About the Authors
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Herzen State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Articles in journal:
Rubtcova M.V.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Leont’eva T.V., Shchetinina A. V. Dictionary of Actual Vocabulary of Unity and Enemy in the Russian Language of the Early 21-st Century. Yekaterinburg: Azhur, 2021. Reviewed by Ì.V. Rubtsova, N.A. Martianova (¹ 2 2022)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Between the Material and the Spiritual: Social Andrology of the City (¹ 6 2019)
Vorontsov A.V.
Okladnikova E.A.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Homo Eurasicus: in Urban and Rural Landscapes (¹ 4 2019)
Rubtcova M.V.
Ìàrtianova N.À.
Cribb A., Gewirtz Sh. Professionalism. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2015 is reviewed by Ì.V. Rubtsova, N.À. Ìàrt’yanova (¹ 7 2016)
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