About the Authors
Trubitsyn D.V.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Transbaikalian State University, Chita, Russia
Articles in journal:
Trubitsyn D.V.
Spatial Potential of Russia – Another Reason Not to Change Anything? (¹ 8 2022)
Nefedov S.À.
Rozov N.S.
Trubitsyn D.V.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Russia: From the Past to the Future (round table on the book by B. N. Mironov) (¹ 3 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Capitalism and the Weberiana in Russia: Revisiting the Possibilities of Verstehende Sociology. Part 2. An Apology for Capitalism (¹ 2 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Capitalism and the Weberiana in Russia: Revisiting the Possibilities of Understanding Sociology. Part 1. A Critique of the Weberiana (¹ 1 2022)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Comprehending Russia and the World: Concerning a Failed Sociological Study (about “Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist`s View”, the book by P. I. Smirmov) (¹ 7 2020)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Culture Does Matter? À Critique of the Russian Weberiana in the Modernization Issue (¹ 6 2020)
Trubitsyn D.V.
«Agreement-based» Russia and «Serf» Russia: Sociologizing a Historical Conception (¹ 6 2019)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Macrohistory: criticism of the sociology in the long run (¹ 2 2018)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Sociological keys to the secrets of resource curse (¹ 5 2016)
Trubitsyn D.V.
Resources and territorial factors of Eastern societies modernization – a comparative historical analysis (¹ 6 2014)
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