agents Reports) (¹ 6 2019)
Tavokin E.P.
Artificiality of the «Artificial Sociality» (¹ 6 2019)
Dobrokhotov L.N.
The Tramp’s Factor and Russia: Sociological Aspects (¹ 6 2019)
Shevchenko P.V.
The Class Teacher in the School Today (¹ 6 2019)
Ilynykh S.A.
Quality of Life on Survey Data in Novosibirsk (¹ 6 2019)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 10th B. Grushin Readings on Mokhovaya (¹ 6 2019)
Karapetyan R.V.
Menshikova G.A.
III St. Petersburg International Labor Forum (¹ 6 2019)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Between the Material and the Spiritual: Social Andrology of the City (¹ 6 2019)
Zotova E.S.
«Reasonable Managing»: Debates about S. Bodrunov's «Nooekonomics» (¹ 6 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 6 2019)
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2019)
V.I. Mukomel is 70! (¹ 6 2019)
Information for authors (¹ 6 2019)
Contents (¹ 6 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 6 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2019)
Vinogradsky V.G.
Rural Universes: A Sociological Reconstruction (¹ 5 2019)
Konstantinovskiy D.L.
Pinskaya M.A.
Zvyagintsev R.S.
Professional Health of Teachers: from Enthusiasm to Burnout (¹ 5 2019)
Kozina I.Ì.
Serezhkina Å.V.
Stressful Characteristics of Work of Russian and French Software Developers (¹ 5 2019)
Chirikova A.E.
Shishkin S.V.
Effective Contract and Motivation: Can Reforms Improve the Work of Russian Doctors? (¹ 5 2019)
Solomin M.S.
Professional Risk: from Realism to Constructivism (¹ 5 2019)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Ivchenkov S.G.
Kolyazina L.V.
Married Care as Living Means in an Elderly Family (¹ 5 2019)
Klupt M.A.
Family in Russia and China: between Reforms and Traditions (¹ 5 2019)
Farukshin M.Kh.
Technocracy: Hopes and Risks (¹ 5 2019)
Andreyev A.L.
Experience of Studying Mental Dispositions of the Protoelite Environment (¹ 5 2019)
Yakimets V.N.
Nikovskaya L.I.
Support of Social Entrepreneurship: Evaluation of Mechanisms and Rating of Russian Regions (¹ 5 2019)
Glukhov A.P.
Communications Management Culture in Social Media as an Element of «Digital Literacy» (¹ 5 2019)
Zubanova L.B.
Zyhovskaya N.L.
Transit Solidarity in Contemporary Network Culture: between Carnival and Trauma (¹ 5 2019)
Litvinova Ò.N.
Zhelezniakov A.S.
Mutual Perception of Images of Russia and Mongolia in the Context of Trans-civilization Interaction (¹ 5 2019)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Sociology of Higher Education in Structure of Branch Sociological Knowledge: a Problem of Constitution (¹ 5 2019)
Tanatova D.K.
Pogosyan V.G.
Korolyov I.V.
Chinese Students in the Russian Higher Education Institutions: Motivation and Demotivating (¹ 5 2019)
Cerovic D.M.
Institutional Violence in the Perception of the Population in the Countries of Southeastern Europe (¹ 5 2019)
Deriugin P.P.
Taranenko A.S.
Crimea and Sevastopol as a Focus of All-Russian Solidarity Research (¹ 5 2019)
The Deeds of Good-will People (¹ 5 2019)
Kravchenko S.A.
Toshchenko Zh.T. Precariat: From Protoclass to New Class. Moscow: Nauka, 2018. 350 p. Reviewed by S.A. Kravchenko (¹ 5 2019)
Òrofimova I.N.
Elections against the Crimea Background: the 2016–2018 Electoral Cycle and Prospects for Political Transit / Ed. V. Fedorov. Moscow: VTsIOM, 2018. Reviewed by I.N. Trofimova (¹ 5 2019)
Contents (¹ 5 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 5 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2019)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
From Phenomenon to Noumenon: à Methodological and Methodic Search (¹ 4 2019)
Orlov M.O.
Shatkin M.A.
Socio-legal and Socio-economic Aspects of Privacy (¹ 4 2019)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Losses of the Russian Army during Counter-terrorist Operation in North Caucasus (1999–2012): a Socio-demographic Analysis (¹ 4 2019)
Tatarova G.G.
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Identification of Workers with an Enterprise in the Diagnostics of Production Situation (¹ 4 2019)
Soboleva I.V.
Social Well-being of Entrepreneurs and Employees in Small Business (¹ 4 2019)
Reshetnikov A.V.
Romanov S.V.
Abaeva O.P.
Prisyazhnaya N.V
Smirnova G.Yu.
The Attitude of Russians to Posthumous Donorship (the Case of a Region) (¹ 4 2019)
Fadeeva Å.V.
Availability of Medicines under Conditions of Medicinal Embargo (¹ 4 2019)
Go J.
Pierre Bourdieu, Algeria and Postcolonial Sociology (¹ 4 2019)
Noskova A.V.
Kuzmina E.I.
Social Mobility in Theories and Research Practices of Leading French Sociologists (¹ 4 2019)
Zhuravleva Å.Yu.
Softwarization of Modern Society: Origins and Prospects (¹ 4 2019)
Bobkov V.N.
Odintsova Ye.V.
Kvachev V.G.
Russian Middle Classes Criterial Identification (¹ 4 2019)
Chemankova E.D.
Women as Police Officers: How Profession is Chosen (¹ 4 2019)
Shchemeleva I.I.
Social Activity of the Student Youth: Factor and Cluster Analysis (¹ 4 2019)
Smirnova R.A.
Peasant and Agricultural Laborers in the Belarus Rural Communities Structure (¹ 4 2019)
Shilov V.V.
USSR as Seen by Youth in an Industrial Center (¹ 4 2019)
Zubanova L.B.
Zyhovskaya N.L.
Shub M.L.
Lingvo-temporal Analysis of Inaugural Speeches of the USA and Russia Heads of States (¹ 4 2019)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Homo Eurasicus: in Urban and Rural Landscapes (¹ 4 2019)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Its Work: Construction of Labour Biography (¹ 4 2019)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Korogodova N.P.
Zaitsev D.V.
Accessible Environment: Social and Technological Innovations and Development Prospects (¹ 4 2019)
Levashov V.K.
Who is Living Merrily, Freely in the Rus'? (¹ 4 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2019)
Letter to editors (¹ 4 2019)
Contents (¹ 4 2019)
Lapaeva V.V.
Post-Socialist Future as a Subject of Sociology Research (from the Standpoint of V. Nersesyant's Civilism Theory) (¹ 3 2019)
Valdera-Gil J.M.
Social Classes and Exploitation in the USSR: Reflections from the Perspective of E.O. Wright’s Theory (¹ 3 2019)
Solovev A.C.
Social Consequences of Retirement Age Raising (¹ 3 2019)
Êienko Ò.S.
The Status and Problems of the Gerontogroup (Based on Surveys of the Rostov Region Residents) (¹ 3 2019)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
On the Role of Temporality in the Lives of People with Disabilities (¹ 3 2019)
Kulagina E.V.
Special Education for Children with Limited Health Abilities: Factors of Regions Inequality (¹ 3 2019)
Karmaeva N.N.
Karmaev N.A.
Young Teachers in the Context of Differentiation in Higher Education in Russia: Co-operation Practices (¹ 3 2019)
Atanesyan A.V.
The Impact of Social Networks on Protest Activities (the Case of Armenia) (¹ 3 2019)
Surovov S.B.
Malko A.V.
Konovalov I.N.
Loginova L.V.
The Attitude of Russian Students to Color Revolutions (¹ 3 2019)
Adamyants T.Z.
Communicative Mechanisms of Modern Conceptual Oppositions (¹ 3 2019)
Reutov Å.V.
Reutova M.N.
Shavyrina I.V.
Reciprocity in Mutual Aid Networks (on the Data of a Regional Study) (¹ 3 2019)
Savenkov A.N.
Gorban V.S.
Petrazhitsky as a Sociologist of Law (¹ 3 2019)
Boronoev A.O.
First Forum of Russian Sociologists – a New Stage in USSR Sociology Institutionalizing (¹ 3 2019)
Skobelina N.A.
On Housing Problems Solving Mechanisms (the Case of Volgograd) (¹ 3 2019)
Drachkovich M.V.
On the Sources of Crisis in South Eastern Europe Societies (¹ 3 2019)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge in Sociology: Recent Challenges and Prospects for Interaction (XX Kharchev's Readings) (¹ 3 2019)
Noskova A.V.
Kuzmina E.I.
Families Through the Lens of Diversity (Notes on the 9th ESFR Congress) (¹ 3 2019)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
Study and Regulation of Ethnosocial Processes in Russia (¹ 3 2019)
Latov Yu.V.
Model of Income Stratification of the Russian Society: Dynamics, Factors, Inter-country Comparisons / Ed. by N.E. Tikhonova. M.; SPb., 2018. 308 p. Reviewed by Yu.V. Latov (¹ 3 2019)
Grishina E.A.
Shcherbina V.V. Rationalizing Diagnostic Social Managnemet Technologies. M., 2018. 416 p. Reviewed by E.À. Grishina (¹ 3 2019)
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 3 2019)
Contents (¹ 3 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 3 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2019)
Andreyev A.L.
Face to Face with Modern World (¹ 2 2019)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Against the Backdrop of Niagara Falls, International Sociology Marches Left (¹ 2 2019)
Yanitzky O.N.
The 19th ISA Congress: Reflections of an Outsider Observer (¹ 2 2019)
Epikhina Yu.B.
Stratification Research: between Past and Future (¹ 2 2019)
Kravchenko S.A.
The Many Faces of Metamorphoses: about Innovations of Two Canadian Sociologists (¹ 2 2019)
Mironov B.N.
The Fate of the Jewish Diaspora in Post-soviet Russia (the Case of Saint Petersburg) (¹ 2 2019)
Ryzhova S.V.
Religiosity, Ethno-Confessional Identity and Problems of Interethnic Accord (¹ 2 2019)
Volkov V.V.
Poleshchuk V.V.
Current State of Interethnic Communication in Latvia and Estonia (¹ 2 2019)
Danilov À.N.
Rotman D.G.
Soft Power Priority in Destabilizing Contemporary Socium (the Case of the Republic of Belarus) (¹ 2 2019)
Mikhaylenok O.M.
Malysheva G.A.
Political Effects of Social Networks in Russia (¹ 2 2019)
Avdoshina N.V.
Vaskina Ju.V.
Human Rights in Mass Consciousness: a Regional Case (¹ 2 2019)
Dolgova E.A.
Streltsova E.A.
“Welcome to the Club”: Position of Women in Soviet Science in the 1920s (¹ 2 2019)
Antoshchuk I.A.
Ledeneva V.Yu.
From Russia to the UK. On Migration Mechanism of Young Russian Computer Scientists (¹ 2 2019)
Àbdiraiymova G.S.
Biekenov K.U.
Burkhanova D.K.
Serikzhanova S.S.
Young Scientists of Kazakhstan: Experiences of Building an Academic Career (¹ 2 2019)
Obraztsov I.V.
Reading Interests of the Red Army Soldiers in the 1920s (an Empirical Analysis) (¹ 2 2019)
Khlebtsevich E.I.
Studying of the Red Army Men Reading Interests (¹ 2 2019)
Kiva A.V.
National Interests as They Are Understood in China and Russia (¹ 2 2019)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Precariat and Prospects for Changes in Russian Society Social Structure (¹ 2 2019)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 2 2019)
Contents (¹ 2 2019)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 2 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2019)
Kliucharev G.A.
Editorial: to our readers (¹ 1 2019)
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Shkaratan O.I.
Different Goals of the Same Society (¹ 1 2019)
Buzgalin A.V.
Kolganov A.I.
Social Structure Transformation of Late Capitalism: from Proletariat and Bourgeoisie Towards Precariat and Creative Class? (¹ 1 2019)
Yanitzky O.N.
Ñhallenges and Risks of Globalization. Seven Theses (¹ 1 2019)
van der de Zeeuw A.
Keesman L.D.
Weenink D.
Sociologizing with Randall Collins: an Interview about Emotions, Violence, Attention Space and Sociology (¹ 1 2019)
Mihaylov V.T.
Runge J.
Identifications of Individual. Territorial Communities and Social Space: an Attempt of Conceptualisation (¹ 1 2019)
Bessonova O.E.
Civil Complaints as a Democratic Feedback Form (¹ 1 2019)
Vasilkova V.V.
Minina V.N.
Communicative Barriers in Practices of Providing Public Services to Citizens (¹ 1 2019)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Guidance for Foster Families or How to Decrease Risks of Secondary Abandonement (¹ 1 2019)
Kuzmenkov V.A.
Criminal Anomie as a Social Problem (¹ 1 2019)
Korotkov P.A.
Zagaynova E.A.
Suicide Rate and Time Use in Daily Life and Leisure (¹ 1 2019)
Yumaguzin V.V.
Vinnik M.V.
Assessment of the Real Rates of Homicides and Suicides in the Regions of Russia (¹ 1 2019)
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Grigorieva M.V.
Solovieva J.V.
Contemporary Practices of Telephone Surveys in the World (¹ 1 2019)
Popov Å.À.
The Place of Sociology of Law in the Training of Future Sociologists (¹ 1 2019)
Tolstova Yu.N.
On A.A. Chuprov's Contribution to Sociology and Statistics (¹ 1 2019)
Andrianova E.V.
Davydenko V.A.
Romashkina G.F.
On the Consequences of Reforms in Education (results of the conference «Education: youth, competitiveness») (¹ 1 2019)
Osipova N.G.
Vershinina I.A.
Martynenko T.S.
Inequality and Uncertainty: Current Challenges for Cities (¹ 1 2019)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Grudina T.N.
Neklyudova N.P.
IX Ural Demographic Forum (¹ 1 2019)
Gorshkov M.K.
Trust to Knowledge under the Conditions of Social Turbulence: Risks, Vulnerabilities, Challenges to Security: Monograph. Ed. by S.A. Kravchenko. Moscow: MGIMO University, 2018. Reviewed by M.K. Gorshkov (¹ 1 2019)
Zadorozhnyuk I.E.
Zadorozhnyuk E.G.
Sociological Mosaic-2018: Monograph / A.V. Dmitriev, V.N. Ivanov, Zh.T. Toshchenko; Foreword. M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: KNORUS, 2018. 242 p. Reviewed by I.E. Zadorozhnyuk, E.G. Zadorozhnyuk (¹ 1 2019)
Chernysh M.F.
E.O. Wright (¹ 1 2019)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2019)
Contents (¹ 1 2019)
Best publications 2018 (¹ 1 2019)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2019)
Gorshkov M.K.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Time of Development and Self-Assertion (¹ 12 2018)
Golenkova Z.T.
Ìansurov V.À.
Popova I.P.
International Cooperation in Institute of Sociology: from the 1970s to the late 2000s (¹ 12 2018)
Deviatko I.F.
New Data, New Statistics: from Reproducibility Crisis toward New Requirements to Data Analysis and Presentation in Social Sciences (¹ 12 2018)
Tolstova Yu.N.
Correlation of Theoretical and Empirical Knowledge when Using Mathematical Methods in Sociological Research (¹ 12 2018)
Shkurko Yu.S.
Sociology of Epistemologies and Neuroscience (¹ 12 2018)
Šubrt I.
Do Public Opinion Polls actually Provide a Survey of Public Opinion? (¹ 12 2018)
Popova Å.P.
Klimova A.V.
Russian Universities: Organizational Specifics and Development Benchmarks Choice (¹ 12 2018)
Ìaykova E.Yu.
Simonova E.V.
Local Self-Government as an Object of Analysis in Russian Sociology of the Last Third of XX – Early XXI Century (¹ 12 2018)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
Silence as a Discourse Construction in Sociolinguistics (¹ 12 2018)
Sushpanova I.S.
«Post-truth» in Social Reality: Risks and Threats (¹ 12 2018)
V.K. Levashov is 70! (¹ 12 2018)
Levashov V.K.
The New Social and Political Contradictions on the Way to Sustainable Development (¹ 12 2018)
Congratulations to M.A. Shabanova (¹ 12 2018)
Kapto A.S.
The Soviet Sociological Association in Institutionalizing Sociology in the USSR (¹ 12 2018)
Ozhiganov E.N.
Pitirim Sorokin as a Cause: Sociology and Metaphysics of Distemper (¹ 12 2018)
Mastikova N.S.
Sushko P.E.
About the First Crimean Sociological Forum (¹ 12 2018)
Badaraev D.D.
Zhalsanova V.G.
Gombozhapov A.D.
Meeting of Sociologists and Political Scientists on Baikal (¹ 12 2018)
Mukharyamov N.M.
Mukharyamova L.M.
Language and Society. Encyclopedia. Moscow: OOO «Metatekst», 2017. 872 p. reviewed by Mukharyamov N.M., Mukharyamova L.M. (¹ 12 2018)
Malikova N.R.
«Sociology of Life» – the Mosaic Search for Integrative Theory (¹ 12 2018)
2018 index (¹ 12 2018)
Contents (¹ 12 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 12 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2018)
Rebughini P.A.
Critical Agency and the Future of Critique (¹ 11 2018)
Dudina V.I.
From Panopticon to Panspectron: Digital Data and Transformation of Surveillance Regimes (¹ 11 2018)
Latova N.V.
Achievements and Losses of Post-Soviet Transformation (¹ 11 2018)
Petukhov V.V.
Dynamics of the Social Attitudes of the Russia’s Citizens and Making of a Public Demand for Change (¹ 11 2018)
Semenov A.V.
Protest Activity of Russians in 2012–2013 (¹ 11 2018)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Savinkov V.I.
Kozhevnikova N.I.
Demographic Development of Asian Russia in the 20–21st Centuries: an Assessment of Results (¹ 11 2018)
Baykov A.A.
Lukyanets A.S.
Pismennaya E.E.
Rostovskaya T.K.
Ryazantsev S.V.
Youth Emigration from Russia: Scale, Channels, Consequences (¹ 11 2018)
Diomin A.N.
Kireeva O.V.
Pedanova E.Yu.
Debtors Attitude towards Credits (¹ 11 2018)
Cherednichenko G.A.
The Situation on the Labour Market of University Graduates (on the Materials of the Russian Statistics Committee Survey) (¹ 11 2018)
Romanovich N.À.
Korobkova O.A.
Freedom of Speech in the Regional Media Routine (¹ 11 2018)
Volodenkov S.V.
Fedorchenko S.N.
Digital Stigmata as a Tool of Manipulating Mass Consciousness in the Conditions of Modern State and Society (¹ 11 2018)
Guryanchik V.N.
Makeeva T.V.
Sociocultural Adaptation of Foreign Cadets in Russian Military Universities (¹ 11 2018)
Dmitriyev A.V.
Ivanov V.N.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
So How Was It Really? On the History of the Rebirth of Sociology in the USSR (¹ 11 2018)
Gulyaikhin V.N.
Andryuschenko O.E.
Fantrov P.P.
Traditional Moral Values in the Associations of Students of the Volgograd Region (¹ 11 2018)
Chevtaeva N.G.
Kachanova E.A.
Nikitina A.S.
«Soft» and «Tough» Strategies of Social Control Drug Use (¹ 11 2018)
Korenevsky M.
XVIII Likhachev Academic Readings (¹ 11 2018)
Kolesnik N.V.
(Auto)biographies as an Object of Sociological Analysis (¹ 11 2018)
Filonenko V.I.
Ìagranov À.S.
Concerning Civic and Patriotic Education of Youth (¹ 11 2018)
Levashov V.K.
From Moscow to the Periphery: Reserves of Consolidation (¹ 11 2018)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 11 2018)
Kozyrev G.I. is 70! (¹ 11 2018)
Contents (¹ 11 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 11 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2018)
Mikeshina L.A.
Sociology and Epistemology: the Need for Interaction (¹ 10 2018)
Karmadonov O.A.
Kovrigina G.D.
The Non-Obvious Solidarity: the Problem of Empirical Study of Hardly Verified Social States (¹ 10 2018)
Šubrt I.
Postmodern World in sociology of Michel Maffesoli (¹ 10 2018)
Kasavina N.A.
Welfare state: between humanism and pragmatism (¹ 10 2018)
Ilyinsky I.M.
Lukov V.A.
The Phenomenon of the Komsomol and Modern Trends in the Development of the Youth Movement in Russia (¹ 10 2018)
Andreeva Ju.V.
