Rubrics List
Articles in Rubric:
Social structure. Social policies
No 7-2018
Lyapin A.A.
Founding the Baikal Ecological Movement at Irkutsk And Ulan-Ude: Prehistory, Participants and Goals
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Michalska-Zyla A.
Stolbov V.P.
The Interdependence of Quality of Life and Resources of Social Capital
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Demirel Y.
Sadykova G.F.
The Impact Of Social Support On Citizenship Behavior
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No 10-2018
Rzhanitsyna L.S.
Poor in Moscow: Methods of Measurement, Social Policy Measures
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Shestopal Ye.B.
Seleznyova A.V.
Socio-Cultural Threats and Risks in Contemporary Russia
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Andreenkova A.V.
Stability and Change in Social Attitudes of Russians and Europeans in 2002–2016s
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Andreeva Ju.V.
Lukyanova E.L.
Working Class in Search of New Dimensions of Differentiation
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No 9-2017
Nemirovsky V.G.
Justice concept in the context of the estate social structure of contemporary Russian society
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Erofeeva P.A.
Cross-sector transitions in careers of employees in the Russian third sector
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Kazakova G.M.
“The vernacular area” as condition for the intensification of social processes
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No 8-2017
Dadaeva T.M.
Spiridonova K.M.
On the sidelines of life: marginality phenomenon in the urban environment
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Shlakov A.V.
Vagabondage as social phenomenon
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No 2-2017
Volkov Yu.G.
Solidary activity in Russian society: creative practice
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Klimova S.G.
Meanings and practices of degovernmentalization of social services
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Dolgorukova I.V.
Kirilina T. Yu.
Mazaev Yu.N.
Yudina T.N.
Social anxiety and social fears of Russia’s population: sociological dimension
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No 12-2017
Latova N.V.
Dynamics and factors of life satisfaction of russians (1997–2017)
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Starosta P.Y.
Bzezinski K.V.
Stolbov V.P.
The structure of social trust in postindustrial cities of Central and Eastern Europe
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No 1-2017
Korneeva I.E.
Minnigaleeva G.A.
Charitable activities of older Russians: results of empirical study
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Kozyreva P. M.
Smirnov A.I.
Russian pensioners in conditions of crisis
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No 12-2016
Nefedova T.G.
Nikolaeva U.G.
Pokrovsky N.Ye.
Intelligentsia in the space of non-urban Russia
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Efendiev A.G.
Balabanova E.S.
Sorokin P.S.
Social institutions: an analysis of social changes in Belgorod oblast
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Pevnaya M.V.
Managing Russian volunteers’ efforts: essence and contradictions
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