Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
Methodology and methods of sociological research
No 8-2016
Savinskaya O.B.
Istomina А.G.
Larkina Т.Yu.
Кruglova К.D.
Conceptual ideas of mixed methods research: stages of development and current debates
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Rykov Yu.G.
Koltsova O.Yu.
Meylakhs P.A.
Structure and Functions of Online Communities: Network Mapping of HIV-relevant groups in SNS.
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No 6-2016
Semenova V.V.
Subjective social mobility: perspective of qualitative approach
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Oberemko O.A.
Elementary explanations for the volunteering in Russian context and Russian language
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No 3-2016
Burrows R.
Savage M.
After the crisis? Big data and the methodological challenges of empirical sociology
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Maltseva A.V.
Shilkina N.E.
Mahnitkina O.V.
Data mining sociology: experience and outlook for research
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No 10-2016
Tatarova G.G.
Kuchenkova A.V.
Indicators of subjective well-being as characteristics for typology building
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Maltseva A.V.
Shilkina N.E.
Mahnitkina O.V.
Social structure and social stratification of society: empirical indicators
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No 1-2016
Myagkov A.Yu.
Unmatched count technique: experience of experimental testing
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Volkov V.V.
Skougarevskiy D.A.
Titaev K.D.
Problems and prospects for studies based on Big Data (the case of sociology of law)
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Rubtcova M.V.
Vasilieva E.A.
Conceptualization and operationalization of notion “trust” for applied sociological research
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No 7-2015
Dolgaeva E.I.
Krylova V.V.
Popular complaints against authorities: what remains beyond quantitative measurement
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Golovashina О.V.
Civil identity of a Russian: associative experiment using visual intermediaries
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No 6-2015
Nechitailo I.S.
Opportunities and prospects for the use of certain situational tests in empirical sociology
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Kintcharova A.V.
Sokolov M.M.
Research practices of Russian sociologists
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No 10-2015
Rogozin D.M.
Biographic method: review
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Saveliev Yu.B.
Cohort analysis and the issue of delimitating components of social changes: method of linear trend de-composition
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No 5-2014
Oleinik A.N.
Collection, aggregation and processing of qualitative data
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Miasnikov S.A.
Rotmistrov A.N.
On measuring political paternalism: methodic and application results
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Shestopal Ye.B.
Sociological surveys and electoral forecasts – methodic aspects
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