About the Authors
Nefedova T.G.
Dr. Sci. (Geogr.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Geography RAS, Moscow, Russia.
Articles in journal:
Nefedova T.G.
Baskin L.M.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Evolution of Socio-Economic Space in the Local Rural Areas in the Remote Northern Russian (Case of the Manturovsky District of the Kostroma Region) (¹ 12 2021)
Nefedova T.G.
Starikova A.V
Migrations as a Way of Population Adaptation to Polarization of Space at the Center of Russia (¹ 10 2020)
Nefedova T.G.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Intelligentsia in the space of non-urban Russia (¹ 12 2016)
Nefedova T.G.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Treivish A.l.
Urbanization, desurbanization and rural-urban communities in the face of growing horizontal mobility (¹ 12 2015)
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