About the Authors
Dulina N.V.
Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Prof., Head of the Department «History, culture and sociology», Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia
Articles in journal:
Dulina N.V.
Ikingrin E.N.
Ìansurov V.À.
Youth of Russia about the Great Patriotic War (¹ 5 2020)
Dulina N.V.
Zvonovskiy V.B.
Tokarev V.V.
Sociological and market research industry in Russia: position, dynamic, prognosis (¹ 12 2017)
Dulina N.V.
Pronina E.I.
Results of the 9th Congress of the Russian Society of Sociologists (¹ 4 2017)
Dulina N.V.
Kargapolova E.V.
Between decelerated growth and regions modernization: Southern Federal District (¹ 3 2015)
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