About the Authors
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
The Problem of Scientific Personnel Certification: Universal Rules and Diversity of Complexities (¹ 5 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 2 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 1 2024)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Russian Sociologists on the 20th ISA Congress: Reflexing a Discussion (¹ 12 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Universal Basic Income as a Tool to Combat Inequality in Modern Russia (¹ 7 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 7 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 5 2023)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Books in brief (¹ 4 2023)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Theoretical Sociology in Russia: State, Problems, Prospects (The 23th Kharchev Readings) (¹ 1 2022)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Problems of the Caucasus Modernization (¹ 12 2020)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
On Problems of Caucasus Modernization (¹ 11 2019)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Humanitarian and Socio-Political Issues of Caucasus Modernization (¹ 9 2018)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
V International scientific conference in Magas (¹ 10 2017)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Levchenko N.V.
Rogovaya À.V.
A conference in Ingushetiya state University (¹ 11 2016)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Integratsiya migrantov: kontseptsii i praktiki (Migrants’ integration: conceptions and pracitces) reviewed by E.K. Byizhanova (¹ 12 2015)
Biyzhanova E.Ê.
Rogovaya À.V.
Second international political science forum II “Russian Caucasus” (¹ 1 2015)
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