About the Authors
Demidenko S.Yu.
Senior Lecturer, State Academic University for the Humanities; executive secretary (editor), journal “Sociological Studies”, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Role of Peer Review in Raising Quality of Scientific Sociological Knowledge (the case of Sociological Studies) (¹ 10 2024)
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Task of Sociologists is to Bring Order into Chaos (interview with RAS corresponding member M.F. Chernysh) (¹ 7 2024)
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Klimova S.G.
Kozina I.Ì.
Popov A.V.
Strebkov D.O.
Temnitskiy A.L.
Labor in a Changing World: Labor Transformations and the Focus of New Research (round table) (¹ 5 2024)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Education and Professional Realization (¹ 3 2024)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Theoretical Understanding of Social Reality: the 25th Anniversary of Kharchev Readings (¹ 9 2023)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Sociology in Search for Identity (inteview with N.V. Romanovskiy) (¹ 5 2023)
Romanovskiy N.V.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The New Social Reality (On the XXIV A. Kharchev' Readings) (¹ 1 2023)
Demidenko S.Yu.
To the Problem of Activating the Human Potential of NEET-youth (¹ 12 2022)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Forward to the Past? (about A.V. Shipilov's book) (¹ 9 2022)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Society in Russia: Contradictions of State Youth Policy (¹ 5 2022)
Damie V.V.
Degtyarev A.Ya.
Inozemtzev V.L.
Kononov I.F
Lapin N.I.
Levashov V.K.
Makarenko V.P.
Oleinik A.N.
Òrofimova I.N.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Latov Yu.V.
The End of the Soviet Era: Estimates from a 30-Year Distance (Round Table) (¹ 12 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Vanke A.V., Polukhina E.V., Strelnikova A.V. How to Collect Data in a Qualitative Field Research. Moscow: VShE, 2020. Reviewed by S.Yu. Demidenko (¹ 9 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Work in a Changing World (¹ 7 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
How Do Mechanisms of Self-Regulation of Life Activity Operate in the Cultural Space of Young People? (¹ 6 2021)
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Sociology as a Variety of Life Experience (Interview with N.E. Pokrovsky) (¹ 3 2021)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Letter to editors (¹ 10 2020)
Zhavoronkov A.V.
Levashov V.K.
Obraztsov I.V.
Rostovtseva L.I.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Òrofimova I.N.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Memory Would Not Subside (Round Table) (¹ 5 2020)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Man and His Work (about the Section on Labor Sociology) (¹ 4 2020)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Employment, Career, Youth Mobility: Institutional and Personal Factors (¹ 2 2020)
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Demidenko S.Yu.
«The Journal Lives, Like All Russian People, Anticipating Serious Changes in the Life of the Country...» (interview with Zh.T. Toshchenko) (¹ 7 2019)
Kliucharev G.A.
Demidenko S.Yu.
«In Our Universities, Sociologists Are not Taught to Theorize» (interview with G.A. Kliucharev) (¹ 7 2019)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth and Its Work: Construction of Labour Biography (¹ 4 2019)
Gorshkov M.K.
Demidenko S.Yu.
The Time of Development and Self-Assertion (¹ 12 2018)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Youth in the labor market (a round table discussion) (¹ 4 2018)
Demidenko S.Yu.
«I try to comprehend the truth...» (interview with N.V. Romanovskiy) (¹ 2 2018)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Russian society: looking to the future (a round-table discussion) (¹ 6 2017)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Russian everyday routines under conditions of crisis: how do we live and feel? (¹ 11 2015)
Demidenko S.Yu.
Sociologist Day (¹ 1 2014)
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