Lukyanova E.L.
Working Class in Search of New Dimensions of Differentiation (¹ 10 2018)
Andreenkova A.V.
Stability and Change in Social Attitudes of Russians and Europeans in 2002–2016s (¹ 10 2018)
Rzhanitsyna L.S.
Poor in Moscow: Methods of Measurement, Social Policy Measures (¹ 10 2018)
Shestopal Ye.B.
Seleznyova A.V.
Socio-Cultural Threats and Risks in Contemporary Russia (¹ 10 2018)
Kolomiets V. P.
Mass Communication in DIscourse of Russian Sociologists (1960s-1980s) (¹ 10 2018)
Gavriliuk Ò.V.
Conceptual and Ideological Foundations of the Sociology of Music in USSR in 1920s (¹ 10 2018)
Vorontsov A.V.
Golovushkin D.A.
Priluckij A.M.
The Mythologem of Ritual Regicide in the Context of Modern Conspirological Myth (¹ 10 2018)
Nefedov S.À.
“Challenges” and “Responses” of the 18TH Century Russia (¹ 10 2018)
Steinmetz G.
The Crisis of History and the History of Crisis: Historical Sociology as a “Crisis Science” (¹ 10 2018)
Yakovenko À.V.
Immortality as a Social Promblem (¹ 10 2018)
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Meanings of Life for Russian intelligentsia (¹ 10 2018)
Boronoev A.O.
Pozdeeva E.G.
Fetisov V.Ya.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Realities and Contemporary Challenges (¹ 10 2018)
Vinokurova À.V.
Kostina E.Yu.
Orlova N.A.
«Life on Suitcases»: Family Mobility and Social Well-Being (¹ 10 2018)
Kondrashov P.N.
What ideology is necessary for Russia and whether it is necessary? (About the book «Russia in Search of Ideologies: the Transformation of Value Regulators of Modern Societies») (¹ 10 2018)
Shcheblanova V.V.
Surkova I.Yu.
Nasibullin R. T., Doctorov B. Z. Sociology in the biographical study measurement. Moscow: University Book, 2017 reviewed by V. V. Shcheblanova, I. Yu. Surkova (¹ 10 2018)
Zotov A.A.
Solidarism in France in the period of the third republic: Leon Bourgeois and Celestin Bougle / Ed.-comp. A. B. Gofman. Moscow, 2017 reviewed by A. A. Zotov) (¹ 10 2018)
Contents (¹ 10 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 10 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2018)
Kravchenko S.A.
Increasingly Complex Metamorphoses – the Product of “Arrow of Time” and Factor of Socio-Naturàl Turbulences (¹ 9 2018)
Rozov N.S.
Coevolution of Three Orders – an Explanation of Russian Cycles Dynamics (¹ 9 2018)
Shkurko Yu.S.
Development of Evolutionary Neurosociology: Behavioral Biograms and Biological Predisposition to Social Inequality (¹ 9 2018)
Kiyanenko K.V.
Paradigms of Social Knowledge and Validation in Architecture (¹ 9 2018)
Dezhina I.G.
Kliucharev G.A.
Russian Education for Innovative Economy: “the Pressure Points” (¹ 9 2018)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Is it Possible to be Together, being Apart: Students and Teachers at the University (¹ 9 2018)
Karpov A.O.
Is University 3.0 Feasible in Russia? (¹ 9 2018)
Trostyanskaya I.B.
Polikhina N.A.
The Impact of Changes in the World Ranking Methodologies on University Positions (¹ 9 2018)
Borshchevskiy G.A.
Recruitment Mechanisms and Effectiveness of the Federal Administrative Elite (¹ 9 2018)
Koroleva M.N.
Chernova M.A.
Urban Activism: Management Practices of Authorities as Resources and Barriers for Urban Development Projects (¹ 9 2018)
Zborovsky G.E. is 80 (¹ 9 2018)
Shafranov-Kutsev G.F. is 80 (¹ 9 2018)
Tolstova Yu.N.
Mathematical Modeling of Social Processes and Sociology (¹ 9 2018)
Barsukova S.Yu.
Jokes on the Informal Economy: Funny or Serious (¹ 9 2018)
Pokida A.N.
Zybunovskaya N.V.
Social Labor Rights of the Employed Population: Practical Realization and Methods of Protection (¹ 9 2018)
Avraamova E.M.
Russian Youth Employment Trends in Regions (¹ 9 2018)
Filonenko V.I.
Skachkova L. S.
Filonenko Ju.V.
Students Employment During Study at University (¹ 9 2018)
Ìansurov V.À.
Pronina E.I.
Yuryev P.S.
Continuing Tradition: The Anniversary of SSA/ RSS (¹ 9 2018)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Social Anthropology of the City (¹ 9 2018)
Karapetyan S.A.R.
Starovoitova S.S.
Gonashvili A.S.
Labor of XXI Century: New Challenges and Prospects (¹ 9 2018)
Tolstoukhova I.V.
Stavetskaya I.V.
Vasilieva L.V.
About Humanitarization of Engineering Education (¹ 9 2018)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Humanitarian and Socio-Political Issues of Caucasus Modernization (¹ 9 2018)
Bublikov V.V.
Social factors of ethnic tension in Russia: monograph / Ed. by Yu. B. Epikhina, M. F. Chernysh. Moscow, 2017 revieved by Bublikov V. V (¹ 9 2018)
Kanarsh G.Yu.
Social justice in the modern world: collection of articles / Ed. by L. I. Nikovskaya. Moscow: Klyuch-S, 2017 reviewed by Kanarsh G.Yu. (¹ 9 2018)
Sociology of Time and Space: Explorations and Innovations. Jing Tiankui, Zhang Zhimin. Beijing: Publishing house of Beijing Pedagogical University, 2017 reviewed by Liu Juan (¹ 9 2018)
Tatarova G.G.
(¹ 9 2018)
Govorova A.D.
Books in brief (¹ 9 2018)
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2018)
A.V. DMITRIEV (¹ 9 2018)
G.N. SOKOLOVA (¹ 9 2018)
About Plagiarism (¹ 9 2018)
Contents (¹ 9 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 9 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2018)
Lapin N.I.
Formation of a social state as a way of successful evolution of society (¹ 8 2018)
Blais Ì.-Ñ.
Solidarity (¹ 8 2018)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Russians of Kazakhstan: geodemographic dynamics of the Post-Soviet period and prospects for the first half of the XXI century (¹ 8 2018)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Colonization of the Asian part of Russia: the features of implementation and geopolitical consequences (¹ 8 2018)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Emigration from Russia: about conceptual category (¹ 8 2018)
Nazarov M.M.
Modern media landscape: diversity and fragmentation (¹ 8 2018)
Tarasov K.A.
Representing violence in cinema industries (¹ 8 2018)
Badmatsyrenov T.B.
Skvortsov M.V.
Khandarov F.V.
Topological characteristics of the Buddhist Community in the VKontakte social network (¹ 8 2018)
Kostina S.N.
Kuzmin A.I.
Bannykh G.A.
Zaborova E.N.
Mass communication and information consumption specifics in the Sverdlovsk Region (¹ 8 2018)
Cherednichenko G.A.
Employment after universities on the materials of the Russian statistics committee survey (¹ 8 2018)
Shafranov-Êutsev G.F.
Efimova G.Z.
Competitiveness of the working youth on the basis of self-assessment (according to asurve in the Tyumen Region) (¹ 8 2018)
Ìagranov À.S.
Detochenko L.S.
Civil identity of modern students: features and factors of transformation (¹ 8 2018)
Vorobev V.P.
Eremina E.V.
Nedelko S.I.
Symbols of the Russian State in Consciousness of the student youth (¹ 8 2018)
Smirnov A.M.
Growing male prostitution in Russia as a social problem (¹ 8 2018)
Alikhadzhieva I.S.
Gender aspects of sexual exploitation of the humans (¹ 8 2018)
Nisnevich Yu.A.
Regeneration of the nomenclature as a ruling social stratum in the Post-Soviet Russia (¹ 8 2018)
Magaril S.A.
On political regimes in the Soviet state and contemporary Russia: notes of a political scientist (¹ 8 2018)
Karapetyan R.V.
Menshikova G.A.
Is the relevance of labor's studying restored?! (About the Second International Forum of Labour) (¹ 8 2018)
Kraynov G.N.
The First Forum of the 'Russian Professorial Conference' (¹ 8 2018)
Gavrilina Å.À.
Introduction to Sociology of Engineering. Systems, Design, Models of Education: Training Manual / A.L. Andreev, l.l. Ashmarin, P.A. Butyrin, V.G. Gorokhov. Moccow: MEI Publ., 2017. 320 p. (¹ 8 2018)
Subocheva O.N.
Kazakova À.À.
Mansurov V. A. (ed.) Engineering Dynasties in Russia. Moscow: ROS, 2017 (¹ 8 2018)
Osinsky l.l. is 85! (¹ 8 2018)
Contents (¹ 8 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 8 2018)
Volkov Yu.G.
Lubskiy A.V.
Sociology as a method of self-cognition of the society (¹ 7 2018)
Chernysh M.F.
Social mobility concept in changing societies (¹ 7 2018)
Kudrina S.A.
Progress as a Value (¹ 7 2018)
Skvortsov N.G.
Zyryanov V.V.
Sociological Education: Between Standards and Realities (¹ 7 2018)
Îsipov À.Ì.
On Institutionalization of Sociology of Education (¹ 7 2018)
Levashov V.K.
Political culture of modern Russian society: sociological dimentions and reality (¹ 7 2018)
Lyapin A.A.
Founding the Baikal Ecological Movement at Irkutsk And Ulan-Ude: Prehistory, Participants and Goals (¹ 7 2018)
Michalska-Zyla A.
Stolbov V.P.
The Interdependence of Quality of Life and Resources of Social Capital (¹ 7 2018)
Demirel Y.
Sadykova G.F.
The Impact Of Social Support On Citizenship Behavior (¹ 7 2018)
Àbramov R.N.
Professional ethics in the context of the sociology of professions: a review of international conceptions (¹ 7 2018)
Karlova E.N.
Cadets motivation types and their relationship with various indicators of attitude to the military profession (¹ 7 2018)
Zarubina N.N.
Noskova A.V.
Temnitskiy A.L.
Trust tî Social Science in Russia as a Research Problem (¹ 7 2018)
Liu Juan
On the Linguistic Turn in Sociology (¹ 7 2018)
Veselova L.S.
Deriugin P.P.
Lebedintseva L.A.
Vectors of Chinese Sociology Becoming: Pragmatic Orientation and Maintaining of Tradition (¹ 7 2018)
Fatenkov A.N.
Effectiveness as a False Landmark of Development (¹ 7 2018)
Odyakov S.V.
Naumova N.L.
Lukin A.A.
Ural population under impact of socioeconomic crisis (¹ 7 2018)
Filonenko V.I.
Nikulina M.A.
Patrakov E.V.
Kovtun O.P.
Social Representation About Health and Health Preservation in Young Students (¹ 7 2018)
Kosarac B.R.
Vulic T.M.
Andelkovic M.M.
The Opinions of Students from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska Regarding Contemporary Russia (¹ 7 2018)
Fishman L.G.
Left-Liberal Discourse: Theory and Practice of Betrayal (¹ 7 2018)
Êîvàlåvà À.I.
Lukov V.A. is 70! (¹ 7 2018)
Kraynov G.N.
Whether there will be an effect from the effective contract in the sphere of the higher education? (¹ 7 2018)
Contents (¹ 7 2018)
Books in brief (¹ 7 2018)
Gorshkov M.K.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Main milestones in the development of Russian sociology: late 1950s–2010s (¹ 6 2018)
Drobizheva L.M.
Ethnosociology: from the frontier research field to a branch of sociology (¹ 6 2018)
Tatarova G.G.
«Method» problems in the Institute of Sociology RAS: a history of its making and contemporary challenges (¹ 6 2018)
Gurko T.A.
Formation of the sociology of family in Russia (¹ 6 2018)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Stratification by life chances of mass strata in modern Russian society (¹ 6 2018)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Life in the uncertainty of a crisis society: experience and expectations (¹ 6 2018)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Our ‘historical sociology: fruits and worries (¹ 6 2018)
Mironov B.N.
Modernization of Russia in XVIII–XX centuries as a convergence project (¹ 6 2018)
Shults E.E.
Who voted for Nazis (1928–1933)? On the social composition of voters (¹ 6 2018)
Babanov I.V.
Grishina E.A.
Modern sports – problems and contradictions (¹ 6 2018)
Grigoriev S.I.
Kataeva V.V.
Êoludarova S.V.
Fomicheva T.V
Socially oriented nonprofit organizations for family and children in Russia (¹ 6 2018)
Reshetnikov A.V.
Pavlov S.V.
Prisyazhnaya N.V
Socially constructed image of the HIV infected person (¹ 6 2018)
Sklair L.
The end of the world, the end of capitalism, and the start of a new radical sociology (¹ 6 2018)
Oganisyan Yu.S.
The great October – unfinished revolution? (a round-table discussion) (¹ 6 2018)
Vdovichenko L.N.
International conference on trust in Japan (¹ 6 2018)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 9th B. Grushin readings in Lomonosov Moscow State University (¹ 6 2018)
Mikhaylenok O.M.
Nazarenko A.V.
The phenomenon of the Russian mass consciousness, “stuck” in the past (¹ 6 2018)
Semenov S.N. is 80! (¹ 6 2018)
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2018)
Information for autors (¹ 6 2018)
Igitkhanian E.D. (¹ 6 2018)
Contents (¹ 6 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 6 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 6 2018)
Krasilshchikov V.A.
Karl Marx: 200 years of youth? (¹ 5 2018)
Chernysh M.F.
Marxism in the global and Russian contexts (¹ 5 2018)
Chepurenko A. Yu.
Marx at the University 3.0? (¹ 5 2018)
Slavin B.F.
The social ideal of Marx and historical limits of the capital deve lop ment (¹ 5 2018)
Krasin Yu.A.
Marxism: a view from 21st century (¹ 5 2018)
Burawoy M.
The poverty of phisophy. Marx meets Bourdieu (¹ 5 2018)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Marx remains a greatest figure in contemporary sociology (¹ 5 2018)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Karavay A.V.
Dynamics of some indicators of Russians’ general human capital in 2010–2015 (¹ 5 2018)
Sorokina M.V.
Change of priorities? Job expectations of retail workers in the mirror of Internet communications (¹ 5 2018)
Zarubina N.N.
Trust to science in modern Russia in the contexts of the plurality of forms of knowledge (¹ 5 2018)
Dushina S.A.
Khvatova Ò.Yu.
Nikolaenko G.A.
Academic Internet networks: a platform for scientific exchange or Instagramm for scientists? (The case of ResearchGate) (¹ 5 2018)
Bondarev V.P.
Ruleva S.N.
Structure and dynamics of meta-organizational scientific communities (¹ 5 2018)
Shirokalova G.S.
Communicative memory: studying family stories (materials of sociological workshop at the University) (¹ 5 2018)
Maltseva D.V.
Ljubljana school of network analysis: notes of a sociologist (¹ 5 2018)
Grigoryeva I.A.
Parfenova O.A.
Petukhova I.S.
Employment and social exclusion of elderly citizens (Review of the European conferences) (¹ 5 2018)
Mayboroda A.V.
Urban youth cultures: solidarities, creativity, activism (¹ 5 2018)
Êozyrev G.I.
Victim phenomenon in current research (¹ 5 2018)
Sivirinov B.S.
Volkov Yu.G. Sociology of the Future: Sociological Knowledge and Social Project. Moscow: Knorus, 2017. 178 p. reviewed by B.S. Sivirinov (¹ 5 2018)
Bozhkov Î.B.
Rogozin D.M. In the shadow survey, or the following field interviewer: a study. Moscow: Oz, 2017. 192 p. reviewed by O.B. Bozhkov (¹ 5 2018)
Shchukina N.P.
About some practices of writing textbooks on sociology (¹ 5 2018)
Contents (¹ 5 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 5 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 5 2018)
Maltseva D.V.
Network àpproach as a phenomenon in sociological theory (¹ 4 2018)
Nor-Arevyan O.A.
Tarasenko L.V.
Ougolnitsky G.A.
Differential-game modeling of social partnership: a methodology of interdisciplinary research (in the system of continuing professional education as an example) (¹ 4 2018)
Arutyunova E.M.
Ethno-linguistic problems and prospects in educational sphere of the Russian Republics (the case of Bashkortostan) (¹ 4 2018)
Yessimova A.B.
Valitova Z.Kh.
Young Kazakhstan students’ representations of regions of the country (a mental maps application) (¹ 4 2018)
Bezrukova O.N.
Possel Yu.A.
Samoilova V.À.
Family role in civil identity formation of migrants’ children (¹ 4 2018)
Savin S.D.
Moskalchuk E.I.
School students in St.-Petersburg: between xenophobia and tolerance (¹ 4 2018)
Blinova T.V.
Vyalshina A.A.
Structure of informal employment of youth in the Russian labor market (¹ 4 2018)
Lukov V.A.
Russian young people about biotechnology projects to “improve” the human (¹ 4 2018)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Student youth of the border regions of Russia (¹ 4 2018)
Temnitskiy A.L.
The changing doctors’ labour motivation in the conditions of effective contract application (¹ 4 2018)
Kozlova M.A.
Simonova O.A.
Voronina N.D.
Social cohesion in the villages: the emotional experience of transformations and perception of future (¹ 4 2018)
Belonozhko M.L.
Silin A.N.
Barbakov O.M.
Gyurdzhinyan A.S.
Social issues in Russia’s Arctic Zone: population self-assessement (¹ 4 2018)
Maksimova S.G.
Akulich M.M.
Pit V.V.
Social mood in the regions of nuclear power plants (¹ 4 2018)
Zhabskiy M.I.
Film production in postsoviet Russia: seven factors of investment risk (¹ 4 2018)
Tartygasheva G.V.
Tsybikov T.M.
Designing regional socio-cultural spase in the Republic of Buryatia (¹ 4 2018)
Argunova E.V
Timofeeva M.A.
The 1917 revolutionary events and October leaders in St.-Petersburg population views (¹ 4 2018)
Davydov S.G.
Logunova O.S.
Attitude of Moscow youth to the 1917 Revolutionary events in Russia (¹ 4 2018)
Grigoryeva I.A.
Zemnukhova L.V.
Tykanova E.V.
What do sociologists worry about: 25 years of St.-Petersburg association for sociologists (SPAS) (¹ 4 2018)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth in the labor market (a round table discussion) (¹ 4 2018)
Brazevich S.S.
Mironov D.V.
About studying the history of Russian social thought (to the memory of prof. A. Galaktionov) (¹ 4 2018)
Gavriliuk V.V.
Barbakova K.G. (¹ 4 2018)
Sedov L.A. (¹ 4 2018)
Books in brief (¹ 4 2018)
Sociological pearls (¹ 4 2018)
Contents (¹ 4 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 4 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 4 2018)
Lapin N.I.
Anthroposociocultural evolutionism – a metatheoråtical principle of studying human communities (¹ 3 2018)
Radaev V.V.
Millenials compared to previous generations: an empirical analysis (¹ 3 2018)
Konstantinovskiy D.L.
Popova E.S.
Russian secondary professional education: demand and specificity of choice (¹ 3 2018)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Teachers in the context of sociology of education: theoretical approaches, research priorities (¹ 3 2018)
Admission to universities as a factor of human resources risk in ìodernizing Kuzbass ìonocities (¹ 3 2018)
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
Kolosova E.A.
Children and childhood as objects of sociological research (¹ 3 2018)
Saralieva Z.H-M.
Kutyavina E.E.
Voice of children and children look at adult problems (¹ 3 2018)
Savinskaya O.B.
The social order of kindergarten through the view of children: constructing world of the childhood via interview-game (¹ 3 2018)
Filipova A.G.
Rakitina N.E.
Kupryashkina E.A.
New research orientations in sociology of childhood (¹ 3 2018)
Alanen L.M.
‘Intersectionality’ and other challenges to theorizing childhood (¹ 3 2018)
Lapaeva V.V.
Sociology of law in Russia: Post-Stalin, Perestroika and Post-Socialist periods (¹ 3 2018)
Zhukov V.I.
Legislation on abortion: world trends and national interests (¹ 3 2018)
Yanitsky Î.N. is 85! (¹ 3 2018)
Yanitzky O.N.
