About the Authors
Malinkin A.N.
National research University “Higher school of Economics”
Articles in journal:
Malinkin A.N.
Values: Can Science Study Them? On the History, Theory and Methodology of the Issue (¹ 4 2024)
Malinkin A.N.
N.A. Berdyaev: Strokes to the Portrait of a Social Philosopher (¹ 3 2024)
Malinkin A.N.
Bukharin‘s Sociology Thinking (¹ 12 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
Max Scheler about Russia, its Historical Mission and the Russian Idea (¹ 8 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
About National Ideas of the Great Nations (¹ 8 2022)
Malinkin A.N.
Historical Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Epistemologic and Genealogic Aspects (¹ 5 2020)
Malinkin A.N.
Critique of the Western civilization bases in M. Scheler sociology (¹ 2 2014)
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