About the Authors
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher, Head of the Ñentre at the Institute of Economics of RAS, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
The Formation of a New World Order: Challenges for Russian Social Science (¹ 6 2024)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Request for Global Dialogue (Notes From the XX World Sociological Association Congress) (¹ 12 2023)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Unipolarity, Multipolarity and Bipolar Coalitions. XXI Century (¹ 10 2022)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
False Theoretical Synthesis – the Brake of Real Practice (Methodological Notes on the Dissolution of the USSR) (¹ 12 2021)
Gofman A.Â.
Zalunin V.I.
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Êozlovskiy V.V.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Ovsiannikov A.A.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Titarenko L.G.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Shcherbina V.V.
Theoretical Sociology Abroad and in Russia Today: A ‘Round Table’ (¹ 9 2021)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Sociology and Interdisciplinary Research: Skipping Pages of a Journal Section (¹ 11 2020)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kruglova M.S.
«Society», «State», and Institutional Matrixes: a Case in Interdisciplinary Meso-analysis (¹ 10 2019)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kleiner G.B.
Social forecasting as an interdisciplinary project (¹ 12 2016)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Some problems of contemporary Russian sociological discourse (¹ 3 2016)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Methodological institutionalism and the importance of meso-level of social analysis (¹ 12 2015)
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kuznetsova A.V.
Sen’ko O.V.
Climate and institutional matrices: cross-country analysis (¹ 9 2015)
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