About the Authors
Ànisimov R.I.
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Ànisimov R.I.
Klimova S.G.
The Lifeworld of Labor Workers: Preferences and Institutional Possibilities (¹ 5 2024)
Ànisimov R.I.
Dynamics of Employment in Russia (2018 – mid-2023) (¹ 1 2024)
Ànisimov R.I.
Working Hours and Social Guarantees of the Precariat (a Comparative Analysis) (¹ 11 2022)
Ànisimov R.I.
On Updating the Data in the Article (¹ 1 2020)
Ànisimov R.I.
Precarious Employment in Russia: Specifying Major Indicators (¹ 9 2019)
Ànisimov R.I.
Labor in the uncertainty epoch (¹ 11 2017)
Ànisimov R.I.
Social and economic realities of Russians’ life-worlds under conditions of liberal reformations (a comparative analysis of 1990 and 2012 surveys data) (¹ 8 2015)
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