Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
The first steps
No 4-2016
Îvetchkina Ya.V.
The lifestyle of representatives of the downshifters’ internet community
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Shabalina O.A.
“Soviet” private diaries: experience of qualitative research
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Sakaeva Ì.Ì.
Businessmen in representatives state bodies of Russian Regions: Numbers and incomes for entrepreneurial activity
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No 2-2015
Vinogorova N.À.
Regional aspects of social protection of orphans
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Levchenko N.V.
Russian animal protectors who are they and how they act?
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No 10-2014
Gol’man Å.À.
Development of ideas about body practices in social science
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Ìironova À.À.
Intergenerational solidarity of relatives in Russia
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No 1-2014
Erofeeva M.A.
Relativist program in sociology. From everyday life to the new ontology of social world
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Dokuka S.V.
Practices of using on-line social networks
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Zemnukhova L.V.
Professional community of IT-sphere workers: networks aspect
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