Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
17th A. Kharchev readings
No 9-2015
Kirdina-Chandler S.G.
Kuznetsova A.V.
Sen’ko O.V.
Climate and institutional matrices: cross-country analysis
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Ambarova P.A.
Zborovsky G.Å.
At the intersection of science and sociological knowledge: experiences in researching a problem
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Popov Å.À.
Mathematization and ontologization of sociology in perspective of interdisciplinary interaction
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No 8-2015
Tolstova Yu.N.
Sociology and computer technologies
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Êorytnikova N.V.
Online Big Data as a source of analytic information in online research
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Zhuravleva Å.Yu.
Sociology in digital environment: towards digital social research
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No 10-2015
Lubskiy A.V.
Interdisciplinary research: cognitive ‘fashion’ or social ‘challenge’
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Tolstova Yu.N.
Mathematical methods as factors linking natural with social and humanitarian sciences (sociology)
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Kravchenko S.A.
Salygin V.I.
A new synthesis of scientific knowledge: the making of interdisciplinary science
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