About the Authors
Ivanov D.V.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia
Articles in journal:
Andreenkova A.V.
Bulanova Ì.B.
Danilova E.N.
Deviatko I.F.
Zarubina N.N.
Ivanov D.V.
Ladyzhets N.S.
Romanovskiy N.V.
Sokolov M.M.
Tatarova G.G.
Titarenko L.G.
Toshchenko Zh.T.
Shmerlina I.A.
Chernysh M.F.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Theoretical Sociology: Past, Present, Future (round table) (¹ 11 2024)
Ivanov D.V.
The Third Integrative Wave in Sociology’s Development. Part II. Theories and Methods for an Augmented Social Reality (¹ 7 2024)
Ivanov D.V.
The Third Integrative Wave in Sociology. Part I: the Relevance of a New Agenda (¹ 6 2024)
Ivanov D.V.
Asochakov Yu.V.
Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society (¹ 6 2023)
Ivanov D.V.
Grumbling ‘oldies’, Whining ‘youngsters’, and Progress of Sociology (¹ 2 2022)
Ivanov D.V.
New Approach to Assessment of Social Development (¹ 1 2021)
Asochakov Yu.V.
Bogomiagkova E.S.
Ivanov D.V.
New Dimension of Social Development: Activities and Creativity in the Internet Communications (¹ 1 2021)
Ivanov D.V.
Augmented Modernity: Effects of Post-globalization and Post-virtualization (¹ 5 2020)
Boronoev A.O.
Golovin N.A.
Ivanov D.V.
Actualizing Sociological Theory (25th Anniversary of the “Problems of Theoretical Sociology” Series) (¹ 1 2020)
Ivanov D.V.
Jurgen Habermas’ Post-marxism and Dialectics of Social Development (¹ 6 2019)
Ivanov D.V.
Metatheorizing trend in the current sociology (¹ 11 2017)
Ivanov D.V.
Asochakov Yu.V.
Social future in the perspective of dialectical theory (¹ 8 2016)
Ivanov D.V.
New configurations of inequality and flow structures of glam-capitalism (¹ 6 2016)
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