About the Authors
Kuchenkova A.V.
Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Senior Lecturer, Russian State University for the Humanities, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Subjective Well-Being: the Problem of Analyzing Population Qualitative Heterogeneity (part 2) (¹ 5 2024)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Subjective Well-Being: the Problem of Analyzing Population Qualitative Heterogeneity (Part 1) (¹ 4 2024)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability (¹ 10 2023)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
The Demand for the “Typological Turn” in Empirical Sociology (¹ 7 2022)
Tatarova G.G.
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Subjective Well-Being at Work: Research Practices of Sociological Measurement (¹ 10 2021)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Methodological Issues on the Pages of the Journal “Sociological Studies” (2000–2018) (¹ 7 2020)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Secondary Employment in the Context of Precarization on the Russian Labor Market (¹ 9 2019)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Tatarova G.G.
«Life-cycle Stage» as a Determinant of Personal Subjective Wellbeing (¹ 8 2019)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Russian intelligentsia and institutions: trust or alienation? (¹ 10 2017)
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Indicators of subjective well-being as characteristics for typology building (¹ 10 2016)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Transcending Eurasian territories: administering, comprehending, identities (¹ 4 2016)
Kuchenkova A.V.
Interpersonal trust in Russian society (¹ 1 2016)
Kitaitseva O.V.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Trust and individualism in world-views of contemporary youth in Eastern Europe (¹ 12 2014)
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