About the Authors
Gurko T.A.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Leader Scientific Researcher, Institute of Sociology FCTAS Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Gurko T.A.
Trends and Social Reasons of Living Alone (¹ 5 2024)
Gurko T.A.
Family Factors of Reproductive Behavior (¹ 12 2023)
Gurko T.A.
Dynamics of Indicators of Development and Well-Being of Adolescents in Various Types of Families (¹ 10 2022)
Gurko T.A.
Heritage Impossible to Refuse... (¹ 5 2021)
Gurko T.A.
Evolution and Transformation of the Marriage Institution: Analyzing Empirical Indicators (¹ 5 2021)
Gurko T.A.
Relationship Between Parents and Adult Children: Concepts for Analysis (¹ 12 2020)
Gurko T.A.
The Concept of Ambivalence in the Study of Family Relations (¹ 2 2020)
Gurko T.A.
Tarchenko V.S.
Dynamics of Students' Marital Attitudes and Plans (¹ 7 2019)
Gurko T.A.
Formation of the sociology of family in Russia (¹ 6 2018)
Gurko T.A.
New family forms: tendencies of spreading and concepts (¹ 11 2017)
Gurko T.A.
Married couples’ reproductive plans (¹ 9 2014)
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