About the Authors
Bocharov V.Yu.
Cand. Sci. (Sîciol.), Assoc. prof., Assoc. Researcher, Samara National Research University, Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS, Samara, Russia.
Articles in journal:
Bessokirnaya G.P.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Demidenko S.Yu.
Klimova S.G.
Kozina I.Ì.
Popov A.V.
Strebkov D.O.
Temnitskiy A.L.
Labor in a Changing World: Labor Transformations and the Focus of New Research (round table) (¹ 5 2024)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Labor Relations Differentiation in a Modern High-Tech Enterprise (à case study) (¹ 5 2024)
Gavriliuk Ò.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Pogodaeva T.V.
Typological Groups of First-Year Students by Educational Strategies in Conditions of Individual Learning Trajectories (¹ 11 2023)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Humans in the Information Society: Continuation of the Discourse (¹ 8 2023)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Klimova S.G.
Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Employeesin Modern Conditions (¹ 7 2023)
Valiakhmetov R.M.
Bocharov V.Yu.
The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia (¹ 4 2023)
Bocharov V.Yu.
Changing Approaches to the Studying of Labor Relations in Russian Sociology (¹ 7 2022)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Human in the Information Society (¹ 11 2021)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Sociology and Social Work: Current Educational and Scientific Research Practices (¹ 4 2020)
Avdoshina N.V.
Bocharov V.Yu.
Kolesnik N.V.
Social Aspects of Production Modernization in Russia (¹ 8 2019)
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