About the Authors
Dudina V.I.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Articles in journal:
Dudina V.I.
Sociology Meets Epidemiology: Social Contagion Research in Search of Theoretical Basis (¹ 10 2024)
Dudina V.I.
How Health Activism is Changing Society (¹ 12 2023)
Dudina V.I.
Conceptualizing Social Agency in Unstable Society: Between Micro and Macro Levels (¹ 11 2022)
Dudina V.I.
“Reassembling Sociology”: Digital Turn and Searching for New Theoretical Optics (¹ 11 2021)
Dudina V.I.
From Panopticon to Panspectron: Digital Data and Transformation of Surveillance Regimes (¹ 11 2018)
Dudina V.I.
Strategies of metatheorizing in sociology (¹ 12 2017)
Dudina V.I.
Digital data potentialities for development of sociological knowledge (¹ 9 2016)
Dudina V.I.
Sociological knowledge in the context of information technologies development (¹ 6 2015)
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