About the Authors
Kanarsh G.Yu.
Cand. Sci. (Politic.), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Social Philosophy, RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Kanarsh G.Yu.
Lapin N.I. The Complexity of the Formation of a New Russia. Anthroposociocultural Approach. Moscow: Ves` Mir, 2021. Reviewed by G.Yu. Kanarsh (¹ 8 2022)
Kanarsh G.Yu.
«No Need to Slay Chicken that Lays Golden Eggs»: Social State and Its Transformations at the Beginning of the 21st Century (¹ 6 2020)
Kanarsh G.Yu.
Social justice in the modern world: collection of articles / Ed. by L. I. Nikovskaya. Moscow: Klyuch-S, 2017 reviewed by Kanarsh G.Yu. (¹ 9 2018)
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