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Articles in journal:
POPKOV Yu.V. is 70! (¹ 12 2024)
Congratulations to O.V. Kryshtanovskaya (¹ 11 2024)
O. I. Karpukhin (¹ 11 2024)
Congratulations to O. V. Aksenova (¹ 9 2024)
Congratulations to A.Yu. Chepurenko (¹ 9 2024)
S.A. Kravchenko is 75! (¹ 8 2024)
Rybakovsky L.L. (¹ 6 2024)
Narbut N.P. is 75! (¹ 2 2024)
Doktorov B.
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N. (¹ 1 2024)
Levashov V.K. is 75 (¹ 12 2023)
Buzgalin A.V. (¹ 11 2023)
Kondrashov P.N. (¹ 11 2023)
Zborovsky G.E. is 85 (¹ 9 2023)
Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova (¹ 9 2023)
Krasin Yu.A. (¹ 9 2023)
Congratulations to V.V. Gavrilyuk (¹ 8 2023)
Yu.R. Vishnevsky is 85! (¹ 3 2023)
Konstantinovsky D.L. is 85! (¹ 10 2022)
Semenov E.V. is 70! (¹ 10 2022)
Isaev K.I. is 85! (¹ 9 2022)
Mansurov V.A is 85! (¹ 8 2022)
Nagornyy V.G. (¹ 7 2022)
L.Ia. Rubina (¹ 6 2022)
Fayzullin F.S. is 80 (¹ 5 2022)
Efendiev A.G. is 75 (¹ 5 2022)
Tolstova Yu.N. (¹ 4 2022)
Markin V.V (¹ 4 2022)
OBRAZTSOV I.V. is 60 (¹ 1 2022)
Lapin N.I. (¹ 1 2022)
Ryvkina R.V. (¹ 11 2021)
Tikhonov A.V. (¹ 10 2021)
Volkov Yu.G. is 75! (¹ 10 2021)
Antonov A.I. is 85! (¹ 9 2021)
Kolomiets V.P. is 70! (¹ 6 2021)
Khagurov A.A. is 85! (¹ 6 2021)
A.V. Zhavoronkov is 80! (¹ 5 2021)
L.S. Rzhanitsyna (¹ 4 2021)
Rybakovsky L.L. is 90! (¹ 4 2021)
Molevich E.F. is 90! (¹ 4 2021)
Vorontsov A.V. is 80! (¹ 4 2021)
N.I. Driakhlov (¹ 3 2021)
E.M. Babosov is 90! (¹ 2 2021)
V.V. Petukhov (¹ 2 2021)
Congratulations to P.M. Kozyreva (¹ 1 2021)
R.A. Ubaidullaeva (¹ 1 2021)
Gorshkov M.K. is 70! (¹ 12 2020)
A.V. Lubskiy (¹ 12 2020)
G.F. Shafranov-Kutsev (¹ 11 2020)
S.S. Frolov (¹ 11 2020)
Zhabskiy M.I. is 80! (¹ 10 2020)
Petukhov V.V. is 70! (¹ 10 2020)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N. – Congratulations (¹ 9 2020)
Fetisov E.N. (¹ 9 2020)
Lukov V.A. (¹ 8 2020)
A.S. Kapto (¹ 5 2020)
Karimova A.B. (¹ 4 2020)
Khaliy I.A. (¹ 4 2020)
Magaril S.A. (¹ 3 2020)
P.P. Velikiy is 85! (¹ 2 2020)
Shanin T. (¹ 2 2020)
E.I. Kukushkina (¹ 1 2020)
S.I. Grigoriev (¹ 12 2019)
Tikhonov A.V. is 80! (¹ 10 2019)
Golenkova Z.T. – Congratulations (¹ 9 2019)
Semenov Yu.I. Is 90! (¹ 9 2019)
Kravchenko S.A. is 70 (¹ 8 2019)
The Universe of Ovsey I. Shkaratan (¹ 8 2019)
V.I. Mukomel is 70! (¹ 6 2019)
V.K. Levashov is 70! (¹ 12 2018)
Congratulations to M.A. Shabanova (¹ 12 2018)
Zborovsky G.E. is 80 (¹ 9 2018)
Shafranov-Kutsev G.F. is 80 (¹ 9 2018)
A.V. DMITRIEV (¹ 9 2018)
G.N. SOKOLOVA (¹ 9 2018)
Semenov S.N. is 80! (¹ 6 2018)
Igitkhanian E.D. (¹ 6 2018)
Yanitsky Î.N. is 85! (¹ 3 2018)
Vishnevsky Yu.R. is 80! (¹ 3 2018)
Korotkova T.N. (¹ 3 2018)
Romanovsky N.V. is 80! (¹ 2 2018)
Konstantinovsky D.L. is 80! (¹ 12 2017)
Introducing an article
Sociological Studies
9 2019
Gallyamov R.R.
Kuznetsova Yu.A.
The Quality of Medical Care in a Russian Region: a Comparative Analysis of «Subjective» Indicators
The article text
Àðõèâ æóðíàëà çà 2014-2000 ãã.