Interdisciplinary research: the issue and prospects of its resolving (¹ 3 2018)
Vishnevsky Yu.R. is 80! (¹ 3 2018)
Ryasanov V.T.
Creative labor and ownership of everyone for everything: opportunity and problems (¹ 3 2018)
Pavlov M. Yu.
Creative economy: how loss of knowledge could be stopped (¹ 3 2018)
Yakovleva N.G.
Education in Russia: public good or commercial service? (¹ 3 2018)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Metatheorizing. How and what for? (About XIX Kharchev readings) (¹ 3 2018)
Akulich M.M.
Melnik V.V.
The dynamics of the social transformation of the Russian Society (The 5th Tyumen International Sociological Forum) (¹ 3 2018)
Selivanova Z.K.
National consolidation, patriotism, traditionalism as a response of Russia’s society to challenges of time (¹ 3 2018)
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2018)
Books in brief (¹ 3 2018)
Korotkova T.N. (¹ 3 2018)
Contents (¹ 3 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 3 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 3 2018)
Chernysh M.F.
Trends of modern critical sociology (general impressions from ESS conference) (¹ 2 2018)
Vdovichenko L.N.
Reforming Europe: sociological angle (¹ 2 2018)
Kravchenko S.A.
Innovations in sociological knowledge: a summary of 13th Conference of ESA (¹ 2 2018)
Barbashin M.Yu.
The social properties of institutions (¹ 2 2018)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Macrohistory: criticism of the sociology in the long run (¹ 2 2018)
Obraztsov I.V.
Statistical inspections in the Red Army in the 1920s (¹ 2 2018)
Obraztsov I.V.
Analytic material of the Information statistic division of the Political Department of the WPRA 1924–1926 (¹ 2 2018)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Features of the life world of rural residents in Russia (¹ 2 2018)
Velikiy P.P.
Morekhanova M.Y
Beekeepers: a group of non-typical rural mo bility (¹ 2 2018)
Nikulin A.M.
Trotsuk I.V.
Collective farming in the works of Chayanov’s school: 1913–1933 (¹ 2 2018)
Tikhanov A.V.
Sociology of governance and administration: yesterday, today, tomorrow (materials of a Roundtable) (¹ 2 2018)
Romanovsky N.V. is 80! (¹ 2 2018)
Demidenko S.Yu.
«I try to comprehend the truth...» (interview with N.V. Romanovskiy) (¹ 2 2018)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Metatheorizing in sociology: review of discourse and a forecast (¹ 2 2018)
Koval E.A.
Ushkin S.G.
Russia’s paths in the future: is our society ready to become a «Good Society»? (¹ 2 2018)
Frolova E.V.
Medvedeva N.V.
Social partnership of business and government: mutual expectations and tendencies of development in modern conditions (¹ 2 2018)
Shinkevich V.E.
Korobitsina T.V.
Assessment of the state, the main deter minants and drug use prevention in the Krasnoyarsk territory (¹ 2 2018)
Ibrahimova Sh.H.
About factors of social and economic integration of Azerbaijan and Russia (¹ 2 2018)
Àbraham Ì.
Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities (XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology) (¹ 2 2018)
Nemirovsky V.G.
A new sociological journal “Siberian Socium” (¹ 2 2018)
Summer scientific School of the Association of Sociology of Siberia (¹ 2 2018)
Abgadzhava D.A.
Strebkov À.I.
Conflict paradigm of extremism in the resolution of ethnopolitical conflicts, the search for a scientific perspective (¹ 2 2018)
Khalikova S.S.
In the genre of social diagnosis: the 25th anniversary of the Russian reforms (on the monograph by R.H. Simonyan) (¹ 2 2018)
Books in brief (¹ 2 2018)
Contents (¹ 2 2018)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 2 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 2 2018)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Once again about quality of scientific publications (¹ 1 2018)
Gorshkov M.K.
Petukhov V.V.
The October revolution of 1917 and its aftermath in the public perception of modern russians (experience in sociological measuring) (¹ 1 2018)
Kolbanovsky V.V.
Revolution and counterrevolution in Russia (Centennary of the October) (¹ 1 2018)
Rozov N.S.
Factors of victory in group solution: an essay in historical microsociology (¹ 1 2018)
Petrenko V.F.
Mitina O.V.
Gladkikh N.Y.
Psychosemantics of «soft power» in geopolitics (¹ 1 2018)
Êozyrev G.I.
Image of enemy as factor of political regime legitimation (¹ 1 2018)
Podlazov A.V.
The 7-th convocation state duma elections: revelation of the frauds and reconstruction results (¹ 1 2018)
Pronina T.S.
Fedotov Yu.S.
Fedotova E.Yu.
Typologization of new religious movements on the basis of values and needs (¹ 1 2018)
Dzutsev K.V.
Kornienko N.V.
Attitude of the North Caucasus republics population to religious freedom and apostates (¹ 1 2018)
Babich N.S.
Khomenko V.I.
Scale «predisposition to religiosity»: empirical validation and developing a more formalized measurement model (¹ 1 2018)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Integration of migrants in the context of Russia’s foreign migration policy (¹ 1 2018)
Klupt M.A.
Social differences in attitudes toward migration in Russia and Western countries (¹ 1 2018)
Schwinn T.
From the comparative sociology of religion to the comparative political sociology. Max Weber and multiple modernity (¹ 1 2018)
Golovko E.P.
The last word of Pitirim A. Sorokin – “Sociological theories of today” (¹ 1 2018)
Vkusov A.V.
Problems of assessing the effectiveness of universities (¹ 1 2018)
Birzheniuk G.M.
Global world: system shifts, challenges and contours of the future (¹ 1 2018)
Grigoriev S.I.
Govorukhina G.V.
Guslyakova L.G.
Spring Academic School of the Association of Siberian Sociologists (¹ 1 2018)
Dolgova E.A.
Ershova G.G.
Practice of interdisciplinary research in history (¹ 1 2018)
Zadorozhnyuk I.E.
On the way to social singularistics: analysis of the phenomenon of provocation (¹ 1 2018)
Vorotnikov V.V.
Simonyan R.Kh. Estonia. The Second Independence. Moscow: Aspect Press Publishers, 2016. 320 p. reviewed by Vorotnikov V.V. (¹ 1 2018)
Likhacheva L.S.
Barazgova E.S.
Veselkova N.V. The Places of Memory in the Young Towns: monogr. / N. V. Veselkova, E. V. Prjamikova, M. N. Vandysev. Ekaterinburg: Urals university edit., 2016. 394 p. reviewed by Likhacheva L.S., Barazgova E.S. (¹ 1 2018)
Burkhanova F.B.
Gurko T.A. Theoretical approaches to family studies (second edition, rev. and added). Moscow: Institute of Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences. 210 p. Electronic edition. revieved by F.B. Burhanova (¹ 1 2018)
Letter to editors (¹ 1 2018)
Information for authors (¹ 1 2018)
Contents (¹ 1 2018)
Best publications 2017 (¹ 1 2018)
In the next issues (¹ 1 2018)
Deviatko I.F.
Metatheorizing or philosophy of social sciences? (¹ 12 2017)
Dudina V.I.
Strategies of metatheorizing in sociology (¹ 12 2017)
Volkov Yu.G.
Private space as a research problem of sociological reflection of the solidarist potential for new social reality (¹ 12 2017)
Barbalet J.
Guanxi as social exchange: Emotions, power and corruption (¹ 12 2017)
Tatarova G.G.
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Subject oriented approach to the «battle» with the missing data in typological analysis (¹ 12 2017)
Andreenkova A.V.
Sensitive questions in cross-national comparative surveys (¹ 12 2017)
Latova N.V.
Dynamics and factors of life satisfaction of russians (1997–2017) (¹ 12 2017)
Starosta P.Y.
Bzezinski K.V.
Stolbov V.P.
The structure of social trust in postindustrial cities of Central and Eastern Europe (¹ 12 2017)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
What is a modern Russian village? (¹ 12 2017)
Efendiev A.G.
Gogoleva A.S.
Balabanova E.S.
Trends of moral development of rural people in Belgorod Region (an institutional analysis) (¹ 12 2017)
Dulina N.V.
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Tokarev V.V.
Sociological and market research industry in Russia: position, dynamic, prognosis (¹ 12 2017)
Popova I.P.
Professional career in science and technology: on sustainability problem (¹ 12 2017)
Vasiliev V.I.
Ermolaeva M.A.
Bakun D.N.
Interaction of the communities of science's academic segment with the sphere of book culture as societal systemic links (¹ 12 2017)
Obraztsov I.V.
Sociolinguistic studies in the worker-and-peasant Red Army in the 1920s (¹ 12 2017)
Red Army man’s language (¹ 12 2017)
Chugrov S.V.
Shaping and evolution of public sphere (On J. Habermas’ book) (¹ 12 2017)
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2017)
Konstantinovsky D.L. is 80! (¹ 12 2017)
2017 index (¹ 12 2017)
Doktorov B.
A.N. Alekseev (¹ 12 2017)
A.S. Kulagin (¹ 12 2017)
Books in brief (¹ 12 2017)
Contents (¹ 12 2017)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 12 2017)
In the next issues (¹ 12 2017)
Ivanov D.V.
Metatheorizing trend in the current sociology (¹ 11 2017)
Yakovenko À.V.
Metatheorizing: the main social obstacles and difficulties (¹ 11 2017)
Kokoshin A.A.
Methodological issues of assesing national security (¹ 11 2017)
Artjukhina V.A.
Sociological interpretation of social protest: reviewing basic contemporary approaches (¹ 11 2017)
Adiev A.Z.
Protest mobilization of Kumyks in Dagestan: from the land question to the constitutional self-government (¹ 11 2017)
Ànisimov R.I.
Labor in the uncertainty epoch (¹ 11 2017)
Osadchaya G.I.
Formation of common labor market of the Eurasian economic union: implications for Russia (¹ 11 2017)
Ìareeva S.V.
Russians’ adaptation to effects of the economic crisis (¹ 11 2017)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Shuklina E.A.
Does a system of higher education exist in Russia? (¹ 11 2017)
Sheregi F.E.
Kirillov A.V.
Higher education teacher’s labor: creativity or “survival”? (¹ 11 2017)
Gurko T.A.
New family forms: tendencies of spreading and concepts (¹ 11 2017)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
The potential of successful parenting in foster families (¹ 11 2017)
Khitruk E.B.
Psychosocial support of men in the context of “male problems” (¹ 11 2017)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
Interlinguistic dissonance and intralinguistic discordance in terms of sociology (¹ 11 2017)
Savchenko T.N.
Teslavskaia(Olkina) O.I.
Role community in modern Russia (¹ 11 2017)
Omel’chenko E.L.
Andreeva Ju.V.
What remains in the family history: the memory of “the Soviet” in the conversation of three generations (¹ 11 2017)
Butorina T.S.
M. V. Lomonosov: scholar and power (¹ 11 2017)
Ivanov V.N.
The phenomenon of old age (¹ 11 2017)
Rosenko S.I.
Deriugin P.P.
Ìiletskiy V.P.
Sociology of physical culture and sport today (¹ 11 2017)
Filipova A.G.
Methodology and methods in sociological research of childhood (¹ 11 2017)
Contents (¹ 11 2017)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 11 2017)
In the next issues (¹ 11 2017)
Kravchenko S.A.
Metamorphoses: essence, increasingly complex types, place in sociology of knowledge (¹ 10 2017)
Shmerlina I.A.
Metaphor as a cognitive obstacle (extmplyfied by the concept ”Institute”) (¹ 10 2017)
Kacerauskas T.
Sociological investigations of creativity and the concept of creative society (¹ 10 2017)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
1917: the time of transformation of ideas into material force (¹ 10 2017)
Vodolazov G.G.
Politics and morality – Yuli Martov in 1917 (¹ 10 2017)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Functions and consequences of migration processes (¹ 10 2017)
Gainanov D.A.
Shelomentsev A.G.
Ataeva A.G.
Transformation of population resettlement in the Urals and the Volga region after the reform of local self-government (¹ 10 2017)
Shcherbina V.V.
Popova Å.P.
Social change and development problems in special organizational theories (¹ 10 2017)
Urzha O.A.
Social engineering as methodology of management activity (¹ 10 2017)
Conceptual foundations of the social organisation theory of the future: an integral approach (¹ 10 2017)
Òrofimova I.N.
Elections as ritual: risks of de-politisation (¹ 10 2017)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Russian intelligentsia and institutions: trust or alienation? (¹ 10 2017)
Petrova E.V.
Interaction of the Baikal region subjects with Mongolia and China in the new geopolitical situation (¹ 10 2017)
Mei Chuncai
Kharlampieva N.K.
The Making of population science in China (¹ 10 2017)
Tsaurkubule Zh.L.
Mahmudova Ju.A.
Socio-economic problems and disparities of the Latvian labor market (¹ 10 2017)
Gofman A.Â.
Too fast?! The culture of deceleration in the present-day world (¹ 10 2017)
Romanovskiy N.V.
A Scholar in the mine-bield of national issues (¹ 10 2017)
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Professional culture of Russian intellectuals (¹ 10 2017)
Vasilkova V.V.
Pivovarov A.M.
Social communications: professional and everyday practices (¹ 10 2017)
Platonova À.P.
Professional specialist standard in sociology and marketing research: the prospects of application (¹ 10 2017)
Sinelnikov A.B.
Grudina T.N.
VIII Ural demograpmic forum (¹ 10 2017)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
V International scientific conference in Magas (¹ 10 2017)
Glaziev S.Yu.
Galbraith: Return / Ed. S.D. Bodrunova. Moscow: Cultural Revolution, 2017. 424 p. revieved by Glaziev S.Yu. (¹ 10 2017)
Dmitriyev A.V.
Ivanov V.N. From 70 to 100. Reflections and memories. Moscow: «U Nikitskih vorot», 2017. 168 p. revieved by Dmitriev A.V. (¹ 10 2017)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
P. Berger (¹ 10 2017)
Contents (¹ 10 2017)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 10 2017)
In the next issues (¹ 10 2017)
Bhambra G.K.
Santos B. de Sousa
Global Challenges for Sociology (¹ 9 2017)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Translator’s epilogue (¹ 9 2017)
Trotsuk I.V.
Metatheorizing in the sociological study of textual data (¹ 9 2017)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Revolution and Contemporaneity (a round table discussion) (Vodolazov G.G., Wiatr Å., Danilov À.N., Kàrmadonov Î.À., Krasin Yu.À., Yakovenko À.V.) (¹ 9 2017)
Nemirovsky V.G.
Justice concept in the context of the estate social structure of contemporary Russian society (¹ 9 2017)
Erofeeva P.A.
Cross-sector transitions in careers of employees in the Russian third sector (¹ 9 2017)
Kazakova G.M.
“The vernacular area” as condition for the intensification of social processes (¹ 9 2017)
Orlova I.B.
Historical knowledge as a subject of sociological analysis (phenomenological aspect) (¹ 9 2017)
Nefedov S.À.
“Challenges” and “Responses” in the history of Russia (Pre-Petrine and Petrine reforms, 1615–1725) (¹ 9 2017)
Surzhikova N.V.
Russian society vs Russian refugeedom. The experience of 1914–1922 (¹ 9 2017)
Nesterova A.A.
Suslova T.F.
Mental representations as a factor of the migration process (¹ 9 2017)
Ìartynov Ì.Yu.
Purtova V.S.
Redistributive model of social behavior and interethnic conflicts (¹ 9 2017)
Karpov A.O.
University 3.0 – social mission and reality (¹ 9 2017)
Bednyi B.I.
Rybakov N.V.
Sapunov M.B.
Doctoral education in Russia in the educational field: an interdisciplinary discourse (¹ 9 2017)
Shafranov-Êutsev G.F.
Efimova G.Z.
Bulasheva A.A.
Tendencies and factors of efficiency of the training of graduate students of the Russian higher education institutions in the conditions of reforming of the higher education (¹ 9 2017)
Nikiforova O.A.
Taranova O.A.
Karapetyan R.V.
International scientific conference “Labor and society in realities of the XXI century” (¹ 9 2017)
Vanke A.V.
Sushko P.E.
Conference of young scholars “New approaches and methods in sociology: modern research practices” (¹ 9 2017)
Kozlova O.N.
Strategy of anti-philistinism (Thoughts on E. Kukushkina book’ “The Role of Russian Intelligentsia in the political Life of the Society”) (¹ 9 2017)
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2017)
Mansurov V.A. is 80! (¹ 9 2017)
Voz’mitel’ A.A. is 75! (¹ 9 2017)
Markin B.B. is 75! (¹ 9 2017)
Marshak A.L. is 75! (¹ 9 2017)
Taidakov V.I. (¹ 9 2017)
Contents (¹ 9 2017)
Books sent to the editors (¹ 9 2017)
In the next issues (¹ 9 2017)
Shkurko Yu.S.
In search of neurosociology (¹ 8 2017)
Vorontsov A.V.
Golovushkin D.A.
Priluckij A.M.
Social and semiotic specifics of the modern cult of Ivan the Terrible (¹ 8 2017)
Buzgalin A.V.
Creative economy: why and how private intellectual property can be limited (¹ 8 2017)
Shabanova M.A.
Traditional and new solidarity practices in the universe of consumer goods and resources (¹ 8 2017)
Mitrofanova I.V.
Sushchiy S.Ya.
The Russians in Ukraine: Geodemographic results of the Post Soviet period and middle term prospects (¹ 8 2017)
Vorobieva O.D.
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Dominant state migration policy in Russia (¹ 8 2017)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Russian-speaking migrants in Southeast Asia (¹ 8 2017)
Borisova E.V.
Child mobility and transnational imagination in the context of migration from Tajikistan (¹ 8 2017)
Tishkov V.A.
Barash R.E.
Stepanov V.V.
Students’ Identity and life vital strategies in Russia (¹ 8 2017)
Puzanova Z. V.
Tertyshnikova A.G.
Special aspects of Russian student’s lifestyle and attitude to health (evidence from the Moscow State University and RUDN University) (¹ 8 2017)
Prutskova E.V.
Markin K.V.
Typology of Orthodox Russians: the problem of constructing a generalized religiosity indicator (¹ 8 2017)
Grishaeva E.I.
Farhitdinova O.M.
Shumkova V.À.
The study of religiousness of Ekaterinburg archdiocese orthobelievers: from apostolic orthodoxy to post-secular eclectic (¹ 8 2017)
Dadaeva T.M.
Spiridonova K.M.
On the sidelines of life: marginality phenomenon in the urban environment (¹ 8 2017)
Shlakov A.V.
Vagabondage as social phenomenon (¹ 8 2017)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Trojan horses of neo-liberalism in education (¹ 8 2017)
Romanovskiy N.V.
The year 17. One hundred years later (¹ 8 2017)
Zdravomyslova E.A.
Nikiforova O.A.
Skvortsov N.G.
Sociology in a Global World (Meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association in St. Petersburg, April 3–6, 2017) (¹ 8 2017)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
Ethnosocial developments of Russian regions (¹ 8 2017)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 8th B. Grushin readings in MGU (¹ 8 2017)
Kravchenko S.A.
Integral concept of the sociology of life (¹ 8 2017)
Danilov À.N.
Titarenko L.G. Contemporary Western Sociology: a Reconstruction of Paradigms. Minsk: BGU, 2015 reviewed by Danilov A.N. (¹ 8 2017)
Nikulin A.M.
Between House and Home. The Returning Spatial Mobility of the Population in Russia. Ed. by T.G. Nefedova, K.V. Averkieva, A.G. Machrova. Moscow: New chronograph, 2016 reviewed by Nikulin A.M. (¹ 8 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 8 2017)
Editorial note
Books sent to the editors (¹ 8 2017)
Editorial note
In the next issues (¹ 8 2017)
Ignatyev V.I.
Information overloads of the social system and its social conseguences (¹ 7 2017)
Erofeeva M.A.
The problem of the object in contemporary social theory (¹ 7 2017)
Temkina A.A.
Students nurses: between ideals and professional practices (¹ 7 2017)
Vatoropin A.S.
Startseva N.N.
Event managers: the process of formation in modern Russia (¹ 7 2017)
Buzgalin A.V.
Creative economy: private intellectual property or ownership by everybody of everything? (¹ 7 2017)
Pokida A.N.
Zybunovskaya N.V.
Conditions and prerequisites of forming “shadow” employment (¹ 7 2017)
Popova N.V.
Sociology at an Urals enterprise: notes of a factory’s sociologist (¹ 7 2017)
Popkov V.D.
