About the Authors
Låvichåvà V.F.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof. ANPO to promote the development of civil society institutions “Fair World Institute”, Moscow, Russia
Articles in journal:
Låvichåvà V.F.
Dimans S.L.
Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology (¹ 11 2023)
Låvichåvà V.F.
Institutional and Informal Lobbying Practices: the Problem of Separation and Interpretation (¹ 10 2021)
Låvichåvà V.F.
State and problems of the current attestation system in the field of sociological sciences (¹ 7 2016)
Êîvàlåvà À.I.
Låvichåvà V.F.
Lukov Val.A. Teorii molodizhi: mezhdistsiplinarnyiy analiz (Theories of Youth: interdisciplinary analysis). M., 2012 reviewed by Êîvàlåvà À.I., Låvichåvà V.F. (¹ 4 2014)
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