About the Authors
Ìansurov V.À.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia.
Articles in journal:
Shirokalova G.S.
Ìansurov V.À.
Peculiarities of RSS-2024 Research Project “Family and Students” (¹ 10 2024)
Àbramov R.N.
Ìansurov V.À.
Moskovskaya A.A.
Popova I.P.
Startseva N.N.
Yurchenko Î.V.
Yarskaya-Smirnova Ye.R.
Sociology of Professions – Situation and Prospects (Round Table) (¹ 8 2024)
Ìansurov V.À.
Popova I.P.
“Sociologists are Rooted for the whole Society in their Country...” (interview with V.A. Mansurov) (¹ 8 2022)
Ìansurov V.À.
Ivanova E.Yu.
The 6th All-Russian Sociological Congress (¹ 5 2022)
Ìansurov V.À.
Semenova A.V.
The Image of the Modern Russian Engineer: a Content Analysis of Academic Publications (¹ 3 2022)
Dulina N.V.
Ikingrin E.N.
Ìansurov V.À.
Youth of Russia about the Great Patriotic War (¹ 5 2020)
Golenkova Z.T.
Ìansurov V.À.
Popova I.P.
International Cooperation in Institute of Sociology: from the 1970s to the late 2000s (¹ 12 2018)
Ìansurov V.À.
Pronina E.I.
Yuryev P.S.
Continuing Tradition: The Anniversary of SSA/ RSS (¹ 9 2018)
Ìansurov V.À.
Yurchenko Î.V.
Dynamics of professional altruism interpretations (the case of preschool educators) (¹ 9 2016)
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