Critique of integration model in the research works of Russian migrants in Germany. Russian-speaking groups case study (¹ 7 2017)
Farukshin M.Kh.
Status of official languages of ethnic communities in multiethnic states (¹ 7 2017)
Sikevich Z.V.
Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians: together or apart? (Saint-Petersburg representations dynamics, 2006–2016) (¹ 7 2017)
Drachkovich M.V.
Jovovic R.M.
Drachkovich V.D.
Streimikiene D.
Erosion of socio-cultural capital in South Eastern Europe (¹ 7 2017)
Che Yuling
The expansion of cities and the ensuing limitations on the production of space (¹ 7 2017)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Paternity leave in Russia: a dream or reality? (¹ 7 2017)
Bagirova A.P.
Shubat O.M.
Family and parenting in the light of the students views (¹ 7 2017)
Zubanova L.B.
Zyhovskaya N.L.
Sineczkij S.B.
Shub M.L.
Ecological culture: efficiency of formation and scenarios of reproduction in “stress-regions” (¹ 7 2017)
Makarenko V.P.
Orthodoxy historical drama against the background of the conflict between truth and politics (¹ 7 2017)
Arakantseva T.A.
Bobyleva I.A.
Zavodilkina O.V.
The social help to children and families with minor children at stations (¹ 7 2017)
Glukhov V.A.
Gzoyan E.G.
Sargsyan Sh.A.
Assessment of scientific cooperation between the scientists from Armenia and Russia within the Joint bilateral grant projects (¹ 7 2017)
Kochegarova T.M.
Russia between despair and hope (about R. Grinberg’s two books) (¹ 7 2017)
Zotova E.S.
Bodrunov S. D. Gryadushchee. Novoe industrial’noe obshchestvo: perezagruzka / monografiya (Future. New industrial society: reset / monograph). Moscow, 2016 reviewed by E. S. Zotova (¹ 7 2017)
Tikhanov A.V.
Markin V.V.
Atlas modernizatsii Rossii i ee regionov: sotsioekonomicheskie i sotsiokul’turnye tendentsii i problemy. Kollektivnyy nauchnyy trud (The atlas of upgrade of Russia and its regions: Socioeconomic and sociocultural tendencies and problems. Collective scientific labor). Originator and editor-in-chief, corresponding member of RAS N. I. Lapin. Center of studying sociocultural changes. Institute of philosophy of RAS. Moscow, 2016 reviewed by A. V. Tikhonov, V. V. Markin (¹ 7 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 7 2017)
Editorial note
Books sent to the editors (¹ 7 2017)
Editorial note
In the next issues (¹ 7 2017)
Kolomiets V. P.
Sociology of mass communication in society of communicative abundance (¹ 6 2017)
Šubrt I.
Social role – a forgotten concept in sociology (¹ 6 2017)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Russian society: looking to the future (a round-table discussion) (¹ 6 2017)
Veselkova N.V.
Vandyshev M.N.
Pryamikova E.V.
On the main developments in the methodology of interviewing (¹ 6 2017)
Choi W.I.
Oberemko O.A.
Indicators of quality of life in the capitals of the Russian Federation regions (¹ 6 2017)
Êozyrev G.I.
The conflict potential of contemporary Russian society (¹ 6 2017)
Ìartynov Ì.Yu.
Gaberkorn A. I.
Features of mass consciousness perception of corruption in Russia (¹ 6 2017)
Shashkova Y.Y.
Aseev S.Y.
Aseeva T.A.
Peculiarities and mechanisms in political identification of the population of the Republic of Altai (¹ 6 2017)
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Lomonosova M.V.
Boronoev A.O. is 80! (¹ 6 2017)
Boronoev A.O.
Glotov M.B.
M.M. Kovalevsky and Russian school of sociology (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
Nysanbaev A.N. is 80! (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
Fayzullin F.S. is 75! (¹ 6 2017)
Smirnov A.M.
Mob justice in adolescence and youth (¹ 6 2017)
Smirnova A.N.
Agency and deviance of youth (¹ 6 2017)
Farakhutdinov Sh. F.
The project approach to sociologist-students training in research disciplines (¹ 6 2017)
Reznik S.D.
Vdovina O. A.
Russian university teacher: sociological portrait and priority activities (¹ 6 2017)
Teslenko A.N.
Ibrayeva A. B.
Rakisheva A. Sh.
Kulzhabaeva Zh. O.
Double-diploma education in Kazakhstan as a tool of academic mobility of faculty and students (¹ 6 2017)
Popov Å.À.
How to interest the sociologist for the study of art and spiritual life? (¹ 6 2017)
Popova I.P.
Reforming of the Russian science and young leaders: is institutional shift possible? (¹ 6 2017)
Vinokurova À.V.
Àrdalyanova À.Yu.
Natural-science methods in sociology (a note from a conference in Vladivostok) (¹ 6 2017)
Shirokalova G.S.
What happened to “Mir” / rural community in Russia? (about book “Meanings of rural life (experience of sociological analysis)” Moscow, 2016 (¹ 6 2017)
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
Information for authors (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
Books sent to the editors (¹ 6 2017)
Editorial note
In the next issues (¹ 6 2017)
Lomonosova M.V.
Mironov D.V.
On the way to consolidation of the Russian sociological community (¹ 5 2017)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Representatives of the Caucasian peoples in socio-professional status communities of the South of Russia: trends of Post-Soviet period (¹ 5 2017)
Thakahov V. Kh.
Map of the city: the symbolic transformation in the North Caucasian space (¹ 5 2017)
Kapustina E.L.
Between the North and the land: road from west Siberia to Dagestan as an element of social space of translocal migrant (¹ 5 2017)
Vishnevsky Yu. R.
Narkhov D. Yu.
What society is just: views of Sverdlovsk region students (¹ 5 2017)
Narbut N.P.
Puzanova Z. V.
Larina T. I.
Student life in European dimension (¹ 5 2017)
Selivanova Z.K.
Life goals and professional preferences of older adolescents (¹ 5 2017)
Zubok Yu.A.
Chuprov V.I.
Threats in a transforming living environment as a factor of social risks: forecasting and regulation (¹ 5 2017)
Òrofimova I.N.
Structure and dynamic of institutional trust in contemporary Russian society (¹ 5 2017)
Andreeva L.A.
Christianity’s transformation in the XXI century: the phenomenon of the “Christianity of South” (¹ 5 2017)
Smirnov Ì.Yu.
Educational environment of sociology of religion (¹ 5 2017)
Îstrovskaya Å.À.
Multiple modernities of the orthodox Saint-Petersburg Jewry (¹ 5 2017)
Goltsova E.V.
Young people migratory behaviour in Irkutsk region (¹ 5 2017)
Varshaver E.A.
Rocheva A.L.
Ivanova N.S.
Migrant integration on the local level: results of an academic and practical project (¹ 5 2017)
Tkachev S.V.
Tkacheva N.N.
First Russians sociodemographic surveys on Far East (Przhevalsky, Vislenyov) (¹ 5 2017)
Melnikov A.S.
Existential sociology of Joseph Kotarba (¹ 5 2017)
Zotov A.A.
Social selection and anthropological component of the theory of updating and circulation of elite of V. Pareto (¹ 5 2017)
Martianov V.S.
Our rental future: global outlines of a labourless society? (¹ 5 2017)
Êuleshova À.V.
The Council’s on the Scientific Publications Ethics (Russian Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers) adress (¹ 5 2017)
Merkulov P.A.
Prokazina N.V.
VIII Sociological Readings in Orel (¹ 5 2017)
Veselov Yu.V.
Êozlovskiy V.V.
A venture in sociological understanding of the history of Russian Empire (about the book “Russian Empire: From Traditional to Modern Society”. Saint-Petersburg, 2014–2015) (¹ 5 2017)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 5 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 5 2017)
Editorial note
Books sent to the editors (¹ 5 2017)
Editorial note
In the next issues (¹ 5 2017)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Russian society in the mirror of social inequality (¹ 4 2017)
Ambarova P.A.
Future of Russia and future of society (¹ 4 2017)
Vasilenko I.V.
Skobelina N.A.
Regional inequality in modern Russia: the socioeconomic aspects (¹ 4 2017)
Vinokurova À.V.
Social welbeing and social justice: opinions, wievs, evolutions (¹ 4 2017)
Dulina N.V.
Pronina E.I.
Results of the 9th Congress of the Russian Society of Sociologists (¹ 4 2017)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Trauma as deformation of evolutionary and revolutionary ways of development (a sociological theorizing) (¹ 4 2017)
Bazhanov V.A.
The idea of neurosociology in contemðorary social thought (¹ 4 2017)
Volkov V.V.
The empirical sociology of law in the context of interdisciplinary synthesis (¹ 4 2017)
Yudina T.N.
Bondaletov A.A.
Mazaev Yu.N.
Bormotova T.M.
Dolgorukova I.V.
Public evaluation of police activities (¹ 4 2017)
Mayorov V.I.
Dunayeva O.N.
Police and society. To be or not to be social partnership? (¹ 4 2017)
Soboleva I.V.
Opportunities for human capital accumulation in the small business sector (¹ 4 2017)
Kalashnikov K.N.
Sharov V.V.
The labour relations in Russia: between partnership and confrontation (¹ 4 2017)
Ilyin V.I.
Choi W.I.
Shopping and entertainment center as space making quality of life in Russia (¹ 4 2017)
Obraztsova O.I.
Popovskaya E.V.
An essay on the multidimensional statistical methods to characterize the entrepreneurial context in Russian regions (¹ 4 2017)
Drachkovich M.V.
Drachkovich V.D.
Bilan Yu.V.
Social institutional factors of slow-down: the case of South-East European countries development (¹ 4 2017)
Sarovic R.
Ceranic G.
Samardzic O.
The material position of entrepreneurs in Montenegro in self-assessments (¹ 4 2017)
Chudova I.À.
Postmodernism and sociology: dangers or opportunities? (¹ 4 2017)
Fadeeva Å.V.
Social problems of today’s pharmaceutical market in Russia (¹ 4 2017)
Chernysh A.V.
The emergence of organizational models: new institutionalism perspective (¹ 4 2017)
Kovalev V.A.
Regional politics and corruption (the case of Komi Republic) (¹ 4 2017)
Tsirel S.V.
Two forecasts by Randall Collins (¹ 4 2017)
Volkov Yu.G.
Toshchenko Zh.T. Sotsiologhiya zhizni (Sociology of life), Moscow, 2016 reviewed by Yu.G. Volkov (¹ 4 2017)
Markotkin N.M.
Vosproizvodstvo inzhenernykh kadrov: vyzovy novogo vremeni (Reproduction of engineers: challenges of new times) / ed by L.N. Bannikova, Ekaterinburg, 2015 reviewed by N.M. Markotkin (¹ 4 2017)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 4 2017)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
V.V. Shcherbina is 70! (¹ 4 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 4 2017)
Editorial note
Sociological «pearls» (¹ 4 2017)
Editorial note
Books sent to the editors (¹ 4 2017)
Editorial note
In the next issues (¹ 4 2017)
Ignatyev V.I.
Social theory in the contact zone of the methods of natural science: informational resonance approach to interpreting social reality (¹ 3 2017)
Smirnov P.I.
s the revival and renewal of positivism in theoretical sociology possible? (¹ 3 2017)
Dmitriyev A.V.
About the limitations of the materialist approach to demographic and migration policies (¹ 3 2017)
Rybakovsky O.L.
Sudoplatova V.S.
Tayunova O.A.
The potential for reducing mortality in Russia (¹ 3 2017)
Archangelskiy V.N.
Zinkina Ju.V.
Korotayev A.V.
Shulgin S.G.
Modern fertility trends in Russia and the impact of the pro-natalist policies (¹ 3 2017)
Ilyin V.À.
Leonidova G.V.
Golovchin M.A.
Russian teacher in the reformed society: regional outlook (¹ 3 2017)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Sagdieva E.A.
Korableva N.I.
The Students from Central Asia in the Republic of Tatarstan: motivation, adaptation, life plans (¹ 3 2017)
Osipov P.N.
Ziyatdinova Ju.N.
Faculty and students as participants of internationalization (¹ 3 2017)
Lokosof V.V.
Toksanbaeva M.S.
Kolennikova O.A.
Guzanova A.K.
Professional potential of academic organizations: characteristics and social security (¹ 3 2017)
Popova O.B.
Romanov D.A.
Loyko V.I.
Evseeva M.A.
Methodical significance of activities research results (¹ 3 2017)
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Rogozhina E.P.
Attitudes to euthanasia in Russia and Germany: comparative analysis (¹ 3 2017)
Belova N.I.
Healthcare in rural areas: condition, tendencies and challenges (¹ 3 2017)
Shabunova A.A.
Kondakova N.A.
Life conditions for families with newborn children and factors of health formation in childhood (¹ 3 2017)
Bogdanov S.V.
Ostapyuk V.G.
Face of treason (collaborationists in Kursk region, 1941–1943) (¹ 3 2017)
Golovashina Î.V.
Linchenko A.A.
Anikin D.A.
Memory of the Great Patriotic war: Victory day in the historical consciousness of Russians (¹ 3 2017)
Kiva A.V.
Russia still has a chance to become a developed country. What can be taken from the experience of China? (¹ 3 2017)
Ushkin S.G.
“Easy” business or what are the problems faced by businesses in the region? (¹ 3 2017)
Vasiliev V.P.
About the material and financial provision of health system (¹ 3 2017)
Shapovalova I.S.
Lebedev S.D.
Sukhorukov V.V.
Sociology of religion in late-modern society (¹ 3 2017)
Abgadzhava D.A.
Bydanov V.E.
Strebkov À.I.
International academic and practical conference (¹ 3 2017)
Lubskiy A.V.
Social role of sociology and sociological diagnostics of the society (On M. K. Gorshkov’s book “Russian society as it is: a study of sociological diagnostics”) (¹ 3 2017)
Êaterniy I.V.
A. Toffler (¹ 3 2017)
Kravchenko S.A.
Z. Bauman (¹ 3 2017)
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2017)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 3 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 3 2017)
Kravchenko S.A.
The coexistence of riskophobia and riskophilia – an expression of “normal anomie” (¹ 2 2017)
Šubrt I.
Coleman, Collins and Giddens on theory of action as the basis of general sociological theory (¹ 2 2017)
Mironov B.N.
Russian workers in the 1917 revolution: the subject of the history or cannon fodder? (¹ 2 2017)
Feldman M.A.
Socio-cultural portrait of the old bolsheviks after the civil war (¹ 2 2017)
Volkov Yu.G.
Solidary activity in Russian society: creative practice (¹ 2 2017)
Klimova S.G.
Meanings and practices of degovernmentalization of social services (¹ 2 2017)
Dolgorukova I.V.
Kirilina T. Yu.
Mazaev Yu.N.
Yudina T.N.
Social anxiety and social fears of Russia’s population: sociological dimension (¹ 2 2017)
Khaliy I.A.
Patriotism in the Russian: typology (¹ 2 2017)
Vatoropin S.A.
Ruchkin A.V.
Protest potential of the population of the Sverdlovsk region (¹ 2 2017)
Nazarov M.M.
Kovalev P.A.
Media landscape changes and current reading practices (¹ 2 2017)
Son H. I.
Mihaylova E.A.
The role of euphemisms in the process of public opinion formation (¹ 2 2017)
Zhavoronkov A.V.
Kozhevnikov M.V.
Tsukanova E.B.
Experimental assessement of manual and automatic encoding match to informativity of newspapers reports (¹ 2 2017)
Puzanova Z. V.
Larina T. I.
Technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions to sociological tools in pilot research (¹ 2 2017)
Shchelkin A.G.
Postmodernism in sociology. On unobtrusive consequences of a recent sociological fashion (¹ 2 2017)
Zaborova E.N.
Glazkova I.G.
Markova T.L.
Distance learning: students’ perspective (¹ 2 2017)
Karpenko M. P.
Chmykhova E.V.
Davydov D.G.
Shevel P.P.
Social and demographic characteristics of e-learning distance students at university (¹ 2 2017)
Ushakova V.G.
Gender studies and gender sociology in the context of sociological education (on materials of St.-Petersburg and Kiev) (¹ 2 2017)
Lomonosova M.V.
Bogomiagkova E.S.
St.-Petersburg University sociological school: on the question of sociologist’s professional competences formation (¹ 2 2017)
Gofman A.Â.
Notes on the 20th international congress of francophone sociologists (¹ 2 2017)
Noskova A.V.
Changing family relations – gender and generation (about the 8th congress the european society for studying family relations) (¹ 2 2017)
Rozov N.S.
How not to do historical sociology and how it should be correctly understood (N. T. Kremliev’s “Historical Sociology. Questions of Social Development theory”. Moscow, 2016) (¹ 2 2017)
Nefedov S.À.
Goldstone J. Revolliutsii. Otchen’ kratkoiye vvedeniye. M., 2015 – Goldstone J. Revolutions. a very short introduction – reviewed by S. A. Nefiodov (¹ 2 2017)
Vinogradsky V.G.
Barsukova S. Yu. Esse o neformal’noi ekonomike ili 16 ottnenkov serogo. Ì. 2015 – Barsukova S. Yu. An essai on injformal economics or 16 shades of the gray – reviewed by V. G. Vinogradskkiy (¹ 2 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 2 2017)
Gorshkov M.K.
Russian socium in the conditions of crisis development: a contextual approach (article 2) (¹ 1 2017)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Temporal semantic distanciation in the field of social cohesion (an analysis of social networks) (¹ 1 2017)
Drobizheva L.M.
All-Russian identity and interethnic accord as a reflection of the consolidation processes in Russian society (¹ 1 2017)
Mukomel V.I.
Ryzhova S.V.
Trust and distrust in interethnic relations (¹ 1 2017)
Kuznetsov I.M.
Values and socio-political attitudes in contemporary Russia (¹ 1 2017)
Evseeva M.A.
Russians’ views on ethnic causality of social advancement chances (¹ 1 2017)
Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Russian pensioners in conditions of crisis (¹ 1 2017)
Korneeva I.E.
Minnigaleeva G.A.
Charitable activities of older Russians: results of empirical study (¹ 1 2017)
Strebkov D.O.
Shevchuk A.V.
Work values of self-employment and organization employment (¹ 1 2017)
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Has labor motivation changed in post-Soviet Russia? (¹ 1 2017)
Gainanov D.A.
Gubarev R.V.
Dzyuba E.I.
Fayzullin F.S.
Industrial potential of Russian regions: estimation and growth reserves (¹ 1 2017)
Lapin N.I.
(¹ 1 2017)
Sorokin P.S.
Russian sociological tradition in the context of international discourse: specific features, problems, and perspectives (¹ 1 2017)
Bykov A.V.
Sociology of morality and evolutionary theory: history and perspectives (¹ 1 2017)
Êaterniy I.V.
“Folk sociology”: 3rd V. Yadov academic seminar (¹ 1 2017)
Osinsky I.I.
Dobrynina M.I.
Intelligentisa, its civic positions in contemporary world (¹ 1 2017)
Birzheniuk G.M.
Ñîntemporary global challenges and national interests (¹ 1 2017)
Bocharov V.V.
Youth and ageing in traditional Russian culture (re. I.A. Grigorieva et al. book: Elderly people in contemporary Russia: between employment, education, and health) (¹ 1 2017)
Fetisov V.Ya.
Golovin N.À. Sovremennye sotsiologhicheskiye teorii: uchebnik i praktikum dlia bakalavriata i magistratury [Contemporary Sociological Theories: a Textbook and Practicum for Bachelors and Magisters]. Ì., 2016 by V. Ya. Fetisov (¹ 1 2017)
Ignatyev V.I.
Ìål’nikov Ì.V. Privatnoe i publichnoe v istoricheskom protsesse. Teoretiko-sotsiologicheskiy analiz (The private and the Public in the Historical Process. A Theoretical Sociological Analysis). Novosibirsk, 2016 by V.I. Ignatyev) (¹ 1 2017)
Martseva L.M.
Shabatura L.N.
Tarasova O.V.
Yatsevich O.E.
Strategy of the social state in early 21-st century Russia (¹ 1 2017)
Editorial note
Contents (¹ 1 2017)
Editorial note
Best publications 2016 (¹ 1 2017)
Editorial note
Information for authors (¹ 1 2017)
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Shkaratan O.I.
Creating national collective capital: direct and latent contribution of nations’ citizens to merit goods producing (¹ 12 2016)
Shabanova M.A.
On a social mechanism associated with fostering innovative consumer practices in Russia (¹ 12 2016)
Gorshkov M.K.
