About the Authors
Zarubina N.N.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Department of Sociology, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Zarubina N.N.
Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness (¹ 11 2023)
Zarubina N.N.
The Fate of a Scientist and the Fate of Science at the Turn of Epoch (about the book by L.G. Ionin “The Drama of Max Weber's Life”) (¹ 10 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
Theoretical Heritage of Sociology Classics for the Analysis of Modern Society (The Case of L. Mumford Conception) (¹ 5 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
Li Zhongyuan
Rakova K.V.
Innovations and Risks for the Scientific Community in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (¹ 4 2022)
Zarubina N.N.
Updating the Methodological Heritage of M. Weber in Search for Answers to the Challenges of Modern Sociology (¹ 4 2021)
Zarubina N.N.
The Theory of Rationalization of Max Weber as a Methodology for Understanding Modern Sociocultural Processes (¹ 6 2020)
Zarubina N.N.
Russians’ Everyday Perceptions of Money and Finance in Laughter Discourse through Different Years (¹ 10 2019)
Zarubina N.N.
Noskova A.V.
Temnitskiy A.L.
Trust tî Social Science in Russia as a Research Problem (¹ 7 2018)
Zarubina N.N.
Trust to science in modern Russia in the contexts of the plurality of forms of knowledge (¹ 5 2018)
Zarubina N.N.
Simplified social practices as an adopting means to complex socium (¹ 5 2014)
Zarubina N.N.
Mutual respect in everyday life of Russians (¹ 3 2014)
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