About the Authors
Kondrashov P.N.
Doc. Sci. (Philos.), Leading Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Articles in journal:
Kondrashov P.N.
Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect (¹ 3 2023)
Kondrashov P.N.
From the Market Society to the Rental Societ (¹ 3 2021)
Kondrashov P.N.
Post-capitalism as a Social Inter/trans-formation (¹ 2 2020)
Kondrashov P.N.
What ideology is necessary for Russia and whether it is necessary? (About the book «Russia in Search of Ideologies: the Transformation of Value Regulators of Modern Societies») (¹ 10 2018)
Kondrashov P.N.
Post-fordism: coming synthesis of feudalism and fordism or just moments in economics of the global center? (about the book “Post-Fordism: concepts, institutions, practices”) (¹ 11 2016)
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