Russian socium in the conditions of crisis development: a contextual approach (¹ 12 2016)
Deviatko I.F.
Social Norms: From Attempts of Definition Towards New Theoretical Questions and Theories of Normanivity (¹ 12 2016)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kleiner G.B.
Social forecasting as an interdisciplinary project (¹ 12 2016)
Nefedova T.G.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Intelligentsia in the space of non-urban Russia (¹ 12 2016)
Efendiev A.G.
Balabanova E.S.
Sorokin P.S.
Social institutions: an analysis of social changes in Belgorod oblast (¹ 12 2016)
Pevnaya M.V.
Managing Russian volunteers’ efforts: essence and contradictions (¹ 12 2016)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
On specifying the notion of ‘population migration’ (¹ 12 2016)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Russian Diaspora abroad or Russian speaking communities? (¹ 12 2016)
Golenkova Z.T.
Sushko P.E.
Social mobility in the context of migration biographies of Russians (¹ 12 2016)
Êozlova L.À.
Post-relolution period of Russian sociology: a failed attempt at sovietization (¹ 12 2016)
Tsvetkova G.A.
Village identity: a forgotten, but very important study of the 1920s (¹ 12 2016)
Adamyants T.Z.
Latent technologies of information wars and double standards (¹ 12 2016)
Sharkov F.I.
Sociology of Communication in the Structure of interdisciplinary scientific Direction “Communicology” (¹ 12 2016)
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
On prospects of studying modern leisure activities of children (Response to B. Kupriyanov’s “Children’s leisure classes of two generations of Russians (according to the results of sociological research)” article (¹ 12 2016)
Kravchenko S.A.
Future: skipping diary of Wien ISA Forum 2016 (¹ 12 2016)
Popova I.P.
Professionals in the sphere of science and technologies: looking towards desurable future (¹ 12 2016)
Zhelezniakov A.S.
Litvinova Ò.N.
Political participation of the young (results of International conference in Montreal) (¹ 12 2016)
Shishkina E.A.
Yarskaya V. N. Kaleidoskop vremeni. Sledy biografii (Caleidoscopic times. Traces of a biography). Ì., 2015 by Å. À. Shishkina (¹ 12 2016)
Ignatova S.N.
Nikulin A. Ì. Àgrarniki, vlast, i selo: ot proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (Agrarians, government and village: fron the past to the future). Ì., 2014 reviewed by S. N. Ignatova (¹ 12 2016)
Editorial note
Journals’ guide (¹ 12 2016)
Editorial note
2016 Index (¹ 12 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 12 2016)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Meannig of life: an analysis from positions of sociology of life (¹ 11 2016)
Podvoiskiy D.G.
Man in the world of institutions: on logics and mechanisms îf social construction of reality (¹ 11 2016)
Kara-Murza S.G.
ISP RAS responds to challenges of time (¹ 11 2016)
Osipov G.V.
Russia and USA: new architecture of interaction (¹ 11 2016)
Levashov V.K.
Russia’s society: 25 years of neo-liberal reforms (¹ 11 2016)
Milekhin A.V.
Gallup International global polls: the ways world media interpret global opinion research results (¹ 11 2016)
Rzhanitsyna L.S.
Pensioners: how they live and how to improve their situation (¹ 11 2016)
Stepanova O.P.
Bazhenova N.G.
Tokar’ O.V.
Shpakovskaya E.Y.
Sharygina E.S.
Influence of value-motivational sphere on life satisfaction of the aged (¹ 11 2016)
Grigoryeva I.A.
Kelasev V.N.
Internet in the life of elderly people: intentions and realities (¹ 11 2016)
Petukhov V.V.
Crisis and protection of the citizens’ labour rights (¹ 11 2016)
Gavriliuk V.V.
Malenkov V.V.
Gavriliuk Ò.V.
Ñîntemporry models of Russian citizenship (¹ 11 2016)
Davyborets E.N.
“Phenomenon” of trust to Russia’s president (¹ 11 2016)
Kokoshin A.A.
On the Sun Tsu heritage (¹ 11 2016)
Krasilshchikov V.A.
In the trap of median incomes level: a sociologocal interpretation of economic issues (Brazilian case) (¹ 11 2016)
Podolskaya E.A.
Nazarkina V.N.
Social security: essence, threats and ways of ensuring (¹ 11 2016)
Boronoev A.O.
Lomonosova M.V.
Mironov D.V.
Skvortsov N.G.
Preserving traditions of Russian sociology: Maxim Kovalevsky’ Sociological Society role. A Contribution to 100th Anniversary of Its Establishing (¹ 11 2016)
Pishnyak A.I.
Parents` percepted risks related to children`s school education in Moscow (¹ 11 2016)
Troshina T.I.
Morozova O. M.
“On the brink of Europe’s ecumene” (Nenets’ life in the township of Varnek) (¹ 11 2016)
Grigoryeva I.A.
Paradigm shift in understanding ageing (¹ 11 2016)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Levchenko N.V.
Rogovaya À.V.
A conference in Ingushetiya state University (¹ 11 2016)
Volkov Yu.G. is 70 (¹ 11 2016)
Kondrashov P.N.
Post-fordism: coming synthesis of feudalism and fordism or just moments in economics of the global center? (about the book “Post-Fordism: concepts, institutions, practices”) (¹ 11 2016)
Sklair L.
End of the world or end of capitalism? (¹ 11 2016)
B. I. Ìàximov (¹ 11 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 11 2016)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Future educational communities: time perspective in the context of social uncertainty (¹ 10 2016)
Volkov Yu.G.
Scenario thinking in the context of sociological diagnostics (¹ 10 2016)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Indicators of subjective well-being as characteristics for typology building (¹ 10 2016)
Maltseva A.V.
Shilkina N.E.
Mahnitkina O.V.
Social structure and social stratification of society: empirical indicators (¹ 10 2016)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Karavay A.V.
Resources of Russians in times of crisis: dynamics and role in adaptation to new conditions (¹ 10 2016)
Lezhnina Yu.P.
Socio-economic crisis in Russia: problems of the population and “pockets of concern” (¹ 10 2016)
Ìareeva S.V.
Monetary and non-monetary inequalities in Russians’ lives (¹ 10 2016)
Rezaev À.V.
Tregubova N.D.
Ethnosocial conflicts in contemporary sociology (a content-analysis of periodical publications) (¹ 10 2016)
Balakina G.F.
Ànayban Z.V.
Features of ethno-regional migration in Tuva (¹ 10 2016)
Kim Kh. Tsh.
Specifics of self-consciousness and cultural adaptation of Russian-speaking Koreans in the Republic of Korea (¹ 10 2016)
Îstrovskaya Å.À.
On global transnational ethno-religious Diaspora (¹ 10 2016)
Mchedlova M.M.
Religion, society, state: challenges and threats of modernity (¹ 10 2016)
Ryzhova S.V.
Features of studyig religious identity of Russians (¹ 10 2016)
Divisenko K.S.
Strait gate in a right direction: problem of recognizing strong group of Orthodox believers (¹ 10 2016)
Martianov V.S.
Social stratification of modern societies: from economic classes to rental groups? (¹ 10 2016)
Editorial note
R.A. Ubaidullaeva (¹ 10 2016)
Kitaitseva O.V.
IV Ìîscow economic forum (¹ 10 2016)
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Sociology of life: theoretical foundations and social practices (¹ 10 2016)
Lapin N.I.
The first complex sociological research of russians living world (about the book “Life world of russians”) (¹ 10 2016)
Editorial note
Memory of U.V. Arutyunyan (¹ 10 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 10 2016)
Book in brief (¹ 10 2016)
Dudina V.I.
Digital data potentialities for development of sociological knowledge (¹ 9 2016)
Levashov V.K.
Sar’yan W.K.
Nazarenko A.P.
Novozhenina O.P.
Toshchenko I.Zh.
Sushpanova I.S.
Salomatina E.V.
Civil society in the networks of information and communication technologies (¹ 9 2016)
Shabashev V.A.
Shcherbakova L.N.
Trends of the digital divide/equality in contemporary world (¹ 9 2016)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
NEET-youth in Russia: characteristics and typology (¹ 9 2016)
Blinova T.V.
Vyalshina A.A.
Youth outside education and employment: rural – urban differences in Russia (¹ 9 2016)
Yadova M.A.
Crimean crisis-2014 as seen by the post-Soviet youth generation (¹ 9 2016)
Ivaniushina V.A.
Alexandrov D.A.
Is there a differentiation of teachers in Russian school system? (¹ 9 2016)
Shafranov-Êutsev G.F.
The place of teachers in the socio-stratification structure of contemporary Russian society (¹ 9 2016)
Shmankevich T.Yu.
Evolution of school of external studies: concepts, practices, issues (¹ 9 2016)
Demintseva Å.B.
Education trajectories of the youth from CIS-countries in Moscow (¹ 9 2016)
Ìansurov V.À.
Yurchenko Î.V.
Dynamics of professional altruism interpretations (the case of preschool educators) (¹ 9 2016)
Àbramov R.N.
Professional culture of Russian technical specialists: universal elements (¹ 9 2016)
Gavrilova E.V.
Ushakov D.V.
Yorevich A.V.
“Native scientists” and “citizens of the world”: regarding the scientists’ productivity (¹ 9 2016)
Kliucharev G.A.
Savenkov À.I.
Baklanov P.À.
Russian science personnel: issues and methods to solve them (¹ 9 2016)
Savinkov V.I.
Arefiev A.L.
Governmental regulations of sciences: successes and defects (¹ 9 2016)
Mnatzakanyan M.O.
Postmodernism and sociology’s destinies as an independent science (¹ 9 2016)
Sevek V.K.
Soyan Sh.Ch.
Sevek R.M.
Social well-being of youth in the Republic of Tuva (¹ 9 2016)
Êanishchev V.V.
Tsintsadze N.S.
Ñontent analysis in studying social and environmental problems of Soviet society 1917–21 (¹ 9 2016)
Êulagina N.V.
Family role in postpenitentiary adaptation of men (¹ 9 2016)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Arrow of sociological knowledge through the prism of ‘arrow of time’, or a road to their rapproachement (S.A.Kravchenko’s book “Sociological knowledge through the prism of ‘arrow of time’: demand for a humanistic turn” (“Sotsiologitcheskoye znaniye cherez prizmu ‘strely vremeni’: vostrebovannost’ gumanisticheskogo povorota”. Ì., 2015) (¹ 9 2016)
Editorial note
Dronov V.T. (¹ 9 2016)
Dronov V.T.
Agreement as civilizational archetype of Russian society (The paper is published posthumously) (¹ 9 2016)
Editorial note
Journals’ guide (¹ 9 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 9 2016)
Ivanov D.V.
Asochakov Yu.V.
Social future in the perspective of dialectical theory (¹ 8 2016)
Yakovenko À.V.
Helplessness toward the future (¹ 8 2016)
Savinskaya O.B.
Istomina À.G.
Larkina Ò.Yu.
Êruglova Ê.D.
Conceptual ideas of mixed methods research: stages of development and current debates (¹ 8 2016)
Rykov Yu.G.
Koltsova O.Yu.
Meylakhs P.A.
Structure and Functions of Online Communities: Network Mapping of HIV-relevant groups in VK.com SNS. (¹ 8 2016)
Bezrukova O.N.
Samoilova V.À.
Authoritarian syndrome in mothers’ child-rearing culture (¹ 8 2016)
Noskova A.V.
Titova M.A.
Vasil’ev A.A.
Kishkin M.I.
Out of family: “foster care” system in modern Russia (¹ 8 2016)
Strel’nik E.A.
Mothers’ practices of combining paid works with child care: a sociological study (¹ 8 2016)
Kehm B.M.
Universities’ ratings – impact and unforessen side-effects (¹ 8 2016)
Nabiulina Ê.À.
Solodnikov V.V.
Tsybikova D.G.
Sociology departments graduates in the labor market (¹ 8 2016)
Kalmykov N.N.
Satyr’ T.S.
The Russian higher education: experts view (¹ 8 2016)
Šubrt I.
Conception of Time as a Social Category by Durkheim – View on a Theoretical Conundrum (¹ 8 2016)
Troitskiy K.E.
Nation and the nation-state in the views of M. Weber (¹ 8 2016)
Yanitzky O.N.
À history of urban sociology in XX century Russia (¹ 8 2016)
Andreeva A.R.
Popova S.A.
Effective contract in higher education:determinants and potentials for application (¹ 8 2016)
Reznik S.D.
Sazykina O.A.
Department of Russian higher education institution: challenges of time (¹ 8 2016)
Karmaeva N.N.
Rodina N.V.
Department heads in the situation of changing managing mechanisms in higher education institutions in Russia (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
B.Z. Doctorov in 75 (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
E.F. Molevich in 85 (¹ 8 2016)
Orlov V.V.
Orlova E.V.
Issues of raising education quality and graduates’ competency (¹ 8 2016)
Deriugin P.P.
Strogetskaya Å.V.
Ìiletskiy V.P.
Ñîntemporary sociology of knowledge (¹ 8 2016)
Babintsev V.P.
Sapryka V.À.
International expert forum “Public diplomacy: regional dimension” (¹ 8 2016)
Bozhkov Î.B.
Is there a road to order? (re: J. Law’s “After method: Mess in Social Science Research”) (¹ 8 2016)
Dezhina I.G.
Àshcheulova N.À., Dushina S.À. Ìîbil’naya nauka v global’nom mire (Mobile science in global world) / ed. V.Ì. Lomovitskaya. St.-Pbg., 2014 (¹ 8 2016)
Gorshkov M.K.
Kravchenko S.A. Basic sociological paradigms through the prism of sociological imagination: a textbook [in engl.]. Ì.: ÌÃÈÌÎ-Óíèâåðñèòåò publishers, 2015 (¹ 8 2016)
Gavriliuk V.V.
Zarubezhnaya sotsiologhiya obrazovaniya (International sociology of education) / Ed. À.Ì. Îsipov. Velikiy Novgorod, 2014 (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
Book in brief (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
T. Luckmann (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
I.I. Travin (¹ 8 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 8 2016)
Sheller M.
The new mobility paradigm in modern sociology (¹ 7 2016)
Maslovskii M.V.
Interaction of cultures and social fields: new theoretical approaches in European and American sociology (¹ 7 2016)
Kozina I.Ì.
Zangieva I.Ê.
Labor protection and job satisfaction in small businesses (¹ 7 2016)
Volovskaya N.M.
Pliusnina L.K.
Rusina A.V.
Chernikova E.V.
Dynamics of shadow wages (monitoring data for Novosibirsk region) (¹ 7 2016)
Popov A.V.
Wages as a tool of promoting labor activity (¹ 7 2016)
Zborovsky G.Å.
Ambarova P.A.
Transformation of object field of governance and administration sociology: new challenges (¹ 7 2016)
Popova Å.P.
Îrganizational behavior: sociological perspective (¹ 7 2016)
Lapaeva V.V.
Law and the state of law in post-socialist Russia: condition and development outlook (¹ 7 2016)
Gribanov E.V.
Violence at school: measures of its prevention and control (expert opinions) (¹ 7 2016)
Barmina A.S.
Safonova M.A.
Identities and networks in St.-Petersburg creative industries (¹ 7 2016)
Sergeev D.V.
Microsociology of text: factors of functioning pragmasemantic behavior (¹ 7 2016)
Àndreev I.L.
Nazarova L.N.
Sociology of life: dynamics of food – from food chains to the humanistic biopolitics (¹ 7 2016)
Voormann R.
Helemae Å.
Health gender self-ratings in Russia, Estonia, Lithuania and Finland (¹ 7 2016)
Guschin A.V.
Health and quality of life: a concept of Internet-based system for data collecting and processing (¹ 7 2016)
Kravchenko A.I.
Metaphors in sociology: a new perspective or a road to nowhere? (¹ 7 2016)
Vorobieva O.D.
Topilin A.V.
Ñurrent migration policies of Russia: illusions and realities (¹ 7 2016)
Biekenov K.U.
Biyekenova N.Zh.
Patriotism as a value of contemporary Kazakhstan students (¹ 7 2016)
Editorial note
Pavlenok P.D. is 80! (¹ 7 2016)
Editorial note
Doctoral theses in sociology, 2015 (¹ 7 2016)
Låvichåvà V.F.
State and problems of the current attestation system in the field of sociological sciences (¹ 7 2016)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The seventh B. Grushin readings in MGU (¹ 7 2016)
Êozyrev G.I.
Caution: plagiarism! (¹ 7 2016)
Biriukov A.A.
Bauman Z. Idet li bogatstvo nemnoghikh na pol’zu vsem protchim? (Does the wealth of the few benefit all the rest?) Ì., 2015 is reviewed by À.À. Biriukov (¹ 7 2016)
Zotova E.S.
Neravenstvo dokhodov i economitcheskiy rost: strateghiya vykhoda iz krizisa (Income inequalities and economic growth: a strategy to escape crisis) / Ed.by À.Buzgalin, R.Traub-Merz, Ì.Voeykov. Ì., 2014 is reviewed by Å.S. Zîtova (¹ 7 2016)
Rubtcova M.V.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Cribb A., Gewirtz Sh. Professionalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015 is reviewed by Ì.V. Rubtsova, N.À. Ìàrt’yanova (¹ 7 2016)
Editorial note
Memory of J. Urry (¹ 7 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 7 2016)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
Secret Languages as Constructions in Social Reality (¹ 6 2016)
Ivanov D.V.
New configurations of inequality and flow structures of glam-capitalism (¹ 6 2016)
Klupt M.A.
State, “the third sector” and population policy (¹ 6 2016)
Rybakovsky O.L.
Tayunova O.A.
Demographic policy concept realization in the sphere of constant migration of the population (¹ 6 2016)
Tikhomirov N.P.
Identification and management of population reproduction (¹ 6 2016)
Tikhonova L.E.
Ìaslenkova Å.V.
Foreign labor migration in the Republic of Belarus (¹ 6 2016)
Martinovich V.A.
Methodological problems in monitoring new religious movements (¹ 6 2016)
Babich N.S.
Khomenko V.I.
Conceptual bases for building one-dimensional religiosity scale (¹ 6 2016)
Àrinin Å.I.
Petrosian D.I.
Specifics of students’ religiousness (¹ 6 2016)
Shirokalova G.S.
Shimanskaya O.K.
Anikina A.V.
Gender features of the student youth religiosity (¹ 6 2016)
Semenova V.V.
Subjective social mobility: perspective of qualitative approach (¹ 6 2016)
Oberemko O.A.
Elementary explanations for the volunteering in Russian context and Russian language (¹ 6 2016)
Myagkov A.Yu.
Technical university students: professional competences and expectations on the labour market (¹ 6 2016)
Carimova A.B.
Latent functions of international educational rankings (¹ 6 2016)
Shipunova T.V.
Civil security and systemic violence: russian practice (¹ 6 2016)
Vinogradsky V.G.
Vinogradskaya Î.Ya.
Experiencing reproduction of life in peasant discourses (¹ 6 2016)
Àsratyan N.Ì.
On the relationship of sciences and humanities (¹ 6 2016)
Yavon S.V.
HIV-infected patients: discrimination and rights violations (¹ 6 2016)
Aldaberdikyzy A.
Correlation of social economic regioning and reading literacy (¹ 6 2016)
Titarenko L.G.
In memory of V.A. Yadov: all-Russian readings (¹ 6 2016)
Zyryanov V.V.
Vinokurova À.V.
Àrdalyanova À.Yu.
Problems of modelling social processess: Russia and Asian-Pacific region countries (¹ 6 2016)
Nasibullin R.T.
Midway: marginalia to G. Friedman’s “The Next Decade: What the World Will Look Like” (¹ 6 2016)
Shpak L.L.
Zhiznennyi mir rossiyan: 25 let spustia (konets 1980-kh – seredina 2010-kh) –“Russians’ Life-World: 25 years later (late 1980th–mid-2010th)” / ed. by Zh.T. Toshchenko. Ì., 2016, reviewed by L.L. Shpak (¹ 6 2016)
Dmitriyev A.V.
Ivanov V.N. Liudi i gody: zapiski sotsiologa – “People and years: a sociologist’s notes”. Ì., 2015, reviewed by À.V. Dmitriev (¹ 6 2016)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 6 2016)
Editorial note
Journals’ guide (¹ 6 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 6 2016)
Editorial note
Our publishing ethics (¹ 6 2016)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Sociological keys to the secrets of resource curse (¹ 5 2016)
Zubanova L.B.
Zyhovskaya N.L.
Smell: olfaktorical facet of social reality (¹ 5 2016)
Editorial note
N.I. Lapin is 85! (¹ 5 2016)
Lapin N.I.
Humanist choice of Russian population and focuses of Russian sociology (¹ 5 2016)
Shestopal Ye.B.
Elites and Society as Political Actors in Post-Soviet Russia (¹ 5 2016)
Sanina A.G.
Patriotism of Russians and patriotic education in modern Russia (¹ 5 2016)
Arutiunian A.S.
Lobbying: how to turn evil into good (¹ 5 2016)
Nisnevich Yu.A.
Corruption: instrumental conceptualisation (¹ 5 2016)
Mukomel V.I.
Integration problems of internal ethnic migrant workers (¹ 5 2016)
Farukshin M.Kh.
Problem of ethnic voting in international discourse (¹ 5 2016)
Streltsov D.V.
Social Protest in today’s Afro-Asian world: on research methodology issues (¹ 5 2016)
Karabchuk T.S.
Salnikova D.V
Objective and subjective well-being: a comparative analysis of Central Asian countries, Russia and Belarus (¹ 5 2016)
Zlotnikova T.S.
Êiyashchenko L.P.
Liotina N.N.
Erokhina T.I.
Specifics of popular culture in Russian province (¹ 5 2016)
Zagidullina M.V.
Teenagers: reading and the Internet in everyday life (¹ 5 2016)
Êienko Ò.S.
Profanity as a social phenomenon: analyzing survey results in a provincial Russian town (¹ 5 2016)
Lomonosova M.V.
Pitirim Sorokin’s “Forerunner”. Autobiographical novel by sociologist involved in the whirlpool of politics (¹ 5 2016)
Ìalinov À.Â.
Centenary of M.M. Kovalevsky Russian Sociological Society (¹ 5 2016)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Kochegarova T.M.
Russian reformers of the 1990s: a biographical study (¹ 5 2016)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Nayemnyi rabotnik v sovremennoy Rossii (Hired worker in contempoirary Russia) / Ed. Z.Ò. Golenkova. Ì., 2015 reviewed by N.Å. Tikhonova (¹ 5 2016)
Oberemko O.A.
Tshetvert’ veka posle SSSR: liudi, obshchestvo, reformy (A quarter-century after the USSR: people, society, reforms) / Comp. by P. Dutkevich, R. Sakwa, V.I. Êulikov (eds. Å.B. Shestopasl, A.Yu Shutov, V.I. Yakunin). Ì., 2015 reviewed by Î.À. Îberemko (¹ 5 2016)
Dolgov A.Yu.
The Palgrave Handbook of Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity: Formulating a Field of Study / Ed. by V. Jeffries. N.Y., 2014 reviewed by À.Yu. Dolgov (¹ 5 2016)
Platonova S.U.
Orehov A.M. Intellektualnaya sobstvennost: eskizyi obschey teorii (Intellectual property: sketches of the general theory). M., 2015 reviewed by S.U. Platonova (¹ 5 2016)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 5 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 5 2016)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Discourse of crisis of(in) contemporary sociology (¹ 4 2016)
Yanitzky O.N.
Do we need a new paradigm of sociology? (reflecting on an U.Beck’s concept) (¹ 4 2016)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
“Efficiency” as basic index for the state and trends in natality (¹ 4 2016)
Nekhoda E.V.
Solovieva N.N.
The waves of migration on the Russian labour market (¹ 4 2016)
Grebenyuk A.A.
Polezhaeva D.A.
The motives of return migration of Russian citizens who got higher education abroad (¹ 4 2016)
Abylkalikov S.I.
Natives of the former Soviet Union countries in contemporary Russia (¹ 4 2016)
Shcherbina V.V.
Goal setting and goal ensuring, streamlining social technologies (¹ 4 2016)
Frolova E.V.
Interaction of the population and local government: problems and new opportunities (¹ 4 2016)
Przhilenskiy V.I.
Ogorodnikov A.Yu.
Axiological foundations of social engineering: prospects for modernization of Russian society (¹ 4 2016)
Liga Ì.B.
Shcetkina I.À.
Poyarkova Z.D.
Disabled people assess effects of the state program “Accessible Environment” (¹ 4 2016)
Veremchuk V.I.
Krutilin D.S.
Religious situation in the Armed Forces (¹ 4 2016)
Karlova E.N.
Staff support of military science: experience of scientific units (¹ 4 2016)
Kononova A.E.
Socioeconomic factors of children health in Russia (¹ 4 2016)
Pavlenko E.V.
Petrova L.E.
Readiness of Russian doctors to use latest ICT in healthcare (¹ 4 2016)
Àndreev I.L.
Nazarova L.N.
Philosophical and sociological problems of mental health (¹ 4 2016)
Boronoev A.O.
Problem of sociological education models: experience in sociologists’ training at the faculty of sociology of St.-Petersburg State University (¹ 4 2016)
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N.
Informal education of sociology students: new forms (¹ 4 2016)
Balashov V.V.
Patsula A.V.
Lenkov R.V.
Gaydukova E.A.
Problem of motivating scientific activity of university students: an empirical study (¹ 4 2016)
Îvetchkina Ya.V.
The lifestyle of representatives of the downshifters’ internet community (¹ 4 2016)
Shabalina O.A.
“Soviet” private diaries: experience of qualitative research (¹ 4 2016)
Sakaeva Ì.Ì.
Businessmen in representatives state bodies of Russian Regions: Numbers and incomes for entrepreneurial activity (¹ 4 2016)
Kravchenko S.A.
On the results of the 2015 European sociological association conference (¹ 4 2016)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Transcending Eurasian territories: administering, comprehending, identities (¹ 4 2016)
Gorbuleva Ì.S.
Ìelik-Gaykazyan I.V.
Ìelik-Gaykazyan Ì.V.
Why Russian animal protectors are as they are and why do they act they dî? (¹ 4 2016)
Vafina Z.À.
Nashe proshloye: nostal’ghitcheskiye vospominaniya ili ugroza budushchemu? (Our past: nostalgic memories or threat for the future? / Ed. by Î.B. Bozhkov. St.-Petersburg, 2015 – reviewed by Z.À. Vafina (¹ 4 2016)
Golenkova Z.T.
Zhvitiashvili A.S.
Ìnatsakanyan Ì.Î. Postmodernizm: proiskhozhdeniye, priroda i mesto v sovremennoi sotsiologhii (Postmodernism: origins, nature and place in contemporary sociology) Ì., 2015 – reviewed by Z.Ò. Golenkova, À.Sh. Zhvitiashvili (¹ 4 2016)
Lisitsyn P.P.
Sravnitel’haya sotsiologhiya: utchebnik (Comparative sociology: a textbook) / Ed. by A.V. Rezaev. St.-Petersburg, 2015 – reviewed by P.P. Lisitsyn (¹ 4 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 4 2016)
Bagramov E.À.
Some touches to the socio-political views of Pitirim Sorokin (article 2) (¹ 3 2016)
Tiryakian E.A.
Updating Sorokin (¹ 3 2016)
Kravchenko S.A.
Updating as integrative method to study biography (comments on E.A. Tiryakian’s article) (¹ 3 2016)
Burrows R.
Savage M.
After the crisis? Big data and the methodological challenges of empirical sociology (¹ 3 2016)
Maltseva A.V.
Shilkina N.E.
Mahnitkina O.V.
Data mining sociology: experience and outlook for research (¹ 3 2016)
Efendiev A.G.
Balabanova E.S.
Sorokin P.S.
Identity and professional culture of Russian sociology: a bibliometric analysis (¹ 3 2016)
Ìikhaleva Ì.N.
Scientific research effectiveness in the context of academic leadership reproduction (¹ 3 2016)
Smirnova Å.Ì.
Approaches to study international migration of high-skills specialists: mechanisms, outlook, effects (¹ 3 2016)
Bondarenko L.V.
Development of rural territories of Russia: estimates, opinions, expectations (¹ 3 2016)
Konev Y.M.
Belonozhko M.L.
Barbakov O.M.
Social mood of rural residents in the south of Tyumen region (¹ 3 2016)
Sikevich Z.V.
Dynamics of the “image” of the past and present in the representations of people from Saint-Petersburg (¹ 3 2016)
Pokida A.N.
Zybunovskaya N.V.
Dynamics of the historical memory in the Russian society (results of sociological monitoring) (¹ 3 2016)
Korotetskaya L.V.
Holocaust as a social and cultural construct of memory: trauma factor and victim position (¹ 3 2016)
Bezrukova O.N.
Values of parenthood: structure, types, resources (¹ 3 2016)
Sizova I.L.
Egorova N.Yu.
Violence in schools in the context of family problems (¹ 3 2016)
Grudzinskiy A.O.
Chuprunov Å.V.
Strategic change of universities for enhancing competitiveness (¹ 3 2016)
Myasnikov A.G.
Is it necessary to abandon civil society? (¹ 3 2016)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Some problems of contemporary Russian sociological discourse (¹ 3 2016)
Ìishchuk S.N.
Organizing entrepreneurial activity in the South of the Russian Far East: ethnic aspect (¹ 3 2016)
Amirgaliev E.R.
Nurkatova L.T.
Socio-legal work with elderly people in Kazakhstan (¹ 3 2016)
Pismanik M.G.
Kargina I.G. Sotsiologhitcheskiye refleksii sovremennogo religioznogo plyuralizma (Sociological reflections of contemporary religious pluralism). Ì., 2014 – reviewed by M.G. Pismanik (¹ 3 2016)
Dmitrieva À.V.
Obshtcghestvo i pravo: issledovatel’skiye perspektivy (Society and law: research perspectives) / Ed. by À. Êîndakov. ÑÏá., 2015 – reviewed by À.V. Dmitriev (¹ 3 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 3 2016)
Bazaleev Î.À.
The crisis of confidence in the “failed society”. A case of social stagnation (¹ 3 2016)
Journals’ guide (¹ 3 2016)
Êiyashchenko L.P.
Interdisciplinarity – the area of interaction of philosophy and sociology (¹ 2 2016)
Yakovenko À.V.
Mutual co-influence of natural and socio-humanitarian sciences on social processes (¹ 2 2016)
Bodrunov S.D.
Re-industrialization: socio-economic parameters of reintegrating production, science and education (¹ 2 2016)
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Researching labor motivation in post-reform Russia, 1990–2010th (¹ 2 2016)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
The school-to-work transition success: for whom is the way easier? (¹ 2 2016)
Ovcharov À.Î.
Risk assessment of tourism industry (¹ 2 2016)
Sljykic M.
Sljukic S.
Marinkovic D.
Practices of employing workers in Serbia industrial enterprises (¹ 2 2016)
Smirnov V.A.
Project activity of Russian non-profit organizations: key problems and contradictions (¹ 2 2016)
Zinchenko G.P.
Public service in the subject field of sociology (¹ 2 2016)
Antonova V.K.
Civil servants’ professionalization specifics in the context of current reforms in Russia (¹ 2 2016)
Glukhova A.V.
Sovereignty versus competitiveness: a challenge for the state (¹ 2 2016)
Dobrokhotov L.N.
Social Inequality: Urgent Problem of the New American Society (¹ 2 2016)
Ruban L.S.
A characterization of the situation in Asia-Pacific region (results of international expert interviews, 2005–2014) (¹ 2 2016)
Îstrovskaya Å.À.
Religious “Jewishness”: biographical narrative in a closed group (¹ 2 2016)
Kirillova A.I.
Involvement in religious practices as a factor of migrants’ integration (¹ 2 2016)
Idiatullov A.K.
Interacting Islamic currents in Karachay urban district, late 20th – early 21st century (¹ 2 2016)
Pliushch À.N.
That has nothing to do with me (A reconstruction of language image of the world) (¹ 2 2016)
Titova M.A.
Children’s speech (¹ 2 2016)
Editorial note
Babosov E.M. is 85 (¹ 2 2016)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Interdisciplinarity: interaction of natural sciences with social and humanitarian knowledge – 17th A. Khartchev Readings (¹ 2 2016)
Àleynikov À.V.
Strebkov À.I.
Conflict as problem: theory, management techniques, and outlook for education (¹ 2 2016)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Pashinina Å.I.
Times’ kaleidoscope: new temporalism (¹ 2 2016)
Omelchenko D.A.
Youth and society: in search on new solidarities (¹ 2 2016)
Ivanov R.V.
Poliushkewitch O.A. Solidarnost’ pokoleniy: monografiya (Intergenerational Solidarity). Irkutsk: ISU publishers, 2014 – reviewed by Ivanov R.V. (¹ 2 2016)
Lamajaa Ch.K.-o.
Mongol’skiy mir: mezhdu Vostokom I Zapadom (Mongolian world: between East and West) ed. by Y.V. Popkov, J. Amartani. Novosibirsk, 2014 – reviewed by Lamazhaa Ch.K. (¹ 2 2016)
Editorial note
Memory of I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada (¹ 2 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 2 2016)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Editorial: To our readers (¹ 1 2016)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Life world and its meanings (¹ 1 2016)
Vorobieva I.V.
Contradictions and paradoxes of political orientations in the life-world structure of Russians (¹ 1 2016)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Interpersonal trust in Russian society (¹ 1 2016)
Myagkov A.Yu.
Unmatched count technique: experience of experimental testing (¹ 1 2016)
Volkov V.V.
Skougarevskiy D.A.
Titaev K.D.
Problems and prospects for studies based on Big Data (the case of sociology of law) (¹ 1 2016)
Rubtcova M.V.
Vasilieva E.A.
Conceptualization and operationalization of notion “trust” for applied sociological research (¹ 1 2016)
Kozyreva P. M.
Nizamova A.E.
Smirnov A.I.
Happiness and its determinants (Pt. 2) (¹ 1 2016)
Sushchiy S.Ya.
Art community: trends of post-Soviet period (the case of Rosotv region) (¹ 1 2016)
Kiseleva L.S.
Strielkowski W.
Perception of happiness by Russians (¹ 1 2016)
Avksentyev V.A.
Gritsenko G.D.
Ethnopolitical situation in North Caucasus: experts evaluation (¹ 1 2016)
Shabayev Yu.P.
Goncharov I.À.
Sadokhin A.P.
Life strategies of Russia’s Germans (¹ 1 2016)
Sheregi F.E.
Teachers of the general education institutions: labor or obligation (¹ 1 2016)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Ivanova V.À.
Institutional functions as a ‘treshold’ issue of contemporary sociology of education (¹ 1 2016)
Valitova Z.Kh.
Yessimova A.B.
Karipbaev B.I.
Injigolyan A.A.
Kosherbaev D.B.
Hierarchy of professions in representations of Kazakhstani schoolchildren (¹ 1 2016)
Bagramov E.À.
Some touches to characeristic of the socio-political views of Pitirim Sorokin (¹ 1 2016)
Magaril S.A.
Meanings of patriotism – historical transformation (¹ 1 2016)
Perednia D.G.
Self-image and the perceived image of police in Russia (¹ 1 2016)
Kutovaya S.V.
Participation of marginalized groups in shaping the social space of the Far East (the case of Jewish Autonomous region) (¹ 1 2016)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Historical macrosoclology: a presentation (¹ 1 2016)
Editorial note
Books in Briff (¹ 1 2016)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 1 2016)
Editorial note
Sociological Studies: 2015 best papers (¹ 1 2016)
Editorial note
(¹ 1 2016)
Beck U.
Emansipatory catasrophism: what does it mean for climate change and risk society? (¹ 1 2016)
Titarenko L.G.
Multiple modernities concept in historical sociology of J.P. Arnason (¹ 1 2016)
Àrnason J.
East-Asian modernity reconsidered (¹ 1 2016)
Gorshkov M.K.
Sedova N.N.
“Self-sufficient” Russians and their life priorities (¹ 12 2015)
Editorial note
From the editor (¹ 12 2015)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Obvious and not-obvious consequences of economic crises for Russians (¹ 12 2015)
Petukhov V.V.
Russian transformation and social moral (¹ 12 2015)
Simonyan R.Kh.
Society without sociology or sociologists without society (¹ 12 2015)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Methodological institutionalism and the importance of meso-level of social analysis (¹ 12 2015)
Nefedova T.G.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Treivish A.l.
Urbanization, desurbanization and rural-urban communities in the face of growing horizontal mobility (¹ 12 2015)
Denisenko M.B.
Nikolaeva U.G.
What happens to the rural population in the Russian Near North? (the case of Kostroma region) (¹ 12 2015)
Vinogradsky V.G.
Peasant world in discourse of generational grief (¹ 12 2015)
Åvdokimova T.G.
Values and value orientations of thr rural population of Russia (¹ 12 2015)
Shkaratan O.I.
Êaracharovskiy V.V.
Gasiukova E.N.
Precariat: theory and empirical analysis (polls in Russia, 1994–2013 data) (¹ 12 2015)
Sokolova G.N.
Mechanisms for Belarusian labor market adaptation to structural changes in economy (¹ 12 2015)
Kozyreva P. M.
Nizamova A.E.
Smirnov A.I.
Happiness and its determinants. Part I. (¹ 12 2015)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Inclusive culture of social services (¹ 12 2015)
Àrefiev Ì.À.
Davydenkova À.G.
Discussing social problems of the village (¹ 12 2015)
Adamyants T.Z.
Semiosociopsychological conception of social communication in social cognition: proceedings of a round table (Institute of Sociology) (¹ 12 2015)
Andreyev A.L.
Gesheva E.G.
Rossiya i Kitai: molodezh’ XXI veka (Russia and China: youth of the 21st century). Ì., 2014 reviewed by A.L. Andreev, E.G. Gesheva (¹ 12 2015)
Rezaev À.V.
Starikov V.S.
Tregubova N.D.
Sasaki M., Goldstone J., Zimmermann E., Sanderson S.S. (eds). Concise Encyclopedia on Comparative Sociology. Leiden, Boston, 2014 reviewed by À.V. Rezaev, V.S. Starikov, N.D. Òregubova; Ìàlakhov V.S. (¹ 12 2015)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Integratsiya migrantov: kontseptsii i praktiki (Migrants’ integration: conceptions and pracitces) reviewed by E.K. Byizhanova (¹ 12 2015)
Atanasova A.A.
An introduction to social entrepreneurship voices, preconditions, contexts/Åd. by Rafael Ziegler. MA, 2009 reviewed by À.À. Atanasova (¹ 12 2015)
Popova I.V.
Bozhkov O.B. Sotsiologhiya. Kurs Lektsiyi (Sociology. Acourse of lectures). SPb., 2015 reviewed by I.V. Popova (¹ 12 2015)
Editorial note
Journals guide (¹ 12 2015)
Editorial note
2015 publications index (¹ 12 2015)
Editorial note
Kugel S.A. (¹ 12 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 12 2015)
Buzgalin A.V.
Grinberg R.S.
Kolganov A.I.
Global world in deadlock. Is there a way-out? (¹ 11 2015)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Future as a problem of contemporary sociology (¹ 11 2015)
Abend G.
Meaning of ‘theory’ in sociology (¹ 11 2015)
Gofman A.Â.
Conceptual Approaches to Analysis of Social Unity (¹ 11 2015)
Konstantinovskiy D.L.
Popova E.S.
Youth, labor market and expansion of higher education (¹ 11 2015)
Kliucharev G.A.
“Rupture” of education and labor market: experts’ opinions (¹ 11 2015)
Vozmitel A.A.
Yakovleva M.N.
Attitude to emigration in contemporary Russian province (¹ 11 2015)
Ivanova E.I.
Social vector of migratory mobility of contemporary Russian citizens (¹ 11 2015)
Zausaev V.K.
Migration processes in the Russian Far East: sociological estimation (¹ 11 2015)
Drobizheva L.M.
The potential of interethnic consent. Comprehension of the concept and social practice in Moscow (¹ 11 2015)
Safin F.G.
Khaliulina À.I.
Russian language role in development of all-Russian civic identity in poly-ethnic region (the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan) (¹ 11 2015)
Obraztsov I.V.
Sociological Research among the Troops during World War II: Analysis of International Experiences (¹ 11 2015)
Makarova L.V.
Great Patriotic war: what remains in personal memory? (¹ 11 2015)
Rudavska I.
Modeling service quality in integrated healthcare (¹ 11 2015)
Vyalykh N.À.
Factors of social inequality reproduction in the sphere of medical services consumption (¹ 11 2015)
Ivanova A.E.
Approaches to efficiency evaluation of measures towards inculcation of healthy lifestyle (¹ 11 2015)
Šubrt I.
The Society of Individuals in N. Elias Figuration Sociology (¹ 11 2015)
Rezaev À.V.
Tregubova N.D.
Communication and intercourse in N. Luhmann’s systems sociology (¹ 11 2015)
Kupriyanov B.V.
Children’s leisure activities. Two generations of Russians according to the results of sociological survey (¹ 11 2015)
Husnutdinova Z.À.
Teenagers’ suicidal behavior (¹ 11 2015)
Êuleshova À.V.
Sedova N.N.
Grushin continues: from conference to congress (¹ 11 2015)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Russian everyday routines under conditions of crisis: how do we live and feel? (¹ 11 2015)
Òangalycheva R.Ê.
New trends in socio-cultural changes in Korean and Russian societies (¹ 11 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 11 2015)
Lubskiy A.V.
Interdisciplinary research: cognitive ‘fashion’ or social ‘challenge’ (¹ 10 2015)
Tolstova Yu.N.
Mathematical methods as factors linking natural with social and humanitarian sciences (sociology) (¹ 10 2015)
Kravchenko S.A.
Salygin V.I.
A new synthesis of scientific knowledge: the making of interdisciplinary science (¹ 10 2015)
Levashov V.K.
Reforms and crises: thirty years later (¹ 10 2015)
Morev M.V.
Kaminskiy V.S.
Public administration at the present stage of development of the Russian society (¹ 10 2015)
Davyborets E.N.
Elections in Russia: institute of democracy or attribute of authocracy? (¹ 10 2015)
Skokova Y.A.
Observers at the elections in Russia (¹ 10 2015)
Bessonova O.E.
Russian matrix genesis in the context of the general institutional processes (¹ 10 2015)
Editorial note
Chernysh M.F. is 60! (¹ 10 2015)
Chernysh M.F.
Institutional matrix theory: a critical review (¹ 10 2015)
Borozdina E.A.
Care and Social Citizenship (¹ 10 2015)
Tkach O.A.
“Caring Home”: Kin-Related Elderly Care and Issues of Cohabitation (¹ 10 2015)
Orlova U.L.
Factors of life quality of assisted elderly people (¹ 10 2015)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Aged people: attitude to death and tanatical worries (¹ 10 2015)
Rogozin D.M.
Biographic method: review (¹ 10 2015)
Saveliev Yu.B.
Cohort analysis and the issue of delimitating components of social changes: method of linear trend de-composition (¹ 10 2015)
Ryzhova S.V.
Ethnoconfessional identity and the formation of religious and political orientations (¹ 10 2015)
Podlesnaya M.A.
Melnikova V.V.
The role of religious community in guiding spoilt identity (¹ 10 2015)
Karpov A.O.
Dissonant tolerance as an alternative to positive tolerance of multiculturalism (¹ 10 2015)
Biriukov A.A.
Emergence of Precariat or Return of Proletariat? (Analysing “The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class” by G. Standing) (¹ 10 2015)
Zapesotskyi A.S.
Ivanov V.N. Sociology in the USSR. Notes of Institute Director (Sotsiologiya v SSSR. Zapiski directora instituta. M., 2014 reviewed by Zapesotskyi A.S. (S-PSUTU) (¹ 10 2015)
Pochestnev A.A.
Sociology of management and administration, Applied Theoretical vocabulary (Sotsiologiya upravleniya. Teoretikoprikladnoi slovar’). A.V. Tikhonov – head editor. M., 2015 reviewed by A.A. Potchestnev (MAI (SRU) (¹ 10 2015)
Shchukina N.P.
Afanas’iev V.V. Christian Ortodox Sociology: A textbook (Pravoslavnaya Sotsiologiya: uchebnoye posobie). M., 2015 reviewed by Shchukina N.P. (Samara State University) (¹ 10 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 10 2015)
Noskova A.V.
New methodological approaches, research foci, debatable issues of sociology of family (¹ 10 2015)
Isupova O.G.
Mothers career: children and employment strategies (¹ 10 2015)
Kovshov D.K.
Kovshova E.S.
Graph theory application to sociometric data analysis (¹ 10 2015)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kuznetsova A.V.
Sen’ko O.V.
Climate and institutional matrices: cross-country analysis (¹ 9 2015)
Ambarova P.A.
Zborovsky G.Å.
At the intersection of science and sociological knowledge: experiences in researching a problem (¹ 9 2015)
Popov Å.À.
Mathematization and ontologization of sociology in perspective of interdisciplinary interaction (¹ 9 2015)
Gavrilova E.V.
Ushakov D.V.
Yorevich A.V.
Translation of scientific experience and tacit knowledge (¹ 9 2015)
Efendiev A.G.
Sorokin P.S.
Balabanova E.S.
Crisis in russian sociology: main problems and thematic deadlocks (¹ 9 2015)
Sokolov M.M.
Demographic and status profiles of subspecialties in Soviet and Russian sociology (¹ 9 2015)
Balykhin M.G.
Generalova A.V.
Crowdfunding as a platform for supporting research and development (¹ 9 2015)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Demographic policy concept in Russia: experiences in development and ways of improving (¹ 9 2015)
Bilan Yu.V.
Cabelkova I.
Interdisciplinary approach to migration studies (¹ 9 2015)
Filonenko V.I.
Ìagranov À.S.
Ponedelkov A.V.
Demographic policies in Russia as seen by population and experts in Rostov region (¹ 9 2015)
Ivanova N.A.
Kuteynikov A.E.
Exit migration of the Magadan region residents to the “Mainland” (¹ 9 2015)
Denisova-Schmidt E.V.
Leontyeva E.O.
‘Un-teachable’students as a social phenomenon in Universities: Far Eastern case (¹ 9 2015)
Kulagina E.V.
Schooling of disabled children and the children with special educational needs: tendencies of development and criteria for regulation (¹ 9 2015)
Tev D.B.
Elite education as channel for recruiting power groups: international experiences (¹ 9 2015)
Birykov S.V.
On the structure of sociology of law (areas of research in Russian academia) (¹ 9 2015)
Spasennikov B.A.
Smirnov A.M.
Social and legal characteristics of the convicts serving sentences in Russian correction colonies (¹ 9 2015)
Tavokin E.P.
To the question about the concept of social state (¹ 9 2015)
Romanovich N.À.
Job and citizens: some trends in labor relations of Voronezh citizens (¹ 9 2015)
Park Joung Ho
Sokolov A.V.
Jen ung Hoon
Àlternative mass-media in the Republik of Korea (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Memory of V.A. Yadov (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Kirdina S.G. (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Saralieva Z.M. (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Iarskaia V.N. (¹ 9 2015)
Vdovichenko L.N.
Second breath of sociology of sport (¹ 9 2015)
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Life world of technical and humanitarian intelligentsia: common traits and specifics (¹ 9 2015)
Ànikina Ì.Å.
Khroul V.Ì.
The 6th B. Grushin readings in MGU (¹ 9 2015)
Bamieh Ìohammed A.
Ways to write a good book review (¹ 9 2015)
Òkachenko A.A.
Demograficheskaya entsiklodpedia (Demographic Encyclopedia). Ì., 2013. Review by A.A. Òkachenko (¹ 9 2015)
Tchikaeva T.A.
Grigoriyan E.R. Sotsiologiya kak sotsialniye shakhmaty (Sociology as social chess). Ì., 2014. Review by Ò.À. Tchikaeva (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Journals guide (¹ 9 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 9 2015)
Êorytnikova N.V.
Online Big Data as a source of analytic information in online research (¹ 8 2015)
Tolstova Yu.N.
Sociology and computer technologies (¹ 8 2015)
Zhuravleva Å.Yu.
Sociology in digital environment: towards digital social research (¹ 8 2015)
Ilyin V.À.
Shabunova A.A.
Some tendencies in economic development of Russia and its regions (¹ 8 2015)
Ànisimov R.I.
Social and economic realities of Russians’ life-worlds under conditions of liberal reformations (a comparative analysis of 1990 and 2012 surveys data) (¹ 8 2015)
Valiakhmetov R.M.
Human development issues in the Republic of Bashkortostan (¹ 8 2015)
Irnazarov R.I.
Regarding the issue of ethnoi differentiation in Bashkortostan (¹ 8 2015)
Khilazheva G.F.
Domestic violence as a social problem of contemporary society (¹ 8 2015)
Burkhanova F.B.
Marriage and family among the Bashkirs (¹ 8 2015)
Arefiev A.L.
On the languages of the Russia small-numbered indigenous peoples (¹ 8 2015)
Kim Kh. Tsh.
Shabayev Yu.P.
Istomin K.V.
A local group in search for identity (Izhma-Komi: dynamics of cultural transformations) (¹ 8 2015)
Ànayban Z.V.
Balakina G.F.
Dynamics of interethnic relations and ethnic stereotypes in the Republic of Tuva (¹ 8 2015)
Shcherbina V.V.
Population-selectivity model of organization development: essence, sphere and prospect for application (part 2) (¹ 8 2015)
Tulaeva S.A.
Strategies of companies in the situation of regulatory pluralism (¹ 8 2015)
Korotayev A.V.
Isaev L.M.
Vasiliev À.Ì.
Quantitative analysis of 2013–2014 revolutionary wave (¹ 8 2015)
Yakovenko À.V.
Issues of Ukraine’s foreign policy self-determination (¹ 8 2015)
Kukushkina Å.I.
Sociology in its interrelations with political science in Russia: historical aspect (¹ 8 2015)
Ìalinov À.Â.
“Sociology in the spirit of materialism” (Lectures of academy member A.S. Lappo-Danilevskiy) (¹ 8 2015)
Êoludarova S.V.
Russians’ marriages with foreigners and social risks (¹ 8 2015)
Ìarshak À.L.
Rozhkova L.V.
Life success in the young people’s views in Russia (¹ 8 2015)
Editorial note
Sokolova G.N. (¹ 8 2015)
Titarenko L.G.
Novye idei v sotsiologhii (New ideas in sociology) / Ed by Zh. Toshchenko. Ì.: ÞÍÈÒÈ- ÄÀÍÀ, 2013 – revied by L.G. Titarenko (Minsk, Republik of Belarus) (¹ 8 2015)
Lyublinsky V.V.
Dubson B.I. Soveremenniy Izrail’. Sotsial’njeconomitsheskiye otsherki (Contemporary Israel. Social and economic sketches). Ì., 2014 – reviewed by V.V. Lublinskiy (Institute of sociology, Russsian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia) (¹ 8 2015)
Popova I.V.
Dîbren’kov V.I., Êravtchenko À.I. Metody sotsiologhicheskogo issledovaniya (Êlassitcheskiy universitetskiy utchebnik) (Methods of sociological research. Classical textbook in sociology). Ì., 2008 – reviewed by I.V. Popova (Yaroslavl state University, Yaroslavl, Russia (¹ 8 2015)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 8 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 8 2015)
Àbraham Ì.
Sociology’s role in making of just society (¹ 7 2015)
Burawoy M.
Sociology: facing the inequalities (¹ 7 2015)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Yokohama: results and lessons (¹ 7 2015)
Vdovichenko L.N.
Inequalities in the world as challenge to global sociology (¹ 7 2015)
Smolin Î.N.
Higher education: struggling for quality or encroaching on human potential? (part 2) (¹ 7 2015)
Îsipov À.Ì.
Ìatveeva N.À.
Institutional barriers and education accessibility mechanisms: conception and regional dynamics (¹ 7 2015)
Êuz’mina Yu.V.
Popov D.S.
Adults’ literacy as mechanism for their societal inclusion (¹ 7 2015)
Golovashina Î.V.
Civil identity of a Russian: associative experiment using visual intermediaries (¹ 7 2015)
Dolgaeva E.I.
Krylova V.V.
Popular complaints against authorities: what remains beyond quantitative measurement (¹ 7 2015)
Òrofimova I.N.
Consolidation of state powers and society in Russia: specifics of current international and domestic political context (¹ 7 2015)
Ìaykova E.Yu.
Simonova E.V.
Potential of popular self-government in Russia’s regions (the case of Tver) (¹ 7 2015)
Òangalycheva R.Ê.
Intercultural communication and acculturation (review of international studies) (¹ 7 2015)
Gorbatov D.S.
Bol’shakov S.N.
Rumors in international sociology and social psychology: basic theoretical approaches (¹ 7 2015)
Bobyleva N.I.
Shovina Å.N.
Social worker in recent Russian anecdotes (¹ 7 2015)
Adamyants T.Z.
Sociomental groups in social cognition (¹ 7 2015)
Vanke A.V.
Kulaev M.A.
Workers in Russian TV-channels and print media discourse (¹ 7 2015)
Ìartynov Ì.Yu.
Ìodernization and revolution (¹ 7 2015)
Nefedov S.À.
“Youth Bulge” and the first Russian revolution (¹ 7 2015)
Obraztsov I.V.
“Stirring up the village war has linked it to the world” (World War I centenary) (¹ 7 2015)
Diubiuk E.F.
Zakharov À.V.
War and Kostroma village (¹ 7 2015)
Platonova À.P.
Children and society: social reality and innovations (¹ 7 2015)
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
Makarova G.I.
Practices of research and regulation of ethno-social processes in the regions of Russia (¹ 7 2015)
Àleynikov À.V.
Conflict and structures of social movements (on O.N. Yanitskiy’s book “Sotsialnyie dvizhenia: teoriya, praktika, perspectiva” (Social movements: theory, practice, prospects). Ì., 2013) (¹ 7 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 7 2015)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Precariat – a new social class (¹ 6 2015)
Dudina V.I.
Sociological knowledge in the context of information technologies development (¹ 6 2015)
Ozernikova Ò.G.
Kuznetsova N.V.
Developing intra-corporate social responsibility in Russian companies (¹ 6 2015)
Òokarskaya N.Ì.
Marasanova A.A.
Quality of life of Irkutsk population (¹ 6 2015)
Bakhmatova Ò.G.
Tchusova Yu.A.
Orphan’s social exclusion at regional labor market: the case of Irkutsk region (¹ 6 2015)
Trokhirova U.V.
Zimina E.V.
Professionalization of social works in the region: problems and prospects (the case of Irkutsk region) (¹ 6 2015)
Karpikova I.S.
Quality and availability of medical services: population and health care experts’ opinions (¹ 6 2015)
Kintcharova A.V.
Sokolov M.M.
Research practices of Russian sociologists (¹ 6 2015)
Nechitailo I.S.
Opportunities and prospects for the use of certain situational tests in empirical sociology (¹ 6 2015)
Shcherbina V.V.
Population-selectivity model of organization development: essence, sphere and prospect for application (part I) (¹ 6 2015)
Ilynykh S.A.
Mikhailova E.V.
Innovations in organizations: introduction and resistance (¹ 6 2015)
Smolin Î.N.
Higher education: struggle for quality or an attempt at human potential? (Part 1) (¹ 6 2015)
Gavriliuk Ò.V.
Cultural potential of young teachers in the Russian province: theory and practice of research (¹ 6 2015)
Korneva Î.Yu.
Plotnikova I.V.
Student academic mobility: social issues (¹ 6 2015)
Kresova N.À.
Negative “other” in Russian emigrants’ blogs: on the question of identity making in discourse (¹ 6 2015)
Reutov Å.V.
Reutova M.N.
Distrust in peoples’ attitudes and practices (¹ 6 2015)
Surkova I.Yu.
«Front» and «backstage» of military profession: social cultural analysis (¹ 6 2015)
Abramov A.P.
Effectiveness of specialized military education (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Simonian R.Kh. is 80! (¹ 6 2015)
Strizoe À.L.
Russian reforms of 1990th: sociological diagnostics, lessons, reflections. 2-nd ed. Ì., 2014. (on R.Kh. Simonian’s book “Sine ira et studio. 1990 th economic reforms and their effects for Russia”, Ì, 2014) (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Danilov A.N. is 60! (¹ 6 2015)
Volokhova N.V.
L.N. Tolstoy and sociology (reading sources on L.N. Tolstoy’s participation in 1882 Moscow census) (¹ 6 2015)
Nysanbaeva A.M.
NGOs interactions with the state: Kazakhstan’s case (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Êerimov D.À. (¹ 6 2015)
Bulanova Ì.B.
Rosliakov À.B.
Sociology in social science: theory and practiced of school course (a ‘Round Table’ discussion) (¹ 6 2015)
Bikkulov À.S.
Dmitrieva À.V.
Society for all ages (¹ 6 2015)
Shaukenova Z.Ê.
Nysanbayev A.N.
On results of a sociological forum in Astana (¹ 6 2015)
Trotsuk I.V.
Tarshis E.Ya. Content-analysis: principles of methodology (Building theoretical base. Ontology, analytics and phenomenology of text. Program of Research). Ì., 2014. Rev.by Trotsuk I.V. (¹ 6 2015)
Polukhina Å.V.
Morgan D. Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: a Pragmatic Approach. SAGE Publications, 2014. Ðåv.by Polukhina Å.V. (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Journals guide (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 6 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 6 2015)
Azyasskiy N.F.
Social origins of partisan movement in the years of the Great Patriotic war (¹ 5 2015)
Ivanov V.N.
Veterans on the Great Patriotic war (¹ 5 2015)
Britvina I.B.
Problems of maintaining and updating of the Great Patriotic War memory (¹ 5 2015)
Filc D.
Ram U.
Marxism after postmodernism: Rethinking the emancipatory political subject (¹ 5 2015)
Chudova I.À.
Postmodernism and sociological theory (¹ 5 2015)
Varshavskaya E.Ya.
Denisenko M.B.
Numbers, trends and characteristics of Russia’s economically inactive people (¹ 5 2015)
Volovskaya N.M.
Pliusnina L.K.
Rusina A.V.
Inozemtseva A.V.
Unemployed population and self-employment in sibirian region (¹ 5 2015)
Ambarova P.A.
Zborovsky G.Å.
Societal communities’ temporal behavior strategies as a sociological problem (¹ 5 2015)
Êolpina L.V.
Gerontology ageism in practices of medical and social care (according to focus-groups research data) (¹ 5 2015)
Lian Lian
Social inequalities, reforms and open society in China (¹ 5 2015)
Tartakovskaya I.N.
The gender order reproduction via career strategies: Intersectional analyses (¹ 5 2015)
Karachurina L.B.
Women migrants in the niche of household labor in Russia (¹ 5 2015)
Bazueva E.V.
International experience of developing systems of egalitarian type gender power institutions (¹ 5 2015)
Ubaidullaeva R.A.
Rakhimova N.H.
Conditions and factors for improving the social status of women in Uzbekistan in the years of independence (Results of a sociological study) (¹ 5 2015)
Zubok Yu.A.
Chuprov V.I.
Young specialists, training and demand in the labor market (¹ 5 2015)
Gourkina Î.À.
Maltseva D.V.
Adolescents’ motivations to use virtual social networking sites (¹ 5 2015)
Tsylev V.R.
Sharova Å.N.
Satisfaction with socialization situation and with self-realization among the youth of Murmansk oblast (¹ 5 2015)
Osipova Î.V.
Maklashova E.G.
Ethnic identities of Arctic youth (¹ 5 2015)
Editorial note
D.G. Rotman is 70! (¹ 5 2015)
Rotman D.G.
Modern sociological research: opportunities for improving data quality, new approaches to data collection and analysis of information (¹ 5 2015)
Inozemtzev V.L.
Universe of Russia against Russian mir (¹ 5 2015)
Yanitzky O.N.
Contemporary wars: a sociologist’s view (¹ 5 2015)
How to make sociological studies really empirical? (¹ 5 2015)
Volkov Yu.G.
The phantom present in the mirror of future (re: Zh.T. Toshchenko’s book “Phantoms of Russian society”, M., 2015) (¹ 5 2015)
Editorial note
Books in brief (¹ 5 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 5 2015)
Šubrt I.
Concept of social time in sociology – promising approach or a theoretical impassė? (¹ 4 2015)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Depopulation and its ethnical aspects in Russia (¹ 4 2015)
Choi W.I.
Social economic changes in lifå of Russian Koreans under conditions of market economy (¹ 4 2015)
Selivanov A.I.
Cognition of the future of social development objects (¹ 4 2015)
Pitukhina Ì.À.
Sigova S.V.
Keys to success: lessons of migration policy in Finland (¹ 4 2015)
Popkov Yu.V.
National politics in Russia: targets and regional models (¹ 4 2015)
Farukshin M.Kh.
Ethnocracy: international discourse (¹ 4 2015)
Klimova S.G.
Klimov I.A.
Interactions of urban dwellers with powers: competent participation and problem of intermediaries (¹ 4 2015)
Davyborets E.N.
(¹ 4 2015)
President’s direct line to the people’ as a social political technology (¹ 4 2015)
Òrofimova I.N.
Civic activism in Russian society: features of localization (¹ 4 2015)
Siegmunt O.
Wetzels P.
Institutional anomie theory: an empirical test (¹ 4 2015)
Maslovskaya E.V.
Formation and current trends in development of sociology of law in te USA and Great Britain (¹ 4 2015)
Ålutina Ì.E.
Temaev T.V.
Behavioral specifics of aged convicts (¹ 4 2015)
Êotel’nikova Z.V.
Relationship of alcohol consumption with social structure of contemporary Russia (¹ 4 2015)
Chirikova A.E.
Ethics of physicians’ mutual interaction: an analysis of informal practices (¹ 4 2015)
Årmolaeva P.Î.
Noskova E.P.
Main trends in the sphere of Russians’ healthy lifestyle (¹ 4 2015)
Stop-Rutkovska Ê.
Cyber-memory, or: what we do (not) remember in the net. An analysis of local memory: Bialystok and Lublin (¹ 4 2015)
Reutov Å.V.
Trishina T.V.
People’s Internet-practices and information preferences (¹ 4 2015)
Shapovalova I.S.
Internet-communications impact of behavior and intellectual development of young people (¹ 4 2015)
Ìalinetskiy G.G.
Interdisciplinary ideas in sociology and challenges of future (¹ 4 2015)
Geidarov P.Sh.
The scoring system evaluation of academic works and electronic academic seminar (¹ 4 2015)
Editorial note
Astachova V.I. (¹ 4 2015)
Editorial note
Kukushkina E.I. (¹ 4 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 4 2015)
Tikhanov A.V.
Efendiev A.G., Balabanova E.C., Rebrov A.V. Tchelovetcheskiye resursy rossiiskikh organizatsiy: problemy formirovaniya i upravleniya. M.: 2013 (Human resources of Rusiia’s business organization: issues of shaming and governing) reviewed by A.V. Tikhonov (¹ 4 2015)
Dmitriyev A.V.
Kravchenko S.A. Sotsiologiya. Uchebnik v 2-kh tomakh. M., 2014 (Sociology. A textbook. In two vols.) reviewed by A.V. Dmitriev (¹ 4 2015)
Volkov Yu.G.
Sociological diagnosis as analytic construct (¹ 3 2015)
Jenkins Richard
The future of sociology: extinction, stagnation or evolution? (¹ 3 2015)
Dulina N.V.
Kargapolova E.V.
Between decelerated growth and regions modernization: Southern Federal District (¹ 3 2015)
Lapin N.I.
Kasavina N.A.
Imbalance of modernization processes in the regions. Central District (¹ 3 2015)
Kogay E.A.
Kogay A.A.
Two trends in primary modernization of regions. Central Black Soil region (¹ 3 2015)
Lapin N.I.
Distances between macro-regions and integrating modernization stages of the Russia (¹ 3 2015)
Archangelskiy V.N.
Assistance to families with children in Russia: an assessment of demographic efficiency (¹ 3 2015)
Rzhanitsyna L.S.
Improving position of children in divorced families (¹ 3 2015)
Shevchenko I.O.
After divorce: fathers and children (¹ 3 2015)
Churilova E.V.
Structure and well-being of single-parent families in Russia (¹ 3 2015)
Andreeva L.A.
Andreeva L.K.
Secular or post-secular world: verifying conceptions (¹ 3 2015)
Shirokalova G.S.
Freedom of conscience as political tool in 1980th debates (¹ 3 2015)
Kokoshin A.A.
War and art of war: politological and sociological dimensions (¹ 3 2015)
Dzhurich Zh.
Stoyadinovich Ì.
Neoliberal theory and practice in contemporary society (¹ 3 2015)
Vapilin Å.G.
Mulyava Î.D.
Àvramiuk-Godun À.
Vites Ò.
Reception of Russia and Poland by university students (¹ 3 2015)
Frolov S.S.
Emergence and development of rules in practice of managing social systems (¹ 3 2015)
Hunagov R.D.
Shadzhe A.Yu.
Kukva E.S.
Innovative regional management in the context of Russia identity strengthening (¹ 3 2015)
Bondaletov A.A.
Evolution of self-organization ideas (¹ 3 2015)
Bachinin V.A.
What might await sociology beyond theological turn? (¹ 3 2015)
Shabanova M.A.
Ghitsalova T.A.
Social economic factors for developing ethical consumption in contemporary world: Is there a future in Russia? (¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
(¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
(¹ 3 2015)
Gesheva E.G.
Education and its simulation (¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
Books in briff (¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
Books in briff (¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
(¹ 3 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 3 2015)
Karmadonov O.A.
Solidarity, Integration, conjunction (¹ 2 2015)
Somov V.A.
Sociology of Sovietness: historical and cultural aspects (¹ 2 2015)
Viktorov A.Sh.
Inequality turn in the world as challenge to global sociology (¹ 2 2015)
Kravchenko S.A.
Bridges connecting all possible cleavages in sociology for a more equal world (¹ 2 2015)
Sztompka P.
A «Positivist» Manifesto (¹ 2 2015)
Nemirovskaya À.V.
Prospective modernization of the Far Eastern Federal District regions (¹ 2 2015)
Lastochkina M.A.
Shabunova A.A.
Stable multi-vectors of North-Western Federal District modernization (¹ 2 2015)
Choi W.I.
A history and directions of sociological studies in the Republic of Korea (¹ 2 2015)
Song Joonseo
Kim Kh. Tsh.
Korean war and changes of South-Korean society in the 1950th (¹ 2 2015)
Kim Minsoo
Kim Seunrae
Êorean society and non-standard employment issue after 1997 crisis. (¹ 2 2015)
Jang Se Ho
Ra Seungdo
«Park Chung-hee syndrome»: history and realities. A reconsideration (¹ 2 2015)
Hwang Sung-Woo
Kim Joon Seok
Kyrogy-family phenomenon in contemporary Korea (¹ 2 2015)
Yanitzky O.N.
On evolution of international comparative ecosociological studies (¹ 2 2015)
Titarenko L.G.
Ecological aspect of way of life: basic values and behavior types (¹ 2 2015)
Zasypkin V.P.
Zborovsky G.Å.
Shuklina E.A.
School teachers as social professional community (¹ 2 2015)
Êurbatova Ì.V.
Kagan E.S.
Aparina N.F.
Behavior of university employees during higher education reformations: an issue of choice (¹ 2 2015)
Shevchenko P.V.
Models of administering unified education organizations in Moscow (¹ 2 2015)
Conflicting cultures- what creates and shapes them? (¹ 2 2015)
Vinogorova N.À.
Regional aspects of social protection of orphans (¹ 2 2015)
Levchenko N.V.
Russian animal protectors who are they and how they act? (¹ 2 2015)
Romanovskiy N.V.
New conceptions and ideas in contemporary international and Russian sociology (16th A. Kharchev readings) (¹ 2 2015)
Tikhanov A.V.
(¹ Òèõîíîâ 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 2 2015)
Editorial note
Sociological Studies: 2014 best papers (inside back cover) (¹ 1 2015)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
About a quality of scientific publications (¹ 1 2015)
Lapin N.I.
Crucial theoretical and methodological aspects of Russian modernization studies (¹ 1 2015)
Òarasov V.Ò.
Boyko I.I.
Kharitonova V.G.
Uneven modernization of Volga federal district regions (¹ 1 2015)
Nemirovsky V.G.
Polovinko V.S.
Feasibility of the Siberian federal district regions modernization and the role of its sociocultural component (¹ 1 2015)
Romashkina G.F.
Modernization processes in the regions of Urals federal district (¹ 1 2015)
Gorshkov M.K.
Middle class as reflection of economic and socio-cultural model of contemporary Russia’s development (¹ 1 2015)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Middle class identity and consumption specifics (¹ 1 2015)
Ìareeva S.V.
Value orientations and views of middle class about desirable vector of country’s development (¹ 1 2015)
Kozina I.Ì.
Serezhkina Å.V.
Case-study concept in social sciences and French traditions of labor organization monographic studies (¹ 1 2015)
Fedorov P.Ì.
În comparability of cross-cultural studies (the case of attitudes measurement to migrants) (¹ 1 2015)
Lebedeva I.P.
În comparability of cross-cultural studies (the case of attitudes measurement to migrants) (¹ 1 2015)
Kravchenko S.A.
Social and cultural dynamics of food: gains and vulnerabilities (¹ 1 2015)
Veselov Yu.V.
Routine practices of nutrition Routine practices of nutrition (¹ 1 2015)
Editorial note
Zh. Toshchenko is 80! (¹ 1 2015)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Sociology of life as a theoretical conception (¹ 1 2015)
Shafranov-Êutsev G.F.
Ñîntemporary challenges and realities of professional orientation efforts within the system ‘school – university – labor market’ (¹ 1 2015)
Doktorov B.
(¹ 1 2015)
Seliverstova N.À.
Sociological education: provision with textbooks and their quality (¹ 1 2015)
Gilmanov A.Z.
Êovalenko S.Î.
Role of university in work placement of graduate students – experiences of Bonn University (¹ 1 2015)
Bilan Yu.V.
Specifics of EUMAGINE transnational migration project (¹ 1 2015)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Rogovaya À.V.
Second international political science forum II “Russian Caucasus” (¹ 1 2015)
Latov Yu.V.
Tikhonova N.E. Social structure of Russia: theory and reality, Moscow, 2014 reviewed by LATOV Yu.V. (¹ 1 2015)
Êorneitchuk B.V.
Auzan A. Economics of everything. How institutes determine our life. Ì., 2014 reviewed by B.V. ÊÎRNEITCHUK (¹ 1 2015)
Boronoev A.O.
Glotov M.B.
(¹ 1 2015)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 1 2015)
Schulz V.L.
Liubimova Ò.Ì.
“Wooden language” as a mirror of revolution (¹ 1 2015)
Sanina A.G.
Genesis of identity idea in sociology and adjacent sciences (¹ 12 2014)
Kuznetsov À.Ì.
Globalization or cosmopolitanism: a discourse in contemporary West-European sociology (¹ 12 2014)
Rybakovskiy L.L.
Russia’s demographic future in extrapolation and normative so-ordinates (¹ 12 2014)
Osadchaya G.I.
Migration from Armenia and Georgia to capital megalopolis (¹ 12 2014)
Birkelund G.E.
Rindsack O.T.
Discrimination by name: a study in Norwegian labor market (¹ 12 2014)
Efendiev A.G.
Balabanova E.S.
Liubykh Zh.S.
Russian employees’ participation in decision taking in domestic and foreign-owned companies (¹ 12 2014)
Frolova E.V.
Social infrastructure of contemporary Russian municipal bodies: issues and prospects for modernization (¹ 12 2014)
Ceranic G.
Krivokapic N.
Zivkovic P.
Montenegrin entrepreneurs’ characteristics (¹ 12 2014)
Yakoba I.A.
“Soft power” in contemporary politics and discourse technologies (¹ 12 2014)
Pecherskaya E.G.
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Merkulova D.Yu.
Pleshakov V.A.
Matskevich M.G.
First steps in Internet (¹ 12 2014)
Gavrilov K.A.
Tolmach A.D.
Who is to blame: content-analysis of blog-posts about Domodedovo terrorist attack (¹ 12 2014)
Merzliakova I.L.
Linchenko A.A.
Ovchinnikova E.V.
On historical consciousness of contemporary student youth (¹ 12 2014)
Kitaitseva O.V.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Trust and individualism in world-views of contemporary youth in Eastern Europe (¹ 12 2014)
Bakrach V.
Blagoevich M.
Conventional religiosity of Montenegrin youth (¹ 12 2014)
Muleev E.Yu.
Architecture and sociology in the USSR: experiences in interaction (¹ 12 2014)
Tartygasheva G.V.
Tsybikov T.M.
Modernization of cultural municipal bodies activities (Buryatia Republic) (¹ 12 2014)
Shipunova T.V.
Specifics of deviation social control (as exemplified by ‘pick-up’ internet project) (¹ 12 2014)
Vasiliev V.I.
Revisited relationshhip between a personality and the society: the academy of sciences as a community and M.V. Lomonosov as a personality struggling for modernization (towards the 290-th aniversary of the Russian academy of sicences) (¹ 12 2014)
Zueva D.S.
23rd International academic and practical conference ‘Vectors of contemporary Russia development’: from values formation to traditions invention (¹ 12 2014)
Tsapko M.S.
Tsybikova D.G.
Intelligentsia: natural-scientific, social and humanitarian knowledge on the way of integration (¹ 12 2014)
Zotov A.A.
Monument to P.A. Sorokin (¹ 12 2014)
Semenov V.E.
(¹ 12 2014)
Voronov V.V.
Davydenko V.A.
(¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
Journals guide (¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
2014 publications index (¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 12 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 12 2014)
Gofman A.Â.
Sociology in France and Russia. On the origins of intellectual ties (¹ 11 2014)
Obraztsov I.V.
Institutionalization of Military Sociology in Russia as Reflected in Sociologicheskie Issledovanija (Sociological Studies) journal (¹ 11 2014)
Editorial note
New international center of contemporary social analysis in Russia (¹ 11 2014)
Inglehardt R.F.
Ponarin E.D.
Ravlik M.V.
Regression models in evaluation of international migration factors (¹ 11 2014)
Almakaeva A.M.
Measuring generalized trust in cross-cultural studies (¹ 11 2014)
Griaznova O.S.
Popular request for state support and evaluation of results of social state actions in Europe and Russia (¹ 11 2014)
Kostenko V.V.
Gender attitudes of migrant Moslems in North and West Europe (¹ 11 2014)
Zelikova Yu.A.
Successful ageing or when age is joy. Subjective well-being of seniors: a crossnational analysis (¹ 11 2014)
Editorial note
F.E. Sheregi is 70! (¹ 11 2014)
Sheregi F.E.
Gnoseological models in sociology (¹ 11 2014)
Savinskaya O.B.
Private kindergarten in Russia: routine practices and outlook for institutional development (¹ 11 2014)
Nechaeva H.L.
Kappasov I. Zh.
Aikenova D.M.
Situational analysis of government policies related to children in Kazakhstan (¹ 11 2014)
Osipov G.V.
Dzutsev K.V.
Poly-cultural education model as a basis for Russian civic identity making (¹ 11 2014)
Khagurov T.A.
Ostapenko A.A.
Reform of education seen by teachers and professors (¹ 11 2014)
Dadelo S.
Dadeliene R.
Relationship of students’ health indices with the choice of physical culture disciplines (¹ 11 2014)
Waquant L.
Habitus as topic and tool. Reflections on becoming a prizefighter (¹ 11 2014)
Mironov B.N.
What way leads to revolution? Wealth inequality in Russia during three centuries (part two) (¹ 11 2014)
Vodolazov G.G.
Alternatives in history and history of alternatives (N. Bukharin against «barrack communism») (¹ 11 2014)
Ryasanov V.T.
New industrialization or dreams of post-industrial deal? (¹ 11 2014)
Sorokin D.E.
Creatosphere and/or industrialization: discussing the contents (¹ 11 2014)
Moskovskiy A.I.
“Re-industrialization of contemporary Russia” or “priority development of creatosphere”? (¹ 11 2014)
Bulavka L.A.
Creativity in the world of mass production (¹ 11 2014)
Nysanbayev A.N.
(¹ 11 2014)
(¹ 11 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 11 2014)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 11 2014)
Zamyatin D.N.
Postgeography: capital(ism) of geographical images (¹ 10 2014)
Pliushch À.N.
A synergetic model of society organization (¹ 10 2014)
Tikhonova N.Ye.
Stratification factors in contemporary Russia: dynamics of comparative significance (¹ 10 2014)
Beliaeva L.À.
Non-material capital: on the research methodology (¹ 10 2014)
Êozlovskiy V.V.
Koudriakov I.O.
Factors and tendencies in the development of Don Cossack community (¹ 10 2014)
Àbramov R.N.
“Structuralists” and “Industrial sociologists”: on the history of studying social professional groups in the USSR, 1960–1980th (¹ 10 2014)
Romanov P.V.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Researching professionalizaton of social work in contemporary Russia: a potential of neo- Weberian approach (¹ 10 2014)
Bobkova Å.Ì.
Trust as factor for societal integrity (¹ 10 2014)
Zeniuk D.À.;
Ìalinetskiy G.G.
Faller D.S.
Corruption behavior model for bureaucratic hierarchy: results of a computational experiment (¹ 10 2014)
Sukhovol’skiy V.G.
Shelekhov À.Ì.
Karpov Ì.À.
Assessing social tensions in RF regions (Popular appeals to “United Russia” fraction) (¹ 10 2014)
Vedernikova Å.Ì.
A theory of ethno-linguistic vitality: evolution and contemporary state (¹ 10 2014)
Khanakhu R.À.
Islamic community in the Republic of Adygeya: current situation and trends in development (¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
Z.T. Golenkova (¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
À.V. Dmitriev IS 80! (¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
S.A. Kugel IS 90! (¹ 10 2014)
Kugel S.A.
Blok Ì.
Khvatova Ò.Yu.
On applying business-model approach to higher education (¹ 10 2014)
Velikiy P.P.
Specifics of national hunting: a sociological sketch (¹ 10 2014)
Gol’man Å.À.
Development of ideas about body practices in social science (¹ 10 2014)
Ìironova À.À.
Intergenerational solidarity of relatives in Russia (¹ 10 2014)
Polukhina Å.V.
Resheteeva R.I.
Homo sociologicus: refracting complex social reality (¹ 10 2014)
Platonova À.P.
“Cîmmunicology” journal marks its first year (¹ 10 2014)
Kolbanovsky V.V.
(¹ 10 2014)
Zadorozhnyuk I.E.
(¹ 10 2014)
(¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
(¹ 10 2014)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 10 2014)
Medvedev V.A.
Theoretical and methodological trends in contemporary social humanitarian cognition (¹ 9 2014)
Êulikov S.B.
Discretization of social space and paradigms in sociology (¹ 9 2014)
Rybakovsky O.L.
Tayunova O.A.
Birth rate of the population in early 21st century Russia (¹ 9 2014)
Ryazantsev S.V.
Migrants’ language integration as a new benchmark in Russia migration policies (¹ 9 2014)
Bilan Yu.V.
Social dimension of external migration: theory and practice (cases of Turkey and Ukraine) (¹ 9 2014)
Kiva A.V.
Dreams and realities: BRICS (¹ 9 2014)
Hong Wan Suk
Japan-Russia territorial dispute: a view form the Republic of Korea (¹ 9 2014)
Nasibullin R.T.
There are not only emotions about innovations (¹ 9 2014)
Kungurtseva G.F.
Intellectual potentials of a social organization: problems of development and utilization (¹ 9 2014)
Bikmetov E.Yu.
Management culture as an object of sociological cognition (¹ 9 2014)
Igebaeva F.A.
Family in transforming Russian society (the case of the Republic of Bashkortostan) (¹ 9 2014)
Gurko T.A.
Married couples’ reproductive plans (¹ 9 2014)
Bezrukova O.N.
Parenthood models and parents potential: intergenerational analysis (¹ 9 2014)
Strel’nik E.A.
Public neo-traditionalism and family policies in Ukraine (¹ 9 2014)
Dolgov A.Yu.
An historical and methodological reconstruction of Pitirim A. Sorokin’s theory of creative altruism (¹ 9 2014)
Matveeva N.Yu.
Methodology of value analysis of S.N. Bulgakov ideas contents (¹ 9 2014)
Kostenko V.V.
Yakovlev G.A.
Composition of “Sociological Studies” journal authors, 1975–1982 (¹ 9 2014)
Lissitskaya E.Yu.
A comparison of sociological theorizing in Russian and US academic journals (¹ 9 2014)
Nazarova I.B.
Health and life quality of Russia’s population (¹ 9 2014)
Rudavska I.
Continuum of help rendering comprehensive medication (¹ 9 2014)
Editorial note
Journals guide (¹ 9 2014)
Editorial note
Contents. Summaries (¹ 9 2014)
Kravchenko S.A.
«A normal anomie»: contours of conception (¹ 8 2014)
Karmadonov O.A.
Informal social opposition: universal essence and Russian specifics (¹ 8 2014)
Danilov À.N.
Belarus’ sociology today: problems field and sources of optimism (¹ 8